© ManagementStudyGuide.com. All rights reserved. N L P Core Skills © ManagementStudyGuide.com. All rights reserved.
© ManagementStudyGuide.com. All rights reserved. Course Objectives Explain What is NLP Explain the Benefits of NLP Describe the Four Pillars of NLP Explain Model, Strategy and Technique Explain NLP Modeling Explain What are Representational Systems Describe the Various Submodality Techniques Explain What are Meta Programs Explain the Reframing Technique Explain the Mirroring and Matching Techniques Describe the Different Satir Categories Explain the Role of Sensory Acuity in NLP Explain What is Anchoring Describe the Various Stages of Learning Explain How Criticism is Handled using NLP © ManagementStudyGuide.com. All rights reserved.
© ManagementStudyGuide.com. All rights reserved. Introduction Howard Gordon is a Project Manager in Helium Inc. He has been facing a lot of problems, both in his as well as professional personal life. with people properly nor communicate He is just not able to them. motivate or influence him. misunderstand People also tend to © ManagementStudyGuide.com. All rights reserved.
© ManagementStudyGuide.com. All rights reserved. Introduction He has gone through a lot of workshops on self-improvement. He also sought guidance from his boss who is a well known and influencer of people. just don’t motivator boss However, the patterns that worked for his work for Howard. for him? work How can Howard find out what would © ManagementStudyGuide.com. All rights reserved.
© ManagementStudyGuide.com. All rights reserved. Introduction Howard can better motivate and influence people if he first understands his own and sub-conscious behavior language patterns. at the himself greater He should first understand achieve in order to sub-conscious level and personal life. in his professional success © ManagementStudyGuide.com. All rights reserved.
© ManagementStudyGuide.com. All rights reserved. Introduction or Neuro Linguistic Programming This is where NLP can prove to be helpful for Howard. and behavior thinking, is the study of our NLP so that we can build sets of language patterns decisions, that work for us in making strategies coaching a team of people, building relationships, balance others, creating motivating inspiring and our way through the day and, negotiating in our lives, above all, learning how to learn. © ManagementStudyGuide.com. All rights reserved.
© ManagementStudyGuide.com. All rights reserved. Introduction or Neuro Linguistic Programming This is where NLP can prove to be helpful for Howard. and behavior thinking, is the study of our NLP so that we can build sets of language patterns Let us learn about NLP Core Skills in detail. decisions, that work for us in making strategies coaching a team of people, building relationships, balance others, creating motivating inspiring and our way through the day and, negotiating in our lives, above all, learning how to learn. © ManagementStudyGuide.com. All rights reserved.
ManagementStudyGuide.com This is a DEMO Course Presentation On – NLP Core Skills. Register Today and Get Access Complete Course Presentations on more than 150 Topics. What Do you Get: View All Courses Online. Download Powerpoint Presentation for Each Course. 100% Editable Presentations.
History of NLP NLP was created in the 1970s at University of Santa Cruz by Richard Bandler and John Grinder. It is a set of psychological tools to improve personal performance. It involves working with the connections between our mental processes and the language we use. It is the study and application of subjective experience, particularly that resulting in excellence. The co-founders of NLP noticed that there were three fundamental characteristics of really effective communicators that were shared by all of the therapists, excellent communicators and influencers that they studied. It is based on linguistics, psychology and communication and has had extensive application in business, education, health, as well as in therapeutic change work. © ManagementStudyGuide.com. All rights reserved.
© ManagementStudyGuide.com. All rights reserved. What is NLP? Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a process of modeling the conscious and unconscious patterns that are unique to each of us in such a way that we are continuously moving towards a higher potential. © ManagementStudyGuide.com. All rights reserved.
© ManagementStudyGuide.com. All rights reserved. NLP Neuro: Neuro is about the mind and how it works. By increasing our awareness of the patterns in our thinking, we can learn how these thought patterns influence the results we are getting in work and in personal life. The key to finding personal and business success comes primarily from within ourselves and learning about how we think, enables us to tap into our inner resources. N © ManagementStudyGuide.com. All rights reserved.
Purpose of NLP NLP is useful to people in many ways such as for: Managing change effectively Overcoming limiting behaviors Communicating better Developing resilience Learning new practical business skills Managing one’s emotional state better Managing oneself better Increasing self awareness NLP is useful to people in many ways such as for: © ManagementStudyGuide.com. All rights reserved.
Four Pillars of NLP Outcome Orientation Sensory Acuity The following are the four pillars of NLP: Rapport is about getting on with and trusted by another person. Outcome Orientation is about knowing what you want and going for and ensuring it is in your control. Sensory Acuity is about tuning into our senses and learning to make finer and more useful distinctions about the information we get from the world. Behavioral Flexibility is about understanding the other’s point of view and how it adds to our ability to be highly effective communicators. Rapport Outcome Orientation Sensory Acuity Behavioral Flexibility © ManagementStudyGuide.com. All rights reserved.
Olfactory and Gustatory Submodality Distinctions Visual Auditory Kinesthetic Olfactory and Gustatory Visual Brightness, size, shape, location, distance, contrast, focus, clarity, movement, speed, perspective, framed/panoramic, orientation, density, transparency, color/black and white. © ManagementStudyGuide.com. All rights reserved.
ManagementStudyGuide.com This is a DEMO Course Presentation On – NLP Core Skills. Register Today and Get Access Complete Course Presentations on more than 150 Topics. What Do you Get: View All Courses Online. Download Powerpoint Presentation for Each Course. 100% Editable Presentations.
© ManagementStudyGuide.com. All rights reserved. In-time - Experiencing Life in the Present A very common type of time line is the ‘In-time’. The type of sorting on this time line is such that a person experiences being in the present moment. Hence, their sense of time passes through their body at some point. Such people have very little awareness of time passing. So, generally some part of the person's history or future is unavailable unless they turn look back into their past. People with this timeline type would be often late for late for appointments because right now is more real than the future, would dislike personal organizers, planning and being accountable for time. Such people would only like to use a simple system like a diary or calendar to remember future events. The good thing about such a timeline is that it creates highly emotional memories. Hence, it is a good way to remember experiences or things you want to remember. It enables spontaneity, flexibility and creativity. Artists usually experience this way of filtering time. It is not very useful in areas where deadlines are involved such as business etc. In-time Thru-time (or through time) © ManagementStudyGuide.com. All rights reserved.
© ManagementStudyGuide.com. All rights reserved. Meta Programs A Meta Program is the individual way in which we each process information. Meta programs refer to a person’s patterns, in relation to the information and other stimuli they are exposed to. They evolve from habituated Meta States. In order to understand Meta Programs, it is crucial that we first understand what they are. A ‘Meta Program’ is something that determines an individual’s frame of mind. © ManagementStudyGuide.com. All rights reserved.
© ManagementStudyGuide.com. All rights reserved. Fundamental Areas of Sensory Acuity Lower lip changes Lower lip changes: Observing the lower lip gives you a lot of information about the person’s inner feelings. Observe the shape, color, size, texture, edges, stretching and movement of the lower lip. Observe the minute changes; create a map of the emotion as per the state of the lower lip. Calibrate the emotions, and compare with other people as well. © ManagementStudyGuide.com. All rights reserved.
Real Life Example John has been facing a lot of problems at work as he is just not able to meet his sales targets. Edward observes a few of John’s interactions with his potential customers. John is a salesman in company retail store of a MNC selling its own brand of mobile Edward notices that whenever a customer asks a question in which John needs to manipulate the truth a little or is not very sure of the answer; John begins to panic. phones. His boss, Edward decides to find out what the problem is. © ManagementStudyGuide.com. All rights reserved.
© ManagementStudyGuide.com. All rights reserved. Uses of NLP in Business NLP is a powerful personal development methodology incorporated into the training of its personnel that help to develop employees that: Demonstrate credibility, integrity, authenticity Communicate clearly 5 Foster creativity and innovation Make people feel valued Are resilient and embrace change 6 Gives people tools to make the personal changes they wish 7 © ManagementStudyGuide.com. All rights reserved.
ManagementStudyGuide.com This is a DEMO Course On – NLP Core Skills. Register Today and Get Access to FREE Courses. What Do you Get: View All Courses Online. Download Powerpoint Presentation for Each Course. Do the Knowledge Checks for Each Course.