Year 4 : Who is Edward Tulane?


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Presentation transcript:

Year 4 : Who is Edward Tulane? NC – links WOW: Visiting Cable car and other forms of transport LC1 How would it feel to be homeless? LC2 What are charities? LC3 How do we support charities? LC4 How did Edward get from A to B? LC5 What are the lessons from Edward’s journey? LC6 What colour are you feeling? LC7 How does music affect mood and feeling? Literacy Link: Diary writing as a character Narrative – recounts from his journey Persuasion – give to charities Narrartive - Stories in historical settings in the time period of the book. Numeracy Link:. Creative Art Link: colours and moods The miraculous journey of Edward Tulane. By Kate DiCamillo Forest Academy

Year 4 : Who is Edward Tulane? Year 4 : Art, Music and computing Painting Can they create all the colours they need? Can they create mood in their paintings? Do they successfully use shading to create mood and feeling? Drawing Can they begin to show facial expressions and body language in their sketches? Can they organise line, tone, shape and colour to represent figures and forms in movement? Can they show reflections? Use of IT Can they present a collection of their work on a slide show? Sketch books Can they use their sketch books to express their feelings about various subjects and outline likes and dislikes? Can they produce a montage all about themselves? Textiles Can they use early textile and sewing skills as part of a project? We are programmers – Can I use Scratch to programme a conversation between characters in the story? (This should be included in Ibook.) I can use Scratch, iBook, Explain everything to do programming? Can they use repeat instructions to draw regular shapes on screen, using commands? Can they experiment with variables to control models? Can they make turns specifying the degrees? Can they give an on-screen robot specific directional instructions that takes them from x to y? Can they make accurate predictions about the outcome of a program they have written? Can they explain the place of silence and say what effect it has? Can they start to identify the character of a piece of music? Can they describe and identify the different purposes of music? Can they begin to identify with the style of work of Beethoven, Mozart and Elgar? Year (Challenging) Forest Academy

Year 4: Who is Edward Tulane? LC1 How would it feel to be homeless? LC2 What are charities? Read the chapter of the book about the homeless people. Create a shelter with a tarp, string and cardboard for a homeless person. Write a letter as Edward to Abilene explaining how he has changed to have a better personality, as a result of his experiences. Research different charities to support homeless people. Write the next part of Edward’s story, using features from the time period. LC3 How do we support charities? LC4 How did Edward get from A to B? List all the known charities in the local area. Identify ways we can give used items to support e.g. shoes or clothes. Write a diary about one of Edward’s days from the book so far. From reading the chapters of the book identify which types of transport were available in that time period. What was it like on board the Queen Mary? Recount Edward’s main events on board the ship. Write an alternative ending to the story. Forest Academy

Year 4: Year 4 : Who is Edward Tulane? LC5: What are the lessons from Edward’s journey? LC6: What colour are you feeling? Identify the changes to Edward’s character as he encountered different people and circumstances. Write a letter as Edward to Abilene explaining how he has changed to have a better personality, as a result of his experiences. Write a persuasive letter about the school trip. Children to go on a trip on various types of transport. Create a colours emotion wheel to represent different emotions you could be feeling. Explore the different shade of colours with water colour paints. Create different backgrounds from the story using colours to create moods and emotions. Children to write a story based on Edward Tulane. LC7 Reflection: How does music affect mood and feeling? Pupils listen to a range of composers Can they begin to identify with the style of work of Beethoven, Mozart and Elgar? Pupils to read an extract from the book Edward’s Journey… Then add to this background music and sound effects. Can they explain the place of silence and say what effect it has? Listen to music with a variety of tempos and explain the effects on the listener. Can they describe and identify the different purposes of music? Can they start to identify the character of a piece of music? Explain about the elements of music - pitch, dynamics, timbre, texture, and tempo. Then compare different pieces of music. Forest Academy