Latitude and Longitude Objective: Students will understand how latitude and longitude affect climates.
Vocabulary Hemisphere – half of the Earth Equator – 0 degrees latitude. Divides the Earth into a northern and southern hemisphere. Prime Meridian – 0 degrees longitude. Divides the Earth into a western and eastern hemisphere. Tropic of Cancer – 23.5 degrees N latitude. The sun is directly over the Tropic of Cancer on June 21st which is the summer solstice. Tropic of Capricorn – 23.5 degrees S latitude. The sun is directly over the Tropic of Capricorn on December 21st which is the winter solstice.
Arctic Circle – 66. 5 degrees N latitude Arctic Circle – 66.5 degrees N latitude. No direct sunlight hits Earth north of the Arctic Circle. Antarctic Circle – 66.5 degrees S latitude. No direct sunlight hits Earth south of the Antarctic Circle. Low Latitudes/Tropics – The area of the Earth between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn. This part of Earth receives direct sunlight all year long. Middle Latitudes – In the northern hemisphere, the area between the Tropic of Cancer and the Arctic Circle. In the southern hemisphere, the area between the Tropic of Capricorn and the Antarctic Circle. This part of Earth receives direct and indirect sunlight which causes seasons (along with the Earth’s tilt and revolution). High Latitudes/Polar Zones – In the norhtern hemisphere, the area north of the Arctic Circle. In the southern hemisphere, the area south of the Antarctic Cirlce. These parts of the Earth receive no direct sunlight. It is always cold.
Latitude Zones in Color Latitude Zones by boundary. Characteristics of Latitude Zones.
Some General Rules about Latitude As you move away from the Equator, temperature decreases. As you move away from the Equator, extremes in the number of hours of sunlight increases. For example, on the winter solstice, we only experience about 9 hours of daylight and on the summer solstice, we experience about 15 hours of daylight.
What You Need to Know Major lines of latitude and longitude and why they are important. The Latitude Zones and their characteristics.