Presented by - Aarti Chame DVC Process Technologists, Pune INDIA Critical Issues In Seed Oils Processing Presented by - Aarti Chame DVC Process Technologists, Pune INDIA CONSERVE ENERGY, SAVE ENVIRONMENT
Crude Oil Specifications S.No Specs. Type of Oil Soy Sun. Rapeseed Cottonseed Crude Palm Palm Kernel Coconut 1 FFA content % 1.5 2 5 Phospholipids % 1.5-3 1.2-1.5 2-2.5 0.8- 1 0.08-0.1 3 IV, unit 129-133 110-128 110-126 108-118 50-60 16-19 6-10 4 Gossypol. NA YES Sulphur comp. 6 Trace Metals (Iron), ppm Upto 4 Upto 5 TECHNOLOGY WITH INNOVATION TECHNOLOGY WITH INNOVATION
Critical Points In Processing Seed oils IV is higher. ‘P’ content is higher and so higher levels of NHP Seed oil needs more attention to address the removal of phosphatides while processing. Residual ‘P’ content in oil after processing is responsible for auto oxidation that results in reversion of colour and bad odour to refined oil. Higher IV oils are prone to isomerisation from CIS to TRANS during deodorization at high temperature (>240 deg.C). TECHNOLOGY WITH INNOVATION TECHNOLOGY WITH INNOVATION
Physical Refining (Crude Soya, Corn, Sunflower, Canola Oils) Water Degumming Gum Drying (Lecithin) Pretreatment/Gums Conditioning 30 – 40 mins retention Cool oil below 40 ͦC Caustic lye addition Enzymes addition (option) Enzymatic Degumming 3 – 4 hrs retention Water addition
Bleaching with option of Pretreatment 30 – 40 mins retention followed by re-heating Degumming -II Silica Adsorption Water washing & drying P content 10-12 ppm Bleaching with option of Pretreatment De-acidification & Deodorization- Low Trans De-waxing /Winterization
Chemical Refining 1 (Crude Soya, Corn, Sunflower, Canola Oils) Water Degumming Gum Drying (Lecithin) Pretreatment/Gums Conditioning 30 – 40 mins retention Caustic lye addition 30 – 60 mins retention, followed by re-heating Neutralization Separation Soapstock Acidulation P content <10 ppm Water washing & drying Silica Adsorption Bleaching with option of Pretreatment Deodorization – Low TRANS Winterization
Chemical Refining 2 (Crude Cottonseed oil – For gossypol removal) Pretreatment/Gums Conditioning 30 – 40 mins retention Caustic lye addition 10 – 20 mins retention Degumming/Neutralization Separation Cooling of oil < 45 deg C Caustic lye addition 40 – 60 mins retention, followed by heating Re-refining separation P content <10 ppm Water washing & drying
Bleaching with option of Pretreatment Deodorization- Low TRANS De-waxing /Winterization
Degumming, Neutralization and Water Washing
Critical Points In Bleaching Removal of metal contaminants & residual P-contents – Pre-treatment of oil with acid prior to Bleaching Slurry preparation & Bleaching in single reactor – Compact system - HIBLEACHTM Bleaching chemical carry over to Vacuum system – Mixing must be efficient Wet Bleaching with effective mechanical agitation Ensuring accurate dosing of Bleaching earth – Automated dosing TECHNOLOGY WITH INNOVATION
Pre-treatment (conditioning) and Bleaching
Quality of Feedstock required for Deodorization - Deodorization Techniques Quality of Feedstock required for Deodorization - Test Parameter Unit Deodorization feedstock (Chemical Ref) Deacidification – Deodorization feedstock (Physical Ref) FFA % < 0.5 < 20 Phosphatides as P content ppm < 2 < 5 Moisture volatiles < 0.05 Soap Nil Trace Metals < 0.1 PV mili eq/kg < 1.0 TECHNOLOGY WITH INNOVATION
Deodorization Techniques Stand-alone Vessel Deodorization – KOMPOSITE ™ Deodorization Packed Column Deodorization - PACKD™ Deodorization Low Temperature Deodorization for Low Trans FA content - LOWTRANS™ Deodorization TECHNOLOGY WITH INNOVATION TECHNOLOGY WITH INNOVATION
Deodorization Techniques KOMPOSITE™ Deodorization Regenerative heating, Final heating, Deodorization of oil and Scrubbing of distillates – in one single vessel. Minimal space and time required for installation User-friendly in operations and maintenance Lower Consumption of steam for stripping FFA & Odoriferous matter No splash oil generation Highest FFA recovery Highly energy efficient Scrubbing Final Heating (240-255 degC) Retention @ 240 – 255 degC Regenerative Heating (Deod Oil @ 150-160 deg C)
Deodorization Techniques PACKD™ Deodorization Salient Features – Enhanced surface area created by structured packing for efficient stripping Low stripping steam requirement – 0.8 % for small and medium capacity plants and 0.5 – 0.6 % for large capacity plants. Lower load on vacuum system User friendly for operations and maintenance No splash oil generation Ideal for deodorization of specialty fats PACKD™ Deodorizer TECHNOLOGY WITH INNOVATION TECHNOLOGY WITH INNOVATION
Undesirable actions in Deodorization Undesirable reactions/processes in deodorization are: Polymerization Geometrical Isomerization of fatty acids Loss of tocopherols 3 MCPD and GE esters TECHNOLOGY WITH INNOVATION TECHNOLOGY WITH INNOVATION
Effects of Trans Fats on Human Health Heart Diseases – Increases LDL (bad cholesterol) and decreases HDL (good cholesterol), Clogs arteries leading to increased risk of cardiac arrest three times. Cancer risk – Carcinogenic and interferes with enzymes which fight cancer. Obesity – trans fats accumulate in body Diabetes – interferes with insulin receptors Decreases immunity Reproductive problems – interferes with hormones production TECHNOLOGY WITH INNOVATION
Isomerization of Fatty Acids (FA) – Trans FA TECHNOLOGY WITH INNOVATION
Parameters influencing Isomerization Parameters influencing Isomerization are: - Temperature - Retention time Following study (at 2.5 mm Hg ab) shows weight % of trans isomers of Linoleic acid(trans La) in refined soybean oil: TECHNOLOGY WITH INNOVATION TECHNOLOGY WITH INNOVATION
trans linoleic acid content in final oil weight % of trans isomer 2250C 2250C Retention time in hrs TECHNOLOGY WITH INNOVATION TECHNOLOGY WITH INNOVATION
Deodorization Techniques LOWTRANS™ Deodorization Salient Features – Dual Temperature Deodorization (High and Low) Ideal for High FFA Feedstocks (like RBO) Trans fatty acid isomer content < 0.5% Operating Pressure : 1.0 Torr Optimum Deodorization temperature and retention time combination Efficient stripping in Dual temperature zones Keeps a check on 3 MCPD and GE esters too Stripping in packed column @ high temp 230 - 2450C Regenerative cooling to 210 - 2300C Retention at 210 - 2300C LOWTRANS™ Deodorizer
Feed oil FFA content (in %) DUALSCRUB™ FFA content (in %) Two Stage Scrubbing Maximum separation between FFA and tocopherols streams. No extra processing cost Higher tocopherol yield in alkali refined soybean, sunflower and rapeseed oil. In physical refined oils (crude Rice Bran Oil, crude Palm Oil) FFA content achieved in 2nd stage of scrubbing is: Adds premium value to both the products yielded from the two stages of scrubbing. DUALSCRUB™ can be installed in existing systems too. Feed oil FFA content (in %) DUALSCRUB™ FFA content (in %) 4-5 >92% 5-6 95% 7 and above Upto 98%
Quality of Final Deodorized Oil Test Parameter Unit Deodorization Deacidification – Deodorization FFA % < 0.05 < 0.05 (For Palm Oil PR) Phosphatides as P content ppm < 2 < 5 PV milli eq/kg < 0.1 < 0.25 TECHNOLOGY WITH INNOVATION TECHNOLOGY WITH INNOVATION
Automation Flow Supervisory Control / SCADA PLC Field Instruments Analog and Digital I/Os, Relays etc. TECHNOLOGY WITH INNOVATION TECHNOLOGY WITH INNOVATION
Levels of Automation Level I – Process parameter control Level II - Process parameter control and Data Logging Level III - Logical Control of operations – Process and utilities flow mass control and data logging, material balancing for evaluating the online manufacturing cost. TECHNOLOGY WITH INNOVATION
Automation of LOWTRANSTM Deodorization
DVC Automation Advantages Entire operations in storage and process plant can be controlled through a single central processor, with a facility of localized control points for individual section. Optimum selection of field instruments and reliable processors/electronic components as per the required duty conditions Analysis of all the process parameters and consequent precise control of operations Detail report generation of entire plant parameters and stock can help in making commercial decisions Current and Cumulative stocks report generation Customized automation solutions In-house dedicated automation team to deliver efficient automation solutions TECHNOLOGY WITH INNOVATION
Summary Critical issues in Degumming/Neutralization, Bleaching and Deodorization Different Deodorization technique for different feedstocks – KOMPOSITETM, PACKDTM, LOWTRANSTM Trans-fats are produced as a result of Isomerization at elevated temperatures and longer retention. To keep a check on Trans fats composition in oils, a perfect balance between Temperature – Retention Time – Pressure needs to be maintained – DVC’s Novel Dual Temp. LOWTRANSTM Deodorization Automation helps to control the final oil quality by precise control of process parameters DVC can also help industries to modify their current system to produce low trans-fat oil. TECHNOLOGY WITH INNOVATION
DVC Process Technologists Thank you! DVC Process Technologists TECHNOLOGY WITH INNOVATION