PUBLIC SCHOOL LAW Part 6: Secondary Legal Sources: Legal Periodicals
TYPES OF SECONDARY LEGAL SOURCES Lawbooks for the General Public Lawbooks for Law Students Treatises Restatements of the Law Comprehensive Legal Encyclopedias Legal Periodicals There are several TYPES OF SECONDARY LEGAL SOURCES Lawbooks for the General Public Lawbooks for Law Students Treatises Restatements of the Law Comprehensive Legal Encyclopedias Legal Periodicals We will discuss each of these types of secondary legal resources individually
LEGAL PERIODICALS There are a number of legal periodicals. This is often a good place to begin doing research on an aspect of the law. Periodical articles often cite the primary sources of law: statutes and court cases that can be used to analyze a legal problem There are several different kinds of legal periodicals. There are a number of legal periodicals. This is often a good place to begin doing research on an aspect of the law. Periodical articles often cite the primary sources of law: statutes and court cases that can be used to analyze a legal problem There are several different kinds of legal periodicals.
3 Kinds of Legal Periodicals Law Review Bar Journals Legal Newspapers
KINDS OF PERIODICALS: LAW REVIEW Every law school publishes at least one academic law review There could be as many as 570 academic law reviews Law review articles can be written by students, supreme court justices to law professors. Most articles tend to be written by law professors Great variation in the quality of articles in journals because edited by law students Finding a law review article on your topic can be valuable in two ways: Most are well written and provide a great deal of background information Well researched, provide a wealth of footnotes to primary sources KINDS OF PERIODICALS: LAW REVIEW Every law school publishes at least one academic law review There could be as many as 570 academic law reviews Law review articles can be written by students, supreme court justices to law professors. Most articles tend to be written by law professors Great variation in the quality of articles in journals because edited by law students Finding a law review article on your topic can be valuable in two ways: Most are well written and provide a great deal of background information Well researched, provide a wealth of footnotes to primary sources
Example of a law review journal Oklahoma Law Review Example of a law review journal Oklahoma Law Review Published quarterly since 1948 under the auspices of the University of Oklahoma College of Law, the Oklahoma Law Review gives expression to legal scholarship and serves the profession and the public with timely discussion of legal problems. Student editors and staff members publish the Oklahoma Law Review with the advice of members of the faculty. It contains leading article written by members of the bar and bench as well as law professors. The Review also publishes student notes and comments, recent case developments, and book reviews. Other Law Review Journals: Texas Law Review is published by the University of Texas School of Law.
KINDS OF LEGAL PERIODICALS Bar Journals These periodicals are published mainly for practicing lawyers. One of the main publishers of this type of legal periodical is the American Bar Association. Also state bar associations publish magazines. These are also called commercial publications The second kind of Legal Periodical is called a Bar Journal These periodicals are published mainly for practicing lawyers. One of the main publishers of this type of legal periodical is the American Bar Association. Also state bar associations publish magazines. These are also called commercial publications
Some Bar Journals Texas Bar Journal Oklahoma Bar Journal Oklahoma Bar Journal Examples of Bar Journals are : The Texas Bar Journal Oklahoma Bar Journal
Some Other Bar Journals ABA Journal (American Bar Association) Arizona Attorney Arkansas Lawyer Magazine California Bar Journal Connecticut Lawyer Criminal Justice Georgia Bar Journal Human Rights Illinois Bar Journal Iowa Lawyer The Journal of the Kansas Bar Association Louisiana Bar Journal Michigan Bar Journal (New Mexico) Bar Bulletin New York State Bar Association Journal Student Lawyer
KINDS OF LEGAL PERIODICALS Legal Newspapers These periodicals are also mainly published for practicing lawyers, and many of them cover local, or regional legal news. However, the National Law Journal covers legal developments for the entire nation A third kind of Legal periodicals is a Legal Newspaper These periodicals are also mainly published for practicing lawyers, and many of them cover local, or regional legal news. However, the National Law Journal covers legal developments for the entire nation
National Law Journal
WHERE TO FIND THE NAMES OF LEGAL PERIODICALS Ulrich's Periodicals Directory 2011 The multivolume set contains listings on over 223,430 serials in paper format, electronic and on CD-ROM, published throughout the world, and they are classified in this set by 901 subject headings. Most legal periodicals appear in volume 2 under law. There are over 7000 periodicals on law in this directory. WHERE do you go TO FIND THE NAMES OF LEGAL PERIODICALS? Ulrich's Periodicals Directory 2009 The multivolume set contains listings on over 218,290 serials in paper format, electronic and on CD-ROM, published throughout the world, and they are classified in this set by 906 subject headings. Most legal periodicals appear in volume 2 under law. There are over 7000 periodicals on law in this directory.
WHERE TO FIND THE NAMES OF LEGAL PERIODICALS Findlaw for Students: Academic Law Reviews and Journals Lists law reviews and journals by legal topic.
WHERE TO FIND THE NAMES OF LEGAL PERIODICALS WashLaw: Law Journals Index An alphabetical list by title of Law review journals. This list has been compiled by Washburn University School of Law at Topeka, Kansas.
WHERE TO FIND THE NAMES OF LEGAL PERIODICALS Jurist: Law Reviews Law Reviews is JURIST's directory of legal journals based at ABA-accredited law schools.
WHERE TO FIND THE NAMES OF LEGAL PERIODICALS Law Journals: Submissions and Ranking This page is maintained by Washington and Lee Univeristy School of Law and ranks the law journals.
WHERE TO FIND THE NAMES OF LEGAL PERIODICALS Other Law Journal listing sites can be found on the Research Guide are: American Law Sources Online: United States--Law Reviews and Periodicals Law Library of Congress: Law Reviews Online NexisLexis Directory of Law Reviews
Now you are done with part 6!