Rights@work for youth: Employment contract Social security Turin, 5-6 October, 2015
This presentation Session 2: Employment contract Activity: What I would like to know about this job... Session 3: Social Security
Session 2: Employment contract
Session 2: Structure and content The employment relationship: salaried workers, part- time workers, apprentices, temporary agency workers; labour law; and collective bargaining; Rights and responsibilities (employers and workers): what the employer can and cannot ask (during recruitment and on the job); responsibilities of workers in the workplace; Employment contract: written/unwritten contracts; minimum requirements (place of work, hours of work, pay, holiday entitlement, deductions); special clauses and terms (probation, notice period, change of terms); termination of employment.
Session 2: Rights@work cards Rights@work cards: on types of employment contracts, notice period, annual holiday, working hours, overtime, pay, deductions and so on.
Session 2: Learning activities/1 Search and rescue mission: asks participants to search for industries or sectors where collective bargaining achieved better conditions of work; Wanted: Rights.....but not without responsibilities: examples of rights and responsibilities of both employers and workers; You have more rights than you think real-life situations where participants decide is the employer’s request is legitimate; Mind the small print: participants are asked to analyze a real employment contract and list the elements that need to be always stated therein.
Session 2: What I would like to know..... This activity asks participants - in pairs - to make a list of the 10 most important questions they need to ask about the job during an employment interview; During the processing of the activity, the facilitators responds to the questions and lists key provisions of the labour legislation, including collective bargaining. For instance, the Hours of Work (Commerce and Office) Convention (N.30) prescribes that the hours of work in this sector should not exceed 48 hours per week and eight hours in the day.
What I would like to know about this job......
Session 3: Social security
Session 3: Structure and content Key features of social security systems: contribution- based health, pension and unemployment protection; tax-financed social assistance; regimes for wage and own account workers; Social security benefits: medical care; sickness; invalidity; maternity; employment injury; unemployment; and old-age; Informal employment: is discussed through the learning activity Hoping for the best preparing for the future, where participants are asked to develop pessimistic and optimistic scenarios on the decision of a young worker between formality and informality.
Session 3: Hoping for the best..... This activity gives participants the opportunity to reflect on life contingencies and how social security insures an income during concurrencies such as long-lasting sickness; accidents at work; child rearing; unemployment; and old-age. To strengthen the message of the importance of social security coverage, the facilitators may provide statistics regarding the incidence of accidents at work among young workers, or explain how the unemployment benefit functions.
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