My Poetry By 14
Christmas On Christmas morning and I see presents under the Christmas tree. We open presents. When Santa comes he sounds like Ho!!! Ho!!! Ho!!! It smells like hot cocoa and peppermint . I feel happy on Christmas . Merry Christmas!!!!!!!
My Talent Playing baseball is fun for me To practice batting use a tee. WHOOSH!! STRIKE!!! The key to baseball is the baseball ball. If there is a pop fly you have to call for the catch. POP!!!!!! Baseball is like a breeze. .
Me as a baby Me as a baby is really cute I was nice and I liked when I was a baby. I had fun with my Mom and Dad and watched TV. I liked when I was a baby.
The 4 Fireworks The fire from the fireworks is like a smoking tire. I see giant sparks . Fireworks sound like bombs blowing. BOOM! POW! It smells like smoke. It makes me feel happy so so happy.
Boat Its warm on the ship and cold the outside. It smells like fish and the fish store. And at the dock as they go fishing.
My Daddy My Daddy works at the hospital at night. He works at UAB. My Daddy sleeps like a hibernating bear. I love my Daddy!!
My Mom My Mom is nice. I love her very much she loves me very much to. She knew the right person to watch me. I love my Mom.
Johnny Appleseed Apple Seeds John Johnny Tree Planted Nuts Berries