Eureka Math Implementation Embracing Heroic Change Heroic - having the characteristics of a hero or heroine; very brave. "heroic deeds“ synonyms: brave, courageous, valiant, valorous, lionhearted, superhuman, intrepid, bold, fearless, daring, audacious;
Background Information PreK-12 curriculum written by a team of classroom teachers, coaches, and mathematicians from 26 states and D.C. Also known as “EngageNY” or “Great Minds.” (“Great Minds” is the non-profit organization developing the curriculum). Foundation of the curriculum was written around the Common Core Standards for Math. The authors of the curriculum agreed the curriculum is best taught as a logical, engaging story; therefore EM is written as a triology. “A Story of Units,” “A Story of Ratios,” and “A Story of Functions.” In 2013, videos that model lessons were created. In 2015, gives EM ghiest ratings for alignment to new college and career-ready standards and focus, coherence, and usability. In 2016, RAND reports more than half of elementary teachers and nearly half of secondary teachers surveyed use EM/EngageNY – the most widely used math curriculum in the U.S. In 2016, Great Minds released Homework Helpers for families as well as a K-8 Spanish version of the curriculum
Key Shifts in Mathematics & Eureka Math Focus - Greater focus on fewer topics. Coherence - Linking topics and thinking across the grades. Rigor - Pursuing conceptual understanding, procedural skills and fluency, and application with equal intensity. “Study of Units” builds the understanding and ability to manipulate units. Students learn commonalities between units & unique features of some units. The progression of conceptual understanding moves from simple to complex. Also, specific set of models over time supports coherence. Students are invited to practice, explore, collaborate, share & critique. Daily Student Debrief allows for reflection and verbalizing connections. Fluency practice in grades K-8. Model and application problems available.
“Just let me see the math.” When kindergarten introduces number bonds and teaches ideas such as “what does 1 need to get to 6?” it transfers to the rest of the grade levels. “What does __ need to get to ___?” is the language of unit no matter what the unit is.
Expectations & Logistics
Expectations At least 60 minutes of math per day Weekly guided common planning (Academic coach & SPED teacher included) Fidelity, collegue support, and patience Positivity with parents
Logistics Planning Format, Modules, & Expectations Learning the Language Lesson Observation Tool/”Look Fors” Assessments & Grades Resources (Teachers, Parents, & Students)
Eureka Math PLC Planning Format Before the meeting: Read module overview, complete the application problems & exit tickets for each lesson. Celebrate success Discern the Plot Find the ladder Hone the lesson We will meet to plan out the units as a grade level. The entire grade level will identify the plot (goal) of the unit and identify the objectives of the lesson. We will, collectively, identify the assessment areas and identify which problems will be assigned to the students (can do, will do, “impress me”). We will also discuss the language needed to teach the lesson and identify what parts will be shortened, etc. Afterwards, the Coach will submit the grade level’s decisions & notes to the teachers on that grade level (including SPED).
Learning the Language Module Overviews When reading the overviews, look at what the overview is talking about. Look at the terminology. Topics/Lessons Read through the lessons and look a the language. Review the application problem, concept development, and exit ticket. Videos Are some phrases repeated throughout the lesson? Did they use clarifying language? At PLCs we will watch example Great Minds videos and discuss what teachers will need to incorporate or make special note of.
What the Lesson Looks Like Fluency (Sprints, Counting, WBE) Application Problem Concept Development (Instruction, Problem Set) Student Debrief (Reflection, Verbal Articulation, Exit Ticket) Teachers will have a highlighting system for the major component of the math. Teachers will have to submit lesson plans for small group instruction.
Lesson Components “Look Fors” This is what should be happening in every math classroom. A component of the lesson may happen at a different time (such as fluency), but it should take place.
Homework Included with Student printing for grades 3-8 Excluded for grades K-2 – teachers print as needed Homework available for every day – however, be selective on what you send home. Remember this is new for students and parents. Recommendation is to do most work at school and send fact practice for homework MAKE SURE parents have the resources to help their children if you send homework home. Homework help videos will be available on the SCCPSS Elementary Page. District will purchase 1 Homework Helper Book per Grade Level per School.
Assessment & Grades Grade Possibilities: Not Used for Grades: Available Quizzes (Still need to review as a team for editing) Common Grade-level assessments (taken from exit tickets or homework from previous weeks) End of Module Assessments Not Used for Grades: Daily Exit Tickets Mid-module assessments Kindergarten Assessment is “supposed” to be 1-on-1.
Resources Teachers: Students: Teacher’s Editions Promethean Board Flipcharts Quizzes Parent Newsletters Pacing Guides YouTube videos for teachers Online Digital Suite for PD Students: Student Materials Workbook A Workbook B Homework Exit Tickets Sprint Mid- and End-of-Module Assessments Topic Quizzes Online student platform Zearn
Resource Example (ACORN Resources Instructional Eureka Math) Created by Embarc Classwork Grade Scheduled on Pacing Guides Some include scoring information Schools will print on their own Create own quizzes with unused homework problems
Help for Parents Homework Video Links:
Newsletters Developed by Topic Explain concepts of Eureka Math in small components Written and visual support 1-2 pages in length Scheduled on Pacing Guides Schools will print on their own
Student Resources Workbook A Workbook B Homework (not K-2 to begin with Exit Tickets Sprint Mid- and End-of-Module Assessments Topic Quizzes Print Shop will print by Module base on schedule provided. Scheduled to arrive 2 weeks prior to beginning module. Each student will need a 3-ring binder for their workbook materials.
Online Student Platform Teachers will need to go in and set up their classes. Follow the step-by-step directions on this powerpoint.
Online Student Platform
Online Student Platform
Online Student Platform
Online Student Platform
Online Student Platform
Online Student Platform
Online Student Platform
We are all new to this. We’re in this together. We are going to make a difference for our students.