CST Review Ecology and Evolution
Ecology Power Standards BI 6.a-Students know biodiversity is the sum total of different kinds of organisms and is affected by alterations of habitats. BI.6.b.-Students know how to analyze changes in an ecosystem resulting from changes in climate, human activity, introduction of nonnative species, or changes in population size. BI.6.c.-Students know how fluctuations in population size in an ecosystem are determined by the relative rates of birth, immigration, emigration, and death. BI.6.d.-Students know how water, carbon, and nitrogen cycle between abiotic resources and organic matter in the ecosystem and how oxygen cycles through photosynthesis and respiration BI 6.e-Students know a vital part of an ecosystem is the stability of its producers and decomposers.
Ecology Power Standards Summary BI 6.a-Biodiversity is total number of different livings things in an area. Biodiversity is affected by changing habitats. BI.6.b-Changes in an ecosystem can be caused by changes in climate, human activity (pollution), introduction of nonnative species (snakes), or changes in population size (limiting factors). BI.6.c.-Changes in population size in an ecosystem can be caused by increased/decreased birth, immigration, emigration, and death rates. BI.6.d.-Water, carbon, and nitrogen cycle between abiotic (nonliving) resources and organic matter in the ecosystem. Oxygen cycles through photosynthesis (plants) and respiration (animals) in an ecosystem. BI 6.e-Producers and decomposers maintain the stability (balance) of ecosystems. How?
Big Idea:Ecology:Living and nonliving factors both make-up an ecosystem. Key Terms: Ecology-The study of the interaction among living things, and between living things and their environments Ecosystem Biotic and abiotic factors
Big Idea:Ecology: Living and nonliving factors both make-up an ecosystem. Food chains and Food webs-flow of energy in an ecosystem.
Carbon Cycle
The Nitrogen Cycle
Oxygen Cycle
What are food chains? Owl Mouse Grasshopper Grass
What are food webs? Food web-is a model that shows the complex network of feeding relationships and the flow of energy within an ecosystem. At each link some energy is stored by an organism and some is lost. The stability of an ecosystem depends on the producers.
Big Idea: Evolution is the theory that life has changed on Earth over long periods of time through a process called natural selection, where individuals with beneficial inherited traits produce more offspring than other individuals. This changes the frequency of the alleles in the gene pool. There is a broad range of evidence that supports evolutionary theory such as fossils, anatomical evidence, and genetic evidence.
Standards:Evolution BI7. The frequency of an allele in a gene pool of a population depends on many factors and may be stable or unstable over time. As a basis for understanding this concept: BI7. a. Students know why natural selection acts on the phenotype rather than the genotype of an organism. BI7. b. Students know why alleles that are lethal in a homozygous individual may be carried in a heterozygote and thus maintained in a gene pool. BI7. d. Students know variation within a species increases the likelihood that at least some members of a species will survive under changed environmental conditions.
Standards Summary:Evolution BI7. The frequency of an allele in a gene pool of a population depends on many factors and may be stable or unstable over time. As a basis for understanding this concept: BI7. a. Students know why natural selection acts on the phenotype rather than the genotype of an organism. Means: NS acts on the physical or physiological traits of an individual. BI7. b. Students know why alleles that are lethal in a homozygous individual may be carried in a heterozygote and thus maintained in a gene pool. Means: Lethal copies of genes (for homozygotes-have two copies of the gene) can be carried in the gene pool by heterozygotes. BI7. d. Students know variation within a species increases the likelihood that at least some members of a species will survive under changed environmental conditions. Means: The more genetic variation a species has the better chance they will have of surviving a changing environment because atleast some individuals will have the characteristics needed to survive.
Standards:Evolution BI8. Evolution is the result of genetic changes that occur in constantly changing environments. As a basis for understanding this concept: BI8. a. Students know how natural selection determines the differential survival of groups of organisms. BI8. b. Students know a great diversity of species increases the chance that at least some organisms survive major changes in the environment. BI8. e. Students know how to analyze fossil evidence with regard to biological diversity, episodic speciation, and mass extinction.
Standards Summary:Evolution BI8. Evolution is the result of genetic changes that occur in constantly changing environments. As a basis for understanding this concept: BI8. a. Students know how natural selection determines the differential survival of groups of organisms. Means: Survival of the fittest and the struggle for existence. BI8. b. Students know a great diversity of species increases the chance that at least some organisms survive major changes in the environment. Means: The more variety of organisms there are in an environment the better the chances are that some organisms will survive any major environmental changes. BI8. e. Students know how to analyze fossil evidence with regard to biological diversity, episodic speciation, and mass extinction. Means: Trend in fossil evidence show evolutionary patterns.
What is natural selection’s role in evolution? Natural selection-mechanism by which individuals that have inherited beneficial adaptations produce more offspring on average than do other individuals. These adaptations occur over many generations in a population (descent with modification)
How does natural selection drive evolution? Struggle for Existence-individuals within a species compete for common resources Survival of the Fittest- Individuals better suited for their environment reproduce more and have more offspring
What are adaptations? The inherited characteristics that increase an organism chances of survival are called adaptations Natural selection results in changes of the inherited characteristics of a population
Self-Assessment of Understanding For the standards you do not understand, research the terms and write an explanation of two standards in your own words.