Cyflwyniad i Sgiliau a theori Cwnsela Lefel 3 Introduction to Counselling Skills and Theory Level 3 Meleri Wyn Jones
Amcanion a Canlyniad dysgu y sesiwn Aims and learning outcome of session Amcanion / Aims Introduction to Paraphrasing, Reflecting and Summarising skills To form a definition of Transference and Counter transference and identify it’s affect on the counselling process. Gain a clear understanding of what is supervision and it’s importance Self reflection while considering motives , prejudices and blind spots. Canlyniad dysgu / Learning Outcomes Have demonstrated Paraphrasing and reflecting skills through skill practice Critically discuss the concept of transference and counter – transference Evaluate the importance of supervision Evaluate your motives for embracing on a Counselling course.
Adlewyrchu / Reflecting Reflecting is showing the client that you have ‘heard’ not only what is being said, but also what feelings and emotions the client is experiencing when sharing their story with you Focus on the feelings
Aralleirio / Paraphrasing A restatement of the meaning of a text or passage using other words. Focus on the context
Crynhoi / Summarize Key parts of the extended communication are merged and restated to the client as accurately as possible.
What is Transference? What is Transference? The past presented in the future You remind me so much of … Instant connection What is Transference? The clients emotional response to the counsellor The transfer of yesterdays feelings, emotions and thoughts played out today
Transference I would love more sessions, but my counsellor is sure to think I’m needy. Have I told you that your needy? Have I made you believe that I think your needy? C’mon, I have no time for this
What is Counter transference? Counsellor’s emotional response to the client When therapist transfers emotions to a client in therapy. What is Counter – transference? Prioritising certain clients over other. Boundaries get tricky , blurred. When a therapist mistakenly prioritising his or her emotions and needs over yours.
What might Counter transference look like in practice? Takes out a bad mood on a client, being snappy for no particular reason Shares too many stories about ourselves (over-identifying with your stories) Offering sympathy instead of just empathy (again, over-identifying) Offering a lot of advice instead of just listening and reflecting Becoming too worried about a client – Wanting to ‘save’ Asks irrelevant details for own interest Wants to relate outside the therapy room Get angry with a client over a belief you share they don’t agree with, no matter how unpopular your viewpoint
How can transference and Counter transference effect the helping relationship? By not relating to the actual client in front of us but relating to the feelings they generate. Distortion of feelings – What is real and what isn't? Boundaries are hindered. We become afraid of challenging or client in case of upsetting them Client isn't given the autonomy
Supervision Goruchwyliaeth / Supervision What is supervision? How can Supervision help? How can supervision protect the client? What is the difference between Counselling and supervision Goruchwyliaeth / Supervision
What is Supervision?
Counselling Supervision. The BACP state that for a counsellor to work ethically then they must attend regular supervision, to review and justify their work. ... A supervisor is a qualified counsellor, with additional qualifications in supervision and has more practice experience than you. (BACP)