Integrated Early Childhood Curriculum Our program curriculum is based on the children’s interests and is derived from the following resources: Massachusetts’ Common Core Blueprint for Early Literacy
The Blueprint curriculum content and skills are taught to the children through 10 sequential themes that foster children's development in the following areas: Language & literacy development Cognitive development Social & emotional development Physical development Theme 4 Changes Around Us Theme 1 Welcome to School Theme 2 Living Together Theme 3 People, Places & Pets Theme 7 Folk Stories on the Farm Theme 6 Daily Life In Many Lands Theme 5 Markets & Food Theme 10 Exploring Pond Life Theme 8 Measure Up Theme 9 Seeds, Plants, & Gardens
Early Childhood Curriculum Each of Blueprint’s 10 thematic units use quality award winning literature as the foundation. Each thematic unit has a scope & sequence of skills that are integrated in the following content areas: English Language Arts Mathematics Science, Technology & Engineering History & Social Science Health Education The Arts
Early Childhood Curriculum In Early Childhood young children learn best through structured play and the Blueprint curriculum allows teachers the flexibility to develop children’s individual goals and skills by creating activities, lessons & experiences for them to explore in various learning centers throughout the classroom. Classroom learning centers include the following: Blocks Woodworking Dramatic Play Library Computers (desk top, Smart Board & IPADS) Writing Manipulatives/Math Science Art Sand & Water
Woodworking Dramatic Play Blocks Technology Library
Math/Manipulatives Science Writing Sand & Water Art