Created by Jennifer Sharp Texas Indians Created by Jennifer Sharp
Texas Indian Sites Use the link listed at the left to learn more about the different Native American groups in Texas. This will help you learn about the types of Native Americans who lived in Texas and how they came here. When you are finished, move onto the next slide by pressing the arrow to go to the next page.
Map of Texas Indians Click on the name of a tribe you would like to learn about first. Comanche Caddo Jumanos Lipan Apache Karankawas
Comanche The Comanche were from the Southern Plains. They lived in tee-pees They were hunter- gatherers. They got around by walking and riding horses. What did they do for food? Use the information on the left to learn about the Comanche and to answer the question below. When you are finished press the happy face in the corner and choose a different tribe.
Jumano The Jumano were form the Western Plains. They lived in Pueblos. They were farmers and builders. They traveled by walking. What are the houses they live in called? Use the information on the left to learn about the Jumanos and to answer the question below. When you are finished press the happy face in the corner and choose a different tribe.
Lipan Apache The Lipan Apache were from the Big Bend Country. Their homes were made from buffalo hides, branches, sticks, and leaves. They were hunters, warriors, and craftsmen. They traveled by walking. They wore moccasins. What was their shelter made of? Use the information on the left to learn about the Lipan Apache and to answer the question below. When you are finished press the happy face in the corner and choose a different tribe.
Caddo The Caddo were from the Piney Woods. They lived in grass huts. They were farmers. They ate maize, beans, other crops and animals. Where in Texas did they live? Use the information on the left to learn about the Caddo and to answer the question below. When you are finished press the happy face in the corner and choose a different tribe.
Karankawa The Karankawa lived in the Gulf Coastal region. They lived in huts and used wickiups. They were hunters, gathers, and fishermen. They traveled by walking and using canoes. Which region were they living in? Use the information on the left to learn about the Karankawa and to answer the question below. When you are finished press the happy face in the corner and choose a different tribe.
All of the information on this presentation was obtained from