Human Environment Interaction


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Presentation transcript:

Human Environment Interaction 5 Themes Location Place Region Human Environment Interaction Movement

How are places similar or different? REGION The Five Themes of Geography are ways geographers organize information about the earth. The themes answer 5 basic questions: Where is it? LOCATION What is it like? PLACE How are places similar or different? REGION How do people relate to the physical world? HUMAN ENVIRONMENT INTERACTION How do people, goods, and ideas move from one location to another? MOVEMENT

2 types: absolute & relative LOCATION 2 types: absolute & relative absolute- the precise spot of a geographic feature Latitude (parallels)- run east/west up to the North Pole and down to the South Pole equator- 0° latitude, divides the earth into Northern and Southern Hemispheres North Pole: 90°N South Pole: 90°S Longitude (meridians)- run north/south from pole to pole Prime Meridian - 0° longitude, divides the earth into E & W Hemispheres International Date Line: 180° longitude

Also: Phone # and addresses can be absolute location Global Grid- the imaginary lines of latitude and longitude that cross the earth 1°= 60’ (minutes) 1’= 60’’ (seconds) Ex: 23° 45’ 58’’ N Also: Phone # and addresses can be absolute location E A C D B F

relative--- the position of places in relation to other places on the earth Houston is on the Gulf Coast. Cairo is east of Houston.

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