SUAAHARA & ACF strategy to implement nutrition interventions in Sindhupalchowk
CMAM implementation strategy Short term strategy (2-3 months) Direct intervention with establishment of OTPs (Tent) Screening by additional HR Follow up, QC, supervision and monitoring Mid term strategy (6-9 months) Programme orientation to DHO/DPHO and other stakeholders Training of HWs and FCHVs Technical assistance to run OTPs by external HR Long term strategy (4-6 months) On the job training of HWs to run OTPs Phase out of TA to run OTPs by external HR Supportive supervision and monitoring
Additional activities with CMAM IYCF-E (Protection, promotion and support of BF; Counselling sessions including care practices, monitoring and reporting of BMS; mother baby areas /baby friendly spaces) Distribution of MNP (6-59 months, 1 sachet/child/day for first 30 days, other than SAM cases) Support to Vitamin A supplementation (as and when organized by the government) Linking PLW for IFA supplementation to health facilities or health tents
Logistics supply CHD LMD/UNICEF (Supplier) DHO/DLSA (Store house) Implementing partner Health facility
Implementation areas Out of 15 Ilakas, SUAAHARA Melamchi Nawalpur Thulopakha ACF One OTP covering Syaule, Simpal Kavre, Selang One Ilaka after consensus/discussion There will be further discussion for OTP set up in remaining geographic area after field level experience in above mentioned areas
Questions Storage (DHO/DPHO or DLSA) and challenges Supply request (Implementing partner to DHO/DPHO to CHD or else) MNP supplementation strategy: duration, target age group, modality (uniformity for all) Training duration to HWs and FCHVs and package Assurance of uninterrupted supply chain of all commodities Stabilization centre for complicated SAM?? Way for Mobilization of FCHVs for community out-reach activities??: needs guidance for uniformity