How to maintain the right attitude when times are tough Attitude and Stress How to maintain the right attitude when times are tough
Optimism LESS STRESS!!! What are the benefits of optimism? Superior Health & Longevity Greater achievement Persistence Emotional Health LESS STRESS!!!
Being in Control How to move your locus of control from outside to the inside Realize that you always have a choice, you may not like all the choices, but YOU have a choice Internal locus of control: Outcomes are within your control External locus of control: Outcomes are outside of your control (blaming others, luck) Which one are you???
Overcoming Perfectionism Become aware of your tendencies See the positive Alter your self talk Take it slow Learn to take constructive criticism
How to be happier Ask yourself... Does my lifestyle make me happy? Do my thoughts make me happy? Don’t forget to include things that make you happy in your goal setting Don’t get lost in pursuit
How to Make Stress Your Friend
Letting go of stressful thoughts Write it down One study showed that expressive writing was effective in reducing symptoms of depression and anxiety Change your thoughts Change your behavior
Attitude of Gratitude