Introduction and Getting Started guide Alex Zlotnik Technion
Products & Services
Regions US East (Northern Virginia) US East (Ohio) US West (Oregon) US West (Northern California) AWS GovCloud (US) Canada (Central) Brazil (São Paulo) EU (Ireland) EU (Frankfurt) EU (London) Asia Pacific (Tokyo) Asia Pacific (Seoul) Asia Pacific (Singapore) Asia Pacific (Mumbai) Asia Pacific (Sydney) China (Beijing)
EC2 Instance types 57+ Instance Types: t2.* m4.* m3.* c4.* c3.* p2.* g2.* x1.* r4.* r3.* i3.* d2.* f1.* Various types (and sizes) recommended for various tasks. t2.micro the only free-tire (up to 750 hours). (Usually) Pay as you go – pay per usage depends on type and resources. Spot instances (bidding) vs. Reserved Instances vs. Dedicated Hosts.
More details Service Level Agreement (SLA) 99.95% up time per region Availability Zones within regions Insulate failures Low latency connectivity within zone and region Storage EBS / EFS S3
Even more details Auto Scaling Elastic Load Balancing Between zones Amazon Machine Images Save, scale out, test, rollback, share, VM import Amazon Cloudwatch Virtual Private Cloud AWS Market Place
Live demo Login to AWS console: Login Go to Amazon EC2 tab You will have an IAM account under Danny’s account: NFV_ID You will receive a password (and a private key) Login Change Password (>=8 chars, >0 non-alphanumeric char) Go to Amazon EC2 tab
Launching Instances Click “Launch Instance” Select Classic Wizard Select an AMI (machine image) Suggestion: Start with Ubuntu Server 12.04 LTS (AMI #4 on quick start) Select instance type t2.micro Check “Termination Protection” box Set tags: Name: NFV_ID_XXX Owner: NFV_ID Select your key pair (Create if needed) Select security policy (Suggestion: default) Overview & Launch
Connecting to machines Use the downloaded key pair file <XYZ>.pem Unix: Upload <XYZ>.pem chmod 400 <XYZ>.pem (read only, only by you) ssh -i <XYZ>.pem ubuntu@<Machine public DNS> Eureka!!! Windows: Use puttygen: Load <XYZ>.pem, Save private key: <XYZ>.ppk Use putty SSH Auth <XYZ>.ppk
Using the machines javac sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk The program 'javac' can be found in the following packages: * default-jdk * ecj * gcj-4.6-jdk * openjdk-6-jdk * gcj-4.5-jdk * openjdk-7-jdk Try: sudo apt-get install <selected package> sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk Secure copy files scp -i <XYZ>.pem <files> ubuntu@<Machine’s DNS>:/home/ubuntu/ Download files wget <URL> Don’t forget to Stop the machines!