Overview of 4Gbps connectivity for Nordic-MERLIN fringe tests John Conway, EXPReS Progress meeting, Utrecht, Jan 29th, 2008
Overview Fringe test at 1.3cm using Onsala 20m – Jodrell eMERLIN correlator autumn 2008 Jodrell-Metsahovi to do digital electronics firmware – Onsala to provision link for 4Gbps test to eMERLIN, main deliverable fringes Positive response on LOFAR station funding, build in 2008 need general LOFAR/eVLBI solution Simon Casey has joined us from 1st Jan paid by EXPReS/FABRIC
Hardware 1 iBoB and 1 iADC delivered November, woken up. Ordered HP switch (HP6400cl, 6 xCX4 ports plus 2 optical ports) same as Metsahovi) - allow CX4 conversion into Ciena box and multiple devices connected. Delivery next week. Also can borrow Jb CX4-10G converter as backup (but may need LR-XFP).
Chalmers Multi mode digital 20m Analog over fibre Single mode digital 10G lightpath 1G General traffic 1G switched VLBI Coax iADC VLBI’ Mk5 New Offices iBoB 25m CX4 HP6400cl Switch Ciena LR-10G LR-10G CX4 LOFAR PC+10G card Onsala Local Network plan November 2007 General Obs traffic
Discussions with SUNET/NORDUnet F2F Meeting end of October in Copenhagen, successful, discuss lightpaths, switched and ‘switched lightpaths’ 10G lighpath equipment installed at Onsala and Chalmers first week of November, send signals over our dark fibre to Gothenburg then over academic networks. Equipment supplied by SUNET, no cost to us while in test phase. Set up test from PC in Stockholm over NORDUnet and GEANT2 provisioned lightpath to UK. PC delivered from R Hughes-Jones before Christmas. Second meeting Stockholm 15th January 2008, decide to work toward ‘final solution’ to allow both EXPReS needs and Onsala LOFAR needs. .
Proposal after the meeting 2008-01-15 FUNET Rest of FUNET SUNET Rest of SUNET ?? NORDUnet routed IP (simplified view) SUNET project router Onsala Metsähovi NORDUnet TSS Opto NetNorthWest STO CSC Probably to Hamburg on NORDUnet and Surfnet cross border link Jodrell Bank TSS L2 Cloud AMS JANET CPH VLANs GÉANT2 SurfNET LOFAR etc.
Implementation plan Feb 15th Feb 22nd Feb 29 th Feb 1 st Feb 1st Number Description Owner Deadline Comment 1 Finalise PC test between UK-Stockholm. (using test PC in Stockholm) John Conway/Simon Casey Week 5 Feb 1st 2 Prepare TSS set-up and test it (again to UK using test PC in Stockholm) Alberto Colmenero Week 7 Feb 15th 3 Move test PC to Onsala and test connection Onsala-UK. Patch cable used in Stockholm Week 8 Feb 22nd 4 Install MX4800 in Stockholm Magnus 5 Test connection Onsala-UK on final set-up. Week 9 Feb 29 th 6 Investigate if Metsahovi is able to get an interface for their switch to connect to NORDUnet. Roy Molini Week 4/5 Feb 1 st
Test schedule/Timeline Envision PC (Onsala) to PC (UK, London or Jodrell), by end of Feb. UK Destination depends on JB 10G timeline. Recent progress on provisioning cross UK connectivity. Then iBob to PC, iBOB to iBOB tests, Onsala-Jodrell and also Onsala –Metsahovi Work needed on ensuring accurate timing info gets on packets. Once new NORDUnet infrastructure in place (early March), can do tests at 1024Mbit/s to JIVE correlator over our 10G ‘routed lightpath’ via Amsterdam. Above important for Onsala for pioneering LOFAR lightpath connectivity to Groningen. Final timeframe for 4Gbps FABRIC fringe tests depends on delivery of eMERLIN correlator – and progress at ‘receive end’