Injector II Low Level RF & Interlock – Status Thomas Schilcher
Injector II Low Level RF – Strategy required systems LLRF systems for 50 MHz cavities (cav. 2+4 (date to be defined), long term: cav. 1+3) RF interlock systems (cav. 2+4 (date to be defined), long term: cav. 1+3) present status LLRF & ILK cav. 1+3: 50 MHz systems; cav. 2+4: 150 MHz systems LLRF system: analogue A/φ-controller, analogue tuning system; many electronic components obsolete; controls interface: basic access (ACS) ILK system: home built PLC system (“Ruedi-SPS”) strategy build systems on platforms developed for SwissFEL (reengineering of analogue system requires equal manpower as development based on new SwissFEL type system use synergy also for maintenance) full integration into EPICS (standard SW distribution, GUIs, archiver, alarm handler, etc.) A φ Tuning ILK
Injector II Low Level RF concept: LLRF system digital LLRF system based on IFC1210 digital processing board + FMC ADC/DAC mezzanine boards direct sampling of RF signals (50 MHz) with 16bit ADCs, max. 250 MSPS (no down-conversion required, only signal conditioning necessary + clock generation & vector modulator) adapt SW/FW to CW operation concept: ILK system modular system basic structure identical to SwissFEL ILK system adapt SW/FW to specific needs IFC1210 ADC DAC ADC DAC
Injector II Low Level RF – Upgrade pre-requisite for LLRF / ILK upgrade: basic LLRF / ILK system infrastructure ready for SwissFEL: earliest start: 2nd half of 2013 status year 2012: 70-75% of LLRF manpower for SwissFEL (to be continued for the next ~4 years) presently no manpower available for injector II LLRF / ILK upgrade required additional manpower for HIPA injector II LLRF / ILK implementation for cav. 2 & 4 before 2017: 1x electrical engineer for ~3 years (LLRF / ILK SW/FW adaption, RF front-end for signal conditioning, test, installation and commissioning management, etc.) alternative: start injector II LLRF / ILK system development in 2017