Second Pillar of Islam: PRAYERS Lecture # 4 Second Pillar of Islam: PRAYERS
Meaning??? Salat: Main feature between a Muslim and a non-Muslim. The object of prayer is to remember ALLAH. Quran says: “He who gives up prayer has indeed disbelieved”. Muhammad(saw) said: “You should worship ALLAH, as if you see Him; if you do not see Him, He surely sees you. The Holy Prophet explained: “Tell me, if there is a stream at the door of one of you in which he washes himself five times a day, what do you say, will it leave any dirt on him?” Five times a Prayer means ALLAH washes away all faults.
WHY IS IT IMPORTANT to SAY OUR PRAYERS? The Qur’an says: "Establish Salah to remember me (Allah)" (20:14). We offer Salah to remember Allah our Creator and to be close to Him and to gain his favour To keep in mind that this world is temporary and there is a life after death. Maintain a balance between the needs and claims of this world and the hereafter.
WHERE SHOULD IT BE PERFORMED??? Salah is the second pillar of Islam. It refers to the five compulsory daily prayers. Salah is offered five times a day individually or in congregation.
Adhaan (Call To Prayer) The "Adhaan" is a call to inform people about the salah time. It is a call to the congregation and is an expression of the Islamic practice. It is required as an act for all the Obligatory Prayers. Translation / Meaning Hazrat Bilal Hazrat Muhammad (saw) used to lead Prayers Event of Miraj
The Virtues of Adhaan The greatness of the virtue which Islam attaches to the "Adhaan" and the one who performs it i.e. the "Muadhin", can be noted from the following verse of the Holy Qur'an:“ Who is better in speech than one who calls (the people) to ALLAH and works righteousness” (Qur'an 41:33). And, in another saying the Prophet (peace be upon him), said:“ The Muadhins will on the Day of Judgment have the longest necks (reflecting their exclusive eminence)” (Reported by Imam Muslim).
IQAMAH Second Call to Prayer "Iqamah" is the second call to the prayer and is said inside the Mosque at the start of the congregational prayer. It is prohibited to offer voluntary prayers after Iqamah has been called out. The Prophet (peace be upon him) says:“ When Iqamah is called out, no prayer is permissible except the obligatory one” (Reported by Imam Muslim).
WHEN SHOULD IT BE PERFORMED Fajr: from dawn until just before sunrise Zuhr: after mid-day until afternoon Asr:Its time begins when the shadow of an object is equal to its own length, plus the length of its noontime shadow and continues until sunset. Maghrib: after sunset until daylight ends Esha: night until midnight or dawn How many rakats compulsory or how many are comes under sunnah??
The Timings Of The Obligatory Prayers !!! Islam has prescribed specified time limits for each of prayer as can be noted from the following verse of the Holy Qur'an:“ Prayer is enjoined on believers at stated times”(Qur'an 4:103).
HOW SHOULD IT BE PERFORMED To say your Salah you must be clean and pure he Qur’an says: "Surely Allah loves those who turn to Him and those who care for cleanliness." (2:222). Cleanliness of the body and clothes is called Taharah or purification. You may be clean outwardly and still not be pure
Conditions for the Prayer Acceptance of Islamic Faith intention by heart to perform the particular prayer Cleanliness Purification Concealing of the Private Parts Facing the "Qiblah“ Timing Sanity and consciousness – Ability to distinguish
Importance and benefits of Prayer 1. I have only created Jinns and men that they may serve me. 51:56 Turning of the eyes up. The Prophet (peace be upon him) strongly admonished against this as can be noted from the following saying: “What is the matter with the people who raise their eyes towards the sky while praying? They shall have to refrain from this or else they will lose their eyesight” (Reported by Imam Bukhari). It is also disliked to look right and left and the Prophet (peace be upon him) in this regard says: “It is a deception with which Satan deceives the servant while in prayer” (Reported by Imam Bukhari).
Importance and benefits of Prayer The Prophet (peace be upon him) in this regard says: “A person who has eaten garlic or onion or any other bad smelling thing should not approach our Mosques because the angels are offended by the things which human beings get offended from” (Reported by Imam Muslim). Allah says in the Holy Qur'an: “When ye travel through the earth there is no blame on you if ye shorten your prayers” (Qur'an 4:101).
Importance and benefits of Prayer As Muslims, one of the first things that we learn, after shahada, is that the purpose of our lives is to serve our Creator, ALLAH We see that in Quran ALLAH swt orders us to offer prayers. The word Salat is mentioned a total of 67 times in the Quran. Human beings are prone to forgetfulness and heedlessness
Importance and benefits of Prayer And ALLAH knows what you do. 45 They forget that ALLAH enfolds and surround them in all ways, that He sees and hears them at every moment, that they are accountable to ALLAH In Surah Ibrahim, prophet Ibrahim prayed to ALLAH about salat
Importance and benefits of Prayer Hazrat Ismail: mentioned Surah Maryam that He used to command his people to do salat and give alms In surah Ta Ha: Allah mention through prophet Musa about salat. As it is mentioned in Surah Al Imran: Maryam, obey your Lord and prostrate and bow with those who bow
BENEFITS The salat provides the nourishment needed by our souls and is a sure method of attaining righteousness and nearness to our Lord. It’s a best way to remember ALLAH Five times a day you ask for forgiveness Keeps you away from sins, shirk & bad deeds Good for health Purity, Humbleness, Makes you punctual
BENEFITS Improves spiritual practice: Prayer impacts our spiritual practice at three levels, action, thought and attitude:
AL JUMA`H (THE CONGREGATION) (Revealed at Medinah - contains 11 verses - 2 sections) [Juma`h 62:9] O People who Believe! When the call for prayer is given on (Friday) the day of congregation, rush towards the remembrance of Allah and stop buying and selling; this is better for you if you understand. [Juma`h 62:10] And when the prayer ends, spread out in the land and seek Allah’s kindness, and profusely remember Allah, in the hope of attaining success. [Juma`h 62:11] And when they see some trade or sport, they move towards it and leave you standing delivering the sermon; proclaim, “That which is with Allah, is better than sport and trade; and the sustenance of Allah is the best.”
Summary The special theme here is the need for mutual contact in the Community for worship and understanding the spirit of the Message is for all, ignorant and learned, in order that they may be purified and may learn wisdom. Jews: Saturday Christians: Sunday Muslim Friday