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Presentation transcript:


Presented by The Implementation of Digital Technology for Automation of Teaching Processes Stefan Svetsky, Oliver Moravcik Slovak University of Technology - Faculty of Materials Science and Technology - Trnava - Slovak Republic Presented by

State-of-the-art The Implementation of Digital Technology for computer support of teaching and learning processes - still a large challenge for ICT actual level of human-computer interaction - does not enable teachers or students to support the educational processes and automate them in a way that is natural for humans user-friendly solutions in natural language - are missing crucial problem of any automation: - teaching and learning processes : are characterized by a continuous knowledge flow between teachers and students - knowledge : is closely linked to mental processes of humans, which are by they nature uncertain and characterized by use of unstructured data - the state-of-the-art is prevailing by technology-driven approaches more centered on how to create a technological infrastructure or tools, and how to have access to data on the internet, rather than how to process the knowledge flow from a teacher's point of view, any computer support is more about processes, how to computerize teaching in the classroom, communication, feedback, how to write student works, the creation of teaching texts, and hundreds of other issues respectively. More sophisticated IT solutions and an innovative approach for knowledge abstraction and representation are needed The Implementation of Digital Technology for Automation of Teaching Processes

… any suitable interdisciplinary definition of knowledge is missing Basically, the actual technology-enhanced learning (educational technology) is mostly focused on content acquisition, processing and management; virtual learning environments; learning analytics, educational data mining There is an absence of such approaches, which are based on human knowledge processing and exchange between machines and humans within knowledge based processes Knowledge represents an interdisciplinary issue - there are many terminological mistakes in scientific literature, because knowledge has different meanings in Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge Management, Information Technology, Education / Didactics/, Teaching and Learning, Psychology, Philosophy, between common People … any suitable interdisciplinary definition of knowledge is missing

Our approach Within our empirical participatory action research on technology-enhanced learning the issue knowledge is understood as a key element of any automation of human knowledge processing - in this context, teaching is considered as a typical knowledge based process. We have developing own educational software which uses „virtual knowledge unit“ (a specific data structure) and batch knowledge processing paradigm Teacher and students input their human knowledge into this virtual knowledge unit in natural language, that is controlled by the all-in-one software So, the transfer of knowledge between hardware and software systems (cloud, classroom computers, students’ notebooks, wifi, networks) is performed via the knowledge unit (it is also covered by the utility model). Such approach enables the human knowledge exchange between machines and humans in natural language (because the knowledge is machine redable) Human Computer Interaction is based on Virtual Knowledge Unit and Natural Language Processing 5

Schema of the teacher’s personalised computer support The processing of the flow of human knowledge from the various sources to teaching

EXAMPLES:The schema of the modelling Learning Analytics (FP7 Proposal KEPLER) In our LA approach the human knowledge (students, teacher) is used directly from the teaching process (not from internet logs, etc.) 7

EXAMPLES: How to write to Wpad and covert it to html-format The Implementation of Digital Technology for Automation of Teaching Processes - Wpad (BIKEE)

EXAMPLES: online multilingual support modeling Online outputs: Screenshot from a multilingual support page (one can see the embeded search engine for EU project calls) 9 ) A

EXAMPLES: Creation of the virtual calculation area (electrochemistry) Online outputs: Screenshots representing the ceation of calculation area (a php code in the Wpad and how is it made for students) 10 ) A

The Implementation of Digital Technology for EXAMPLES: Creation of teaching material for C++ (combined offline/online teaching) and example of the embeding teaching material into the communication channel Example of the C++ code in Wpad from the clasroom – one of the menu items enables one the direct launching and working in the IDE of Bloodshed DEV-C++ software In the communication channel the teaching material is embeded, e.g. hand made schema for Chemistry The Implementation of Digital Technology for Automation of Teaching Processes 11 ) A

EXAMPLES: Selfstudy of French (algorithm) SAMOŠTÚDIUM Toto je aplikácia pre kultúrne dedičstvo (šablona): Vstup: Mám výbornú knižku Francúzština pre samoukov z predinternetového obdobia a chcem si z nej vybrať 2 strany, kde sú zhrnuté vzory časovania a mať to k dispozícii na internete Postup: Algoritmus tvorby aplikácie pre SAMOŠTÚDIUM Obe strany knihy som zoskenoval So softvérom na OCR prekonvertoval obrázok na text (vznikne napr. súbor taislova.txt) Natiahnem taislova.txt do Zápisníka (WPad) a pomocou užívateľského menu spracujem v samostatnej tabuľke ako potrebujem Stlačím CTRL-F1 a tabuľka sa prekonvertuje do html-súborov, ktoré mi automaticky otvorí prehliadačInternet Explorer, Firefox, Google chrome (nastavený v PC) Súbory prenesiemz osobného počítača so súborovým manažerom na server UIAM, resp .tam kde mám WEB-ovské stránky ,alebo aj na USB kľúč, mobil a pod. Čítam si to z internetu doma, v zahraničí, kdekoľvek, keď to potrebujem naštudovať alebo z notebooku, mobilu,... EXAMPLES: Selfstudy of French (algorithm) The Implementation of Digital Technology for Automation of Teaching Processes

Human sources are inputed to personal corpuses created EXAMPLES: Research on modeling a multilingual support by designing personal corpuses for the materials science and technology area Human sources are inputed to personal corpuses created by the BIKEE/Wpad The source schema: Horizon ICT 17 Proposal PanEULangNet, 2014 13 ) A

Technology-enhanced learning: Any complex computer supported collaborative learning requires in the real practice to solve combined pedagogic (didactic) and informatics research Technology-enhanced learning: Education (Content -Teaching / Learning ) Digital technology (Computers- ICT Tools- HCI: suitability for education) Pedagogical – Didactic approach to: Content + Activities/Methods) ICT approach to: Content + Communication (instructions/codes. feedback, tests, network,...) Teaching and learning activities supported by computers (integrated ICT) Research on TEL at the Faculty of Materials Science and Technology

Personalized Learning Space The Implementation of Digital Technology for Automation of Teaching Processes - I N F R A S T R U C T U R E

There are basically three categories of results in our research: Pedagogical results - unification of content and teaching processes to be computerizable, e.g. research on CSCL methods within modelling the writing semester work; producing shared additional study material directly by students Informatics results - adaptation, personalization, development of IT applications, knowledge transfer via network and cloud, synchronization of blended learning, knowledge base building, the utility model Integrated outputs into daily teaching - the combined off-line working (students‘ computers) and on-line working (personalised learning virtual environment and space with communication channels, tutorials, study material,...) 16 Categories of the results within research on TEL Applications to engineeering bachelors study 16

TEL Applications to engineeering bachelors study Specific comment Teaching practice: knowledge processing for teaching and learning purposes is solved in natural language within a long-term participatory action research on technology-enhanced learning when teaching bachelor students Research outcomes: the technology-driven and educational-driven approach, in-house educational software with a personalized supportive system - personalized learning space, and innovative approach to the abstraction of knowledge represent a complex research issue with daily outputs in the practice, and this was briefly illustrated on examples of some teaching and self-study activities The Invention: The abstraction of the virtual knowledge unit is a part of the registered utility model 7340/2015 in Slovak Patent Office (the patent classification IPC G06F17/30, G06Q 10/10 - in relation to unstructured data processing 17 TEL Applications to engineeering bachelors study 17

Thank you !