INTERAKSI MANUSIA & KOMPUTER Teknik Informatika STT Wastukancana
Who am I? Meriska Defriani, S.Komp 085215956400 (sms only )
Class Rule Be ON TIME NO SANDAL Silent or Turn Off HP Candy OK, Drink Water OK, NO Heavy Food Update the Task
Persentase Kehadiran 10% Tugas 20% UTS 30% UAS 40%
Range Huruf Mutu >= 75 : A >= 65 - < 75 : B >= 55 - < 65 : C >=45 - < 55 : D <45 : E
Things that don’t work the way you expect How do you open the refrigerator?
Things that don’t work well together
Things that get in your way
Things that are hard to handle
Displays that look like controls
Beberapa bidang studi yang berkaitan dengan Desain Interaksi Ilmu komputer Psikologi Perancangan grafis dan tipografi Ergonomik Liguistik
Bahan bacaan Don’t make me think Guidelines book ^ ^ bisa di-download di
Don’t Make Me Think
How we really use the web?
Facts of life We don’t read pages.We scan them We’re usually in hurry We know we don’t need to read everythings We’re good at it
We don’t make optimal choices. We satisfice We don’t figure out how things work. We muddle through It’s not important to us If we find something that works, we stick to it
So, what must we do? Create a clear visual hierarchy The more important something is, the more prominent it is Things are related logically are also related visually Things are nested visually to show what’s part of what Break up pages into clearly defined areas
Make it obvious what’s clickable Keep the noise down to a dull roar Bussy-ness Background noise Happy talk must die Instruction must die
Navigation and breadcrumb It gives us something to hold on to It tells us what’s here It tell us how to use the site It give us confidence in the people who built it 5 basic elements of navigation Site ID A way home A way to search Section Utilities
Page name Every page has a name The name needs to be in right place The name needs to be prominent The name needs to match what i clicked
Breadcrumbs Show you the path from home page to where you are has best breadcrumbs Put them at the top Use “>” between levels Use tiny type Use the words “you are here” Boldface the last item Don’t use them instead of a page name
Tabs Good tabs They’re self-evident They hard to miss They’re slick They suggest a physical space Good tabs They drawn correctly
They were color coded Ther was a tab selected when you enter the site