Task Groups & Teams Applying Organizational Theory SOWK 4007 Community/ Macro Theory & Practice Winter 2016 Session 7
Course Objectives #2 Demonstrate knowledge of organizational change models and the applicability of those models to social work practice and the person and environment and generalist practice perspective #3 Identify the mechanisms of social group work required for macro practice including work in task groups, meetings and teams
Agenda for Session 7 Second part of class First part of class Framework for understanding organizations Organizations: definitions and functions First part of class DISC Profile overview Group time: DISC Activity
Organizational Culture and Processes: Leadership, Climate, Communication, Conflict
Organizations are Systems Input ----- Throughput ----- Output
Definition: Culture A set of norms, values, assumptions that are part of organizational life “The way we do things around here”
Shared beliefs, values and assumptions Norms Rituals, stories, symbols Language “ a property of the collective organizational system” Think of a metaphor for your agency
Cultural Context Organizations, like other social institutions are shaped by the greater culture Culture develops through social interaction We can shape culture
Style and Culture Leadership sets the stage for culture Blake and Mouton described four organizational cultures based on management style The Managerial Grid
Paternalistic Culture High Performance Culture Performance Management Organizational Culture as Leadership style Strong Emphasis Paternalistic Culture High Performance Culture People Management Laissez Faire Culture Autocratic Culture Weak Emphasis Strong Emphasis Weak Emphasis Performance Management
Concern for People and Concern for Production Paternalistic -Country Club Management Comfortable, friendly environment that has a high concern for people and low concern for production Autocratic: Authority-Obedience Efficiency rules; keep people interference to a minimum; low concern for people and high concern for task
Laissez Faire: Impoverished Management Exertion of minimal effort; low concern for people or productivity High Performance: Team Management Work is accomplished through commitment of staff; common tasks – high concern for people and task
Organizational Climate A perception of the work environment Influenced by organizational culture Psychological climate: how an employee’s well being is affected by the environment
Organizational Processes How people in organizations interact within the boundaries of the organization and community Communication Decision Making Conflict
Communication Basic Communication Process
Organizational Conflict All organizations have conflict
Conflict Styles of Dealing with Conflict
Being a Change Agent Understanding organizations and communities as an important context for change Lead through relationship and knowledge