Part 2
EMANCIPATION PROCLAMATION As the war progressed, Lincoln used his powers to end slavery Just as Union troops could seize Confederate supplies, Lincoln authorized the army to seize and emancipate slaves Emancipation was not just a moral issue; it became a weapon of war
Review continued JANUARY 1, 1863 Didn’t free slaves immediately. Applied only to areas behind Confederate lines, outside Union control. Military action aimed at the states in rebellion, didn’t apply to southern territory occupied by the Union or the slave states that had not seceded. Had symbolic importance; fight to free slaves. Free blacks was able to enlist in the Union Army. JANUARY 1, 1863
Southern Reaction Democrats claimed it would anger the south – it did Became a war to the death Confederates was outraged. Made the confederacy more determined than ever to fight to preserve its way of life. Compromise was no longer an option. The Fight became a fight to death!
Blacks in Combat In adopting the policy of emancipation, Lincoln also announced that African Americans would be accepted in the navy and the army. Served in segregated units under white officers. At first, given undesirable duties such as heavy labor and burial details. Capture might mean death.
The Confederate Home Front The New Economy With the Union blockade, the production of foodstuffs became crucial. More and more plantations switched from cotton to raising grain and livestock. Soaring inflation The Confederate government printed paper money not backed by specie. Inflation ate away at their standard of living. Hostility to Conscription The first national conscription law in American history (1862) The draft provoked an outcry because the rich were allowed to provide substitutes and exempted one white man for every plantation with 20 or more slaves. Rich man’s war and a poor man’s fight.
The Union Home Front Because the war was fought mostly on southern soil, northern civilians rarely felt its effects directly. Measures to raise money First federal income tax (1861) and the creation of the Internal Revenue Bureau Issued paper money (greenbacks) and taxed state banknotes out of circulation. Created the first uniform national currency.
The Union Home Front Civil Liberties and Dissent The Copperheads Suspension of the writ of habeas corpus. Democrats attacked Lincoln as a tyrant. The Copperheads Republicans labeled those who opposed the war Copperheads. Constituted the extreme peace wing of the Democratic party. Opposed emancipation and the draft. New York City Draft Riot (1863) Irish workers went on a rampage, attacking draft officials and lynching African Americans. Lasted 4 days and left over 105 people killed, the worst loss of life from any riot in American history.
Turning Point (1863) Siege of Vicksburg Gettysburg (July 1-3) Grant wants to gain control of the Miss. River Vicksburg surrenders on July 4 Gettysburg (July 1-3) The Union army under General Meade defeats Lee’s Confederates during an attempt to invade Pennsylvania Lee retreats to South after losing 1/3 of his men Grant defeats Confederate forces in Chattanooga in November. After that, it was just a matter of time.