Inferential Statistics Using Excel Michael A. Levin, PhD @MichaelALevin #OPEGStats16
Inferential Statistitcs Using Excel Today’s Order Introductions Goal Metric / Non metric Pivot Table Cross tabulations and 2 Correlation Bivariate Regression Multiple Regression One-way ANOVA Resources Wrapping Up July 14, 2016 Inferential Statistitcs Using Excel
Inferential Statistitcs Using Excel Introductions Name Position Employer How you got into evaluations, analytics, research Android, Apple, Other SPSS, SAS, R July 14, 2016 Inferential Statistitcs Using Excel
Inferential Statistitcs Using Excel Goal To introduce a few inferential statistical techniques for evaluators, analysis, researchers, etc. who are using Excel. July 14, 2016 Inferential Statistitcs Using Excel
Inferential Statistitcs Using Excel Nature of Data Non-metric Metric July 14, 2016 Inferential Statistitcs Using Excel
Inferential Statistitcs Using Excel Pivot Table Organize gangly columns of data into elegant tables. Example: Pareto dataset July 14, 2016 Inferential Statistitcs Using Excel
Inferential Statistitcs Using Excel Cross Tabs and 2 Easy interpretation, understanding Stronger link between research, decision Give more insights Few respondents Good for novices Cover up Small samples July 14, 2016 Inferential Statistitcs Using Excel
Inferential Statistitcs Using Excel Cross Tabs and 2 Exercise: Station Part 1: Develop a cross tab based on income and family size Part 2: Test the null hypothesis on cross tab from Part 1. Part 3: What managerial insights are offered based on Part 2? July 14, 2016 Inferential Statistitcs Using Excel
Inferential Statistitcs Using Excel Correlation Determines values associated with relationship between two (metric and/or nonmetric) variables. July 14, 2016 Inferential Statistitcs Using Excel
Inferential Statistitcs Using Excel Regression Predict change in (metric) output given change from (metric) input. Bivariate – one IV, one DV Multiple – many IVs, one DV Multivariate – one IV, many DVs Example: Mao’s place dataset Example: Europe dataset Example: Autos dataset July 14, 2016 Inferential Statistitcs Using Excel
Correlation and Regression Exercise: Housedata Part 1: What is the strength of relationship between square foot and house value? July 14, 2016 Inferential Statistitcs Using Excel
Correlation and Regression Exercise: Housedata Part 1: How much would your home value increase by with a 500-square-foot addition? Part 2: What percentage of the variation in home value is explained by the variation in house size? Part 3: Is a 3,000-square-foot house listed at $500,000 out line with typical real estate values? July 14, 2016 Inferential Statistitcs Using Excel
Correlation and Regression Exercise: Cardata Part 1: Develop a model that predicts MPG. Part 2: What is the strength of relationship between the variables? July 14, 2016 Inferential Statistitcs Using Excel
Correlation and Regression Exercise: Oreos Part 1: What is the strength of relationship between shelf position and Oreo sales? Part 2: How does shelf position influence sales of Oreos? Part 3: Include observation in your model. July 14, 2016 Inferential Statistitcs Using Excel
Inferential Statistitcs Using Excel ANOVA Determine difference between, within groups. Example: Oneway ANOVA dataset July 14, 2016 Inferential Statistitcs Using Excel
Correlation and Regression Exercise: Cakes Part 1: Does temperature appear to influence cake quality? Part 2: If you believe that the size of the oven used influences cake quality, does this analysis remain valid? July 14, 2016 Inferential Statistitcs Using Excel
Correlation and Regression Exercise: Usedcars Part 1: Is there evidence that the sales people exhibit a significant difference in performance? Part 2: If the first two people are men and the last two are women, is there significant evidence that the male sales reps perform differently than the female sales reps? July 14, 2016 Inferential Statistitcs Using Excel
Inferential Statistitcs Using Excel Resources Books Marketing Analytics: Data-Drive Techniques with Excel Website YouTube ExcelisFun MktgStudyGuide StatisticsFun July 14, 2016 Inferential Statistitcs Using Excel
Inferential Statistitcs Using Excel Wrapping Up One thing Excel = powerful Get you started Additional resources July 14, 2016 Inferential Statistitcs Using Excel