Exploration and Experience O’Brien-Chapter 5
Curriculum for Infants & Toddlers Curriculum=Every ______________ of the day, every toy or other object with which they come into contact, & every experience they have with another child or teacher Children are learning __________; therefore, teachers need to be teaching constantly A curriculum plan must balance ______ ____________, flexible & adaptable for ranges of developmental levels/needs, & provide opportunities for children to _______________________________
Curriculum for Infants & Toddlers Infant Play Primarily ____________-________________________________& find out about things through their _________ Teacher’s job=___________________________________________________________ Curriculum=variety of materials, planned & organized social play, individualized 1:1 opportunities for building close relationships Toddler Play Activities must be __________________________________ Goal=have opportunities to encourage exploration of objects & materials, as well as themselves & other people Teacher’s job=_______________________________________ Themes for Play Helps provide a balance between novelty & familiarity Increased opportunity for ____________ of activities to allow children to build on previous learning experiences Begin to build a ______________ around materials provided Encourages teachers to use the same set of words frequently; children are more likely to grasp the meaning behind the words & repeat them
Types of Play Activities for Infants & Toddlers Play presents opportunities for learning when materials are attractive and ____________________________, activities are ________________, and teachers are __________________________ to children’s interests Focus on_________________________________ that infants & toddlers are likely to experience Do not require elaborate props; those that resemble real objects or are real objects Take part in simple role-playing activities House & Doll play Typically come in sets with lots of pieces that fit together to create a play scene (farm/airport) They will _______________________ how the toys can be used/how they go together; stacking blocks/connecting Legos is a learned skill ___________________________ (blocks with animals)=increased opportunity for creativity & imagination Building toys Primarily intended to be fun; does not necessarily have to focus on specific skill acquisition Teacher’s goal=encourage __________________________, build on children’s interest/curiosity, gain confidence in their skills Active play Large toys are a great way to start the day ___________________in the classroom are a good way to make the _____________ from home to school Favorite toys=kept out all day, on low shelves; should be rotated every month Parallel play toys
Types of Play Activities for Infants & Toddlers…cont’d Encourage active involvement & provide variety and stimulation Teachers should be actively involved in play on the playground Expand children’s ______________________________________ Outdoor play Works best in _______________ with 1 teacher Goal=provide children with _________________________________________________________ Work on the _________________________________ Some children will find sensory activities unpleasant or are tactilely sensitive; invite to participate, but never force (provide an alternate activity) Art & Sensory experiences Infants & toddlers love to explore books with _______________________ Allow children to discover books _______________ as well as being read to ________________ picture books/laminated pictures are great, too! Books & Stories Enjoy hearing the rhythm & rhyme, rather than the quality of the voice Great for ________________ and to _________________ restless children Helps children to _________________________ Children will begin to imitate the motions of songs Songs, rhymes, and fingerplays * Videos: see next slide
Organizing Play Activities with Infants Successful play activities require teachers to have lots of _______________________ Young infants are more interested in _____________________ Unable to sustain their involvement with toys for more than _____________________ Older infants (once they gain locomotion) want to _______ rather than sit & play Planning play activities with infants Materials-Based Activities (look at pg. 91) Teacher’s responsibility=providing a variety of materials to explore & experience, interacting w/baby to extend & enhance play, providing lots of love & affection, having fun, encouraging children to remain busy, follow the child’s lead Toys are rotated every ___________________ Enough _______________________ so that each child has his own Toys are easily manipulated & have large pieces Thematic Activities Activities focus on a weekly theme & are organized around the categories of house/doll play, building, active play, and art & sensory experiences Repetition of activities throughout the week helps babies learn
Conducting Play Activities with Infants Overall, teachers are responsible for: introducing the _____________ getting _________________ in play ______________ the children’s activity using their ______ as learning goals _________ for all children maintaining a __________________ Teachers must be ________________ in children’s play Goal of play= for infants to have a maximum of opportunities to ________________ new materials & events w/involved adult guidance Teachers need to promote special outcomes for children with special needs Position children with special needs directly _________________ so the children can readily see & hear what is happening Teacher can also _________________________ between other children & the child w/special needs Children are _____ required to demonstrate that they have learned a specific skills in order for an activity to be a success
Organizing Play Activities with Toddlers Scheduling play activities for toddlers involves providing a balance between the familiar & the new, between active & quiet play, and between individual & social play Toddlers need to have as many _________ as possible Teacher’s role=______________________________________________________________________________ Planning play activities with toddlers Teacher can carry out a specific activity organized around the main activity areas in the classroom (house/doll play, building, etc.) ________________________ should be available for toddlers to choose from; _____________ as their “interest” calls them Toddlers are more cooperative & open to learning if they have selected the activity themselves Prearranged grouping should _______________ for activities that require ___________________________ ____________________________ Materials needed for play should be organized/prepared ahead of time ______________ are almost always more interesting & offer more opportunities for creative play It’s OK to mix the animals with the trucks!! Switch areas & conduct activity in a “new” area
Conducting Play Activities with Toddlers Successful play activities depend on ______________ Teachers should know the weekly theme, learning goals, & their scheduled activities in advance Keep non-mobile children right by the teacher so opportunities for the child’s active involvement can be provided Play activities may need to be _________________ to address specific outcomes for the child with special needs Goal of play=____________________________________________________________________________ Toddlers learn from _____________ they do Often need time to process what they see & hear before they can demonstrate what they have learned Supervising is more than just “watching;” it is encouraging toddlers to become involved, teaching language & appropriate toy use, preventing disruptions & aggression, responding to children’s individual needs, using positive redirection, & being alert to health & safety Teacher-led activities should last for about _____________________ Scripts for toddler play Helps to _____________________________ & encourages more active participation on the part of the child Increases pretend play House/doll areas are most obvious situations for scripted play