Training Course on Integrated Management System for Regulatory Body Module 3 (Prerequisites for Effective IMS) (3.7) Communications 1
Objective The aim of the module is to understand the importance and breadth of communication related to IMS project IAEA Training Course on IMS Module X 2 2
Stakeholder Enagagement State (parliament, government) or the Ministry ► Declaration by the Government Legislation (laws and decrees) + + Regulator authority (board/commission) ► Policy and strategy of the regulator Vision, mission, values + ► High (senior) management Management System Manual + + ► Middle management Specific policies and procedures + + ► Methodical instructions, internal guidance Lower management IAEA Training Course on IMS Module X 3 3
Internal Communication when Establishing IMS - Need for Good Communication IMS development/upgrade project needs to be well communicated both inside and outside the organization from the very beginning - crucial for final success!! (Top level) management shall clearly explain inside the organization: Objective – why the organization needs new (enhanced) IMS? To ensure full compliance with legislation (mandate), predictability, consistency, appropriate competency, etc., across the regulated areas; IAEA Training Course on IMS Module X 4 4
Internal Communication when Establishing IMS - Need for Good Communication Method of work – how the project will operate (timetable), who will be responsible for what, deadlines, deliverables, expert support availability, etc. Tools (if any) – means and types of communication (shared information, reporting, use of intranet, records…), tools for development of process diagrams, etc. In most of the cases there is a need of communication with external (partner) organizations - shared/interfacing competencies IAEA Training Course on IMS Module X 5 5
GOVERNANCE DOMAIN MANAGEMENT DOMAIN PRIMARY DOMAIN SUPPORT DOMAIN Leadership and strategic direction GOVERNANCE DOMAIN Management systém governance Financial management and economics MANAGEMENT DOMAIN Human Resource Management PRIMARY DOMAIN Authorization Assesment Inspection Enforcement Information technology SUPPORT DOMAIN Administration and purchasing
Importance of Communication There is a strong relationship between the levels of communication inside the organization and job performance and satisfaction! Effective teamwork and communication is significant for IMS to achieve defined goals. The prime responsibility of managers is to develop and maintain effective communication channels in the organization as an integral part of IMS project . IAEA Training Course on IMS Module X 7 7
Importance of Communication NAPOLEON – all his soldiers knew details about next day battle including battlefield scheme on paper with battle time schedule and expected maneuvers – in 19th century it was revolutionary way of communication in a “project”! Example – battle near Austerlitz IAEA Training Course on IMS Module X 8 8
Types of Communication Inside the Organization - Tools Types and tools of communication: Horizontal communication occurs when colleagues meet to discuss issues of common interest, resolve problems and share information; Downward communication flows from the managerial and executive levels to the staff through formal channels such as policy, strategy, manuals, guides, management decisions, rules and principles, organizational charts, …; Upward communication is initiated by staff and directed at executives; it frequently takes the form of a report, suggestion, a request or a complaint. IAEA Training Course on IMS Module X 9 9
Tools to support effective communication Examples of tools, resp. means, of communication: Briefings; On-line questionnaires and checklists (for example collection of opinion on IMS or its elements); Feedback loops; Document management system; Comment/request tracker tools; Probrat IAEA Training Course on IMS Module X 10 10
Tools to support effective communication Examples of tools, resp. means, of communication: Community communication platform(document sharing tools); Videoconferencing; Workflow communication (workflow tools); Knowledge base for knowledge sharing (systematic database of specific knowledge); Information push tools (proactive info dissemination and distribution checking). Probrat IAEA Training Course on IMS Module X 11 11
Communication in Project Phases – Involvement of staff In the preparatory phase (initiation of a project, planning) it is essential to properly communicate the project specification (terms of reference) including scoping, allocation of resources, training, identification of needs for expert support, project organizational scheme Staff shall be involved from the very beginning of a project – in scoping (possible tool is gap analysis questionnaire with indication of priorities for key members of staff) training needs def., assignment of responsibilities to individuals, etc. IAEA Training Course on IMS Module X 12 12
Communication in Project Phases– Involvement of Staff For the operational phase (implementation) – it is essential to set appropriate communication lines, explain whether and how individual project steps will be verified, decide on appropriate system of sharing information (information related to status of implementation, changes/ modifications, partial results, corrective actions, …) Important issue is to keep informed (consult) also staff not directly involved in development of new IMS. Another key issue is to resolve conflicts as soon as possible after identification – do not leave them unresolved! IAEA Training Course on IMS Module X 13 13
Communication in Project Phases – Involvement of Staff For the end (closure) of a project (phase) – it is important to communicate properly acceptance criteria, set up scheme for retrieving feedback (collection of operational experience) from the use of IMS, setup of a process for continuous improvement of IMS, … One of the most important issues is to ensure appropriate feedback to the project. One of the good practices is opening of dedicated “mail box”, where members of the staff can place their proposals/observations/concerns. “Mail box” system should allow tracking how the inputs were resolved/handled. IAEA Training Course on IMS Module X 14 14
Communication with Stakeholders Interested parties – stakeholders (examples): Regulated industry / professionals (owners, operators, employees, suppliers, partners, trade unions, scientific bodies); Governmental bodies/agencies or regulators (local, regional and national) whose responsibilities may cover some aspects of use of ionising radiation; Public including the media (individuals, community groups and interest groups); Partners abroad (neighboring countries, international organizations) IAEA Training Course on IMS Module X 15 15
Communication with Other Stakeholders Power/interest grid for stakeholder prioritization (source Regulated entities, collaborating Ministry/Agency, etc. ... ? IAEA Training Course on IMS Module X 16 16
Group Session - Stakeholder Communication ? Identify your stakeholders. Create a list of stakeholders. Draw a grid and place into it identified stakeholders. ? Discuss effective way to communicate project to develop IMS with different stakeholders IAEA Training Course on IMS Module X 17 17
Thank you!! IAEA Training Course on IMS Module X 18 18