VILNIUS SCHOOL OF TECHNOLOGIES, BUSINESS AND AGRICULTURE The main objectives of the project “Strategic Partnerships”
STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIPS IN THE FIELD OF EDUCATION, TRAINING, AND YOUTH Strategic Partnerships are transnational projects designed to develop and share innovative practices and promote cooperation, peer learning, and exchanges of experiences in the fields of education, training, and youth. Overall, strategic partnerships aim to address horizontal priorities as well as field specific priorities in the areas of: Higher education Vocational education and training School education Adult education, and Youth There are two kinds of Strategic Partnership; those supporting innovation and those supporting the exchange of good practices.
Strategic Partnerships Erasmus + Strategic Partnerships’ Projects in the field of vocational training are aimed at strengthening of vocational training sector cooperation in Europe, increasing employment opportunities, improving the key competences and skills of participants, contributing to the economic progress in Europe and ensuring the quality in VET eucation.
Erasmus+ Key Action 2 Project “International Partnership for Teaching Quality Improvement in Vocational Schools Project implementation period: 2014 September the 1st - 2017August the 1st Partnership coordinator –The Centre of Economics and General Educational No.6, Lomza Project Partners: Latvia -Daugavpils Vocational School (Daugavpils Tirdzniecibas Profesionala vidusskola) Lithuania –Vilnius School of Technologies, Business and AgricultureLietuva Poland - Perfect Project, limited liability company
Project Objective Project objective – teaching system modernization in partner schools by the 31st of August 2017 developing, testing and applying modern techniques and methods in vocational learning, promoting them, using the innovative strategies of the system: developing the assessment instrument for general and professional qualifications, applying innovative teaching methods and techniques, as well as multimedia, ICT, designing professional subject programmes in foreign languages, developing new innovative learning programmes.
Tasks 1. The first task - to develop innovative assessment instrument for professional skills and qualifications using on-line tools, mobile technologies and cross-sectoral and creative approach. 2. The second task- to develop innovative teaching methods using multimedia and ICT and apply them in learning/teaching process using mobile (d-learning and m-learning) technologies.
Tasks 3. The third task - to develop innovative learning materials for improving general and horizontal skills, related to entrepreneurship, multi-language use, multimedia elements, e- learning modules and containing other training methods. 4. The fourth task - preparation of 3 courses (in English, Polish, Lithuanian languages) – the training system of professional competence complying with employers' expectations
Positive Impact for Participants Involved Directly and Indirectly Fostered sense of initiative; Improved foreign language skills; Higher levels of digital literacy; Better understanding of social, linguistic and cultural diversity and developed sensitivity; Improved skills necessary for employment and starting new business (including social entrepreneurship skills); More active participation in community life; More positive approach to European projects and the values of the EU Better understanding and recognition of skills and qualifications in Europe and and outside Europe; Improved interface between vocational training and labour market More professional development opportunities; Increased motivation and satisfaction in everyday work
Expected Impact Improved quality of education, training and working with youth: higher level of excellence and attractiveness in alignment with greater opportunities for all groups including those who are disadvantaged; Systems of youth education and training complying better with labour market needs and possibilities offered, closer links with business and community; Better delivery and evaluation of basic and general skills such as entrepreneurship, languages and digital literacy; Stronger motivation to learn languages using innovative teaching methods and better links with practical language skills required in the labour market.