Leadership E
Managers vs. Leaders Leadership: about coping with (major) change. Thus leaders set direction, align constituents, and motivate and inspire. Management: about coping with complexity - planning, organizing, and controlling. The central distinction is between keeping a complex organization running smoothly, and generating change. Most views of organizations presume a management centered view. What's the name of this course? But the reality is that as you move up in the hierarchy you are more and more, these days, focused on generating change. Why? Because the environment of business – technologies, competitors, markets – is itself changing at a rapid pace, a pace rapid enough that more senior managers really need to devote a great deal of attention to generating change. And it follows that managers and workers are going to need to also be capable of generating change as they do their part in larger organization-level changes. Process of influencing a group toward the achievement of goals The art of mobilizing others to want to struggle for shared aspirations
Theories of Leadership Leadership research has looked at what makes for effective leadership using several lenses: Trait theories “It’s all about what you are” Behavioral theories “There’s an ideal leader behavior” Contingency theories “It’s how leader behaviors fit that matters”
Traits Leadership traits Basic personal characteristics Differentiate leaders from non-leaders What traits are associated with leadership? Run through the slide Some of these are things you can choose to have … honesty, self-confidence, knowledge. Some aren’t – drive and desire – but you can put yourself in places where those might be higher or lower.
Traits Leadership traits Basic personal characteristics Differentiate leaders from non-leaders What traits are associated with leadership? Run through the slide Some of these are things you can choose to have … honesty, self-confidence, knowledge. Some aren’t – drive and desire – but you can put yourself in places where those might be higher or lower.
Behavioral Theories Effective leaders consistently behave in different ways than ineffective leaders Leaders are made, not born One can learn the “one best way” to lead These are fundamental dimensions of leadership. Its not so simple as to do one or the other. But you need to understand what these are because they are often the fundamental choice that you have, and we’ll see in our examination of contingency theories that if you do the right one at the right time, you can be more effective.
University of Iowa Study: Key leadership behavior: participation or not Which do you think works best and why? Laissez-Faire: Give the group freedom (what leader?) Democratic Style: (participative): Involve subordinates, delegate authority, encourage participation. Autocratic Style : Dictate work methods, centralize decision- making, limit participation These are fundamental dimensions of leadership. Its not so simple as to do one or the other. But you need to understand what these are because they are often the fundamental choice that you have, and we’ll see in our examination of contingency theories that if you do the right one at the right time, you can be more effective.
Ohio State Studies: Key Leadership Behavior: Relationship or Task Relationship: Concern for People Employee-centered leader behavior Manager trusts, respects, and cares about subordinates Task: Concern for Job Job-oriented leader behaviors Ensuring that work gets done, subordinates perform jobs acceptably, and the organization is efficient/effective The Christmas season example Why might these results be kind of weak? It certainly makes sense that if you can do both, you will be better off. But consider the highly ready, highly motivated subordinate
The “Managerial Grid” Concern for People Concern for Production 9,9 pattern Team management 1,9 pattern “Country club” environment 5,5 pattern Middle-of-the-road management Concern for People 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9,1 pattern Task management 1,1 pattern Impoverished management 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Concern for Production
Contingency Theories Leader effectiveness depends on “fit” between situation and leader behaviors. Core problem: To specify how situational factors determine the optimal leader style. Just run through slide
House’s Path-Goal Theory Based on Expectancy Theory Comprehensive model, with most research evidence supporting its logic Leaders can motivate subordinates by: Increasing valence Increasing instrumentality Increasing expectancy Clearly identifying outcomes workers are trying to obtain so rewards can be outcomes that workers desire Reward workers for high performance and organizational goal attainment Clarifying paths to attainment of organizational goals, removing obstacles to performance, and expressing confidence in worker’s ability
Path Goal Individual Effort Performance Organizational Rewards Goals Expectancy Effort-performance linkage Instrumentality Performance-reward linkage Valence Attractiveness Review Expectancy Think of path goal as clarifying the path Example of elementary school vice-principal Clarify Goals and Path (Remove roadblocks) Reward Goal Attainment with desired outcomes
Situational Leadership Model Leader behaviors Telling: Leader defines role and gives direction Selling: Leader directs and supports Participating: Shared decision-making, leaders facilitate and communicate Delegating: Leader provides little support or delegation Follower readiness Some are able and some are unable to perform the tasks Some are willing and others are unwilling to perform tasks Key takeaway: Leadership style DEPENDS on follower needs!
Situational Leadership Model Key is Follower Readiness Trace through the logic Does it really make sense? Why not high task, high relationship in R1? Ask them Answer is its too much to do. You just need to rely on your authority; whereas if they are more mature, you are looking for buy-in whether they are willing or not, unless they are pretty much ready to do the task anyway, in which case your role in “leading” is low but you should be focused on enabling.
Developing your own style?