Latitude and Longitude Maps For thousands of years, people have used maps to define borders and to find places. Cartography is the science of mapmaking. Cartographers use an imaginary grid of parallel lines and vertical lines to locate points on Earth. The equator circles Earth halfway between the north and south poles separating Earth into two equal halves called the northern hemisphere and the southern hemisphere.
1. Latitude a) Lines of latitude are lines parallel to the equator. Latitude and Longitude 1. Latitude a) Lines of latitude are lines parallel to the equator. b) Latitude is the distance in degrees north or south of the equator.
Latitude and Longitude c) Latitude is measured from 0° at the equator to 90° at the poles. Locations north of the equator are referred to by degrees north latitude (N). Locations south of the equator are referred to by degrees south latitude (S).
Latitude and Longitude Each degree of latitude is equivalent to about 111 km on Earth’s surface. To locate positions on Earth more precisely, cartographers break down degrees of latitude into 60 smaller units, called minutes (´). A minute of latitude can be further divided into seconds (´´). Longitude is also divided into degrees, minutes, and seconds.
Latitude and Longitude a) To locate positions in east and west directions, cartographers use lines of longitude, also known as meridians. b) Longitude is the distance in degrees east or west of the prime meridian. c) The prime meridian, representing 0° longitude, is the reference point for longitude.
Latitude and Longitude d) Points west of the prime meridian are numbered from 0° to 180° west longitude (W). e) Points east of the prime meridian are numbered from 0° to 180° east longitude (E).
Latitude and Longitude f) Lines of longitude are not parallel; they are large semicircles that extend vertically from pole to pole. g) The distances covered by degrees of longitude vary with location. h) One degree of longitude varies from about 111 km at the equator to essentially 0 km at the poles.
3. Locating Places with coordinates Latitude and Longitude 3. Locating Places with coordinates Both latitude and longitude are needed to precisely locate positions on Earth. For example, the location of New Orleans is 29°57´N, 90°04´W. c) Note that latitude comes first in reference to the coordinates of a particular location.
3. Locating Places with coordinates Tucson is located at 32.2° N, 110.9 ° W. Now you practice: What city is located at 33.4 ° N, 112.1 ° W? What city is located at 32.7 ° N, 114.6 ° W?
Latitude and Longitude 4. Time Zones a) Because Earth takes about 24 hours to rotate once on its axis, it is divided into 24 time zones, each representing a different hour.
Latitude and Longitude Time Zones b) Each time zone is 15° wide, corresponding roughly to lines of longitude. Time zone boundaries have been adjusted in local areas for convenience. There are six different time zones in the United States.
Time Zones e) Tucson is on Mountain standard time, in time zone -7. Latitude and Longitude Time Zones e) Tucson is on Mountain standard time, in time zone -7.
Latitude and Longitude 5. Calendar Dates Every time zone experiences this transition from one day to the next, with the calendar advancing to the next day at midnight. Each time you travel through a time zone, you gain or lose time, eventually gaining or losing an entire day.
Latitude and Longitude 5. Calendar Dates c) The International Date Line, or 180° meridian, serves as the transition line for calendar days. d) Traveling west across the International Date Line, you would advance your calendar one day. e) Traveling east, you would move your calendar back one day.
Latitude and Longitude Section Assessment f) If it is 10 A.M. in Madagascar, what time is it in Washington, D.C.? It is 2 A.M. in Washington, D.C.
Types of Maps 6. Types of Maps Maps are flat models of a three-dimensional object, Earth. All flat maps distort to some degree the shapes, areas or distances of landmasses. Cartographers use projections to make maps. A map projection is made by transferring points and lines on a globe’s surface onto a sheet of paper.
Crash course map projections (4 min): https://www. youtube. com/watch
A. Mercator Projection (or cylindrical) Types of Maps A. Mercator Projection (or cylindrical) 1) A Mercator projection is a map that has parallel lines of latitude and longitude. 2) In a Mercator projection, the shapes of the landmasses are correct, but their areas are distorted.
Types of Maps B. Conic Projections 1) A conic projection is a map made by projecting points and lines from a globe onto a cone. 2) The cone touches the globe at a particular line of latitude along which there is very little distortion in the areas or shapes of landmasses. 3) Distortion is evident near the top and bottom of the projection.
C. Gnomonic or planar Projections Types of Maps C. Gnomonic or planar Projections 1) A gnomonic projection is a map made by projecting points and lines from a globe onto a piece of paper that touches the globe at a single point. 2) Gnomonic projections distort direction and distance between landmasses. 3) Gnomonic projections are useful in plotting long-distance trips by air or sea.
Types of Maps Gnomonic Projections 4) Great circles are imaginary lines that divide Earth into two equal halves. 5) On a sphere such as Earth, the shortest distance between two points lies along a great circle. 6) Navigators connect points on gnomonic projections to plot great-circle routes.
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