Latitude and Longitude Warm-Up Questions What are Latitude and Longitude lines?(DOK 1) What are the numbering systems for each? (DOK 1) How can you use these lines to locate certain points on the Earth’s surface? (DOK 2) Can you name the 7 Continents? (DOK 1)
Latitude Lines Latitude- A distance measured north or south of the Equator on flat lines called parallels. Latitude lines are measured from 0 degrees (The Equator) To 90 degrees North or South (the Poles)
Longitude lines Longitude- A distance measured East or West of the Prime Meridian on vertical lines called meridians. *Longitude lines are numbered From 0 degrees (Prime Meridian) to 180 degrees east and west Until they reach the International Date Line. Video Link
How to Locate Points on the Earth In order to locate a point on the surface of the Earth, you must find 2 numbers. A latitude number will be the 1st number and a longitude number will be the 2nd number. These together will determine a point’s location. Example: 30°N and 90°E means that the 1st number is 30 degrees north of the Equator and the 2nd number is 90 degrees east of the Prime Meridian. If you find where these 2 lines meet, you will have your location!!
Let’s Practice! 1. Which continents are crossed by the 30ºN line? 2. Which continents are crossed by the 30ºS line? 3. Which continents are crossed by the 75ºW Line? 4. Which continents are crossed by the 135ºE line? 5. Name 2 countries on the 45ºN line 6. Name 2 countries on the 45ºS line 7. Name 2 countries on the 45ºE line 8. Name 2 countries on the 45ºW line 9. Which country is crossed by the 45ºW line and the 15ºS line? 10. Which country is crossed by the 105ºE line and the 45ºN line?
Warm-Up #2 1. Can you give me the 2 reasons that we have seasons on Earth? (DOK1) 2. What are the 5 Themes of Geography? (DOK 1) 3. Using at least 3 complete sentences, explain Latitude and Longitude lines and how to use them to find locations on the surface of the Earth…(DOK3)