Home Exercise Program Complete each exercise twice per week. Follow the instructions and pictures and do your best!! Mark which days you do your exercises on the calendar with a star or sticker.
Cobra pose Instructions: www.twogomon.com Instructions: Lie on your stomach with your legs straight out behind you. Make sure your feet are together and your toes are pointing behind you. Place hands flat on the floor and close to your shoulders. Gently push off your hands and lift you head and chest off the ground. Try to hold for 15 seconds and then repeat. Don’t forget to hisssss like a cobra!!
Rock – N – Rolls Start in a seated position with knees bent in and back rounded. Wrap arms around thighs and place palm of hands on shins. Keep head tucked and your back in a C-curve. Roll back off the buttocks bones to your shoulders. Roll back up to starting position. Repeat 10 times. Perform 2 sets.
Shark Lay on floor on tummy, legs straight and together. Roll shoulder back and reach arms behind you. Clasp hands and interlace fingers behind back. Reach clasped hands up and back toward feet. Lift head and chest as much as possible. Lift legs as well keeping them straight. Breathe 3-5 times and then lower slowly.
Table From a seated position, place hands on floor about 6” behind you. Place soles of feet directly in front of hips about 8”-12” in front of you. On an exhale, press into hands and feet and lift torso parallel to floor. Hands should be under shoulders and ankles should be under knees. Eyes can look at feet, the ceiling or back behind you depending upon what feels comfortable for your neck. Hold pose and breathe in and out 3-6 times before gently lowering yourself back to sitting.
Week #1: For each exercise completed place a star/sticker in Week #1: For each exercise completed place a star/sticker in the square. Sun. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat. Shark Table Cobra Pose Rock-N-Rolls
Week #2: For each exercise completed place a star/sticker in Week #2: For each exercise completed place a star/sticker in the square. Sun. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat. Shark Table Cobra Pose Rock-N-Rolls
Week #3: For each exercise completed place a star/sticker in Week #3: For each exercise completed place a star/sticker in the square. Sun. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat. Shark Table Cobra Pose Rock-N-Rolls
Week #4: For each exercise completed place a star/sticker in Week #4: For each exercise completed place a star/sticker in the square. Sun. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat. Shark Table Cobra Pose Rock-N-Rolls