DO NOW MONDAY August 29th Use dimensional analysis to determine how many days are in 500,000 seconds?
500,000 seconds = _________ days
PLAN Use the metric conversions chart to convert between metric units. Use dimensional analysis as an alternate method to convert metric units. DO Finish dimensional analysis Metric and Dimensional Analysis Learning Check Data Analysis Pre-Test
DO NOW TUESDAY August 30th Begin your Metric/Dimensional Analysis Quiz. Show your work on the dimensional analysis questions (on the back of the sheet if necessary) When finished, turn your quiz over and copy the data table on page 22 of your journal.
PLAN Use the metric conversions chart to convert between metric units. Use dimensional analysis as an alternate method to convert metric units. DO Metric/Dimensional Analysis Quiz/Learning Check Begin Gummi Bear Lab Guidance Lesson
Copy this data table in your journal on page 22. Gummi Bear Lab Day Color Length Width Thickness Volume Mass Density 1 2
Write your hypothesis below your data table.
DO NOW WEDNESDAY August 31st Paste the ½ sheet given to you in your journal on page 23 and write these notes below it. Parts of a Correct Data Table: Title including independent and dependent variables Independent variable on left side and dependent variable on right side. Headings on all columns Units of measurements included in headings ONLY
PLAN DO Make inferences based on various data tables and graphs. Complete Gummi Bear Lab Make graphs of data Handout: Analyze data tables and graphs
abel x and y axes (include units of measurement) Copy this information on to page 24 of your journal. itle (The Effect of the (independent variable) on the (dependent variable) xes (x and y) abel x and y axes (include units of measurement) ey (if necessary) cale (numbers on each axis)
Gummi Bear Lab Make 6 bar graphs on the graph paper provided to you. (Graph all dependent variables except color.) Reminders: A good graph TALKS. DRY MIX 2. Use the rulers and crayons. The expectation is that the bar graphs are HIGH QUALITY. 3. Finished? Turn in to front table. Pick up handout on table and begin answering the questions.
DO NOW THURSDAY September 1st Which kind of music do most students prefer? Which kinds of music make up a total of 25% of the students’ preference? If there are 750 students at this school, how many students prefer alternative?
PLAN Identify the observation, hypothesis, experiment, and conclusion components in a lab experiment. Describe and give examples of independent and dependent variables. Use the metric conversion chart to convert metric units. Use dimensional analysis as an alternate method to convert metric units. Make inferences based on various data tables and graphs. DO Turn in Gummi Bear graphs Study guide/review for test Handout: Data Analysis (9 questions)
DO NOW, Friday September 2nd Make your own hypothesis for the following problem. Be sure to write your hypothesis in the correct format. Problem: What will happen to the length of a spring as more mass is added?
PLAN Identify the observation, hypothesis, experiment, and conclusion component in a lab experiment. Identify the variables in an experiment. DO Perform Spring Lab Analysis (Graph) and Conclusion Complete Data Analysis WS and/or work on Study guide for test next week
Expectations: Work only with your group. Treat all lab materials with respect Clean up stations and return materials when finished GROUP/LAB WORK Be respectful to all group/lab members All members are expected to do their job and contribute to the activity
Spring Lab Jobs Assignments Get/Return materials/Obtain different spring from other groups Hold dowel rod/Record data Measure length of spring
DO NOW WEDNESDAY September 7th Which score was received by the most students? How many students received this score? How many students are represented in this histogram?
THURSDAY September 8th
PLAN Identify the observation, hypothesis, experiment, and conclusion component in a lab experiment. Identify the variables in an experiment. Analyze and interpret data tables and graphs. DO Design an experiment using the scientific method.
Lab Expectations Work with your group only. Speak respectfully. Treat each other and lab materials with respect. Contribute positively at all times during the design process and experiment. Do your part to help your group.
Design an Experiment Experiment should include the following in this order: Title Problem (question) Hypothesis Materials Independent variable Dependent variable Constants Control (if necessary) Procedures (detailed, specific) Data table
DO NOW What is the Title?
How many deaths occur due to accidents and trauma each year? DO NOW How many deaths occur due to accidents and trauma each year? Can you predict the number of deaths that are the result of cancers and tumors for the next ten years? Explain.
Line Graphs Make a line graph from the following data and fill in the missing numbers using interpolation and extrapolation. (Remember, a good graph TALKS.) Weight (lbs) Length of Spring (in) 8 2 12 4 ?? 5 18 6