Selling The Value Of Software Fall 1998 Worldwide Sales Force Training
Agenda What Is The Value Of Software? Why Charge For Software? Where Is The Value In Version 1.5? What Is Beyond 1.5? (Release Roadmap) Overcoming Objections And Sales Tips Summary
What Do We Mean By “Sell The Value Of Software”? Selling the value means raising the perceived value or worth of the product in the eyes of the buyer it does not mean just getting more money for it!
Why Charge For Software? It helps qualify the account. If software were free, we might spend time with prospects that may not have a need for programmable logic. The customer has a budget to spend. It’s typically the first allocation of funds on the project and it subsidises FAE effort. If we don’t take it, Altera will! The customer will value it more. The more a customer invests in software, the less likely he is to abandon it later.
Why Sell The Value? 1) The more a customer values his software/Core: The more likely he is to use Xilinx instead of the competition. The less likely he is to drop maintenance. The more seats he’ll buy! 2) Software is a Fundamental part of the solution! Software and cores are playing a more strategic role in the customer’s programmable logic vendor choice. 3) It’s NOW a competitive advantage! Sell Components + Software/Cores + Support.
Why Sell Maintenance? An in-maintenance customer is much more likely to choose Xilinx next time! Immediate visibility to best components. Immediate visibility to best software. Ability to evaluate Xilinx solution first. Customer doesn’t have to pay anything before starting their design.
Where Is The Value In Software Where Is The Value In Software? Customers see value in software that will enable them to get their job done in the fastest possible time. Mainstream designer Productivity is dependent on: Ease-of-Use Run Time High density and high speed designer Productivity is dependent on: User Control Design Performance Design Iteration Time - Run Time Productivity through Ease-of-Use, Performance Driven Design, and User Control.
Where’s the Value in 1.5? Ease of Use Constraints Editor Simple control over powerful constraints Automatic Pin Locking When you’re ready for board layout Instant Software Access No waiting for license Improved Reporting Important information first
Graphical Constraints Editor What won’t CE do? What arethegotchas for 1.5 (with the caveat that itwill evolve over time) Guides user to the best constraint methodology
Where’s the Value in 1.5? Performance Minimum Delays Allows for system level race checking Temperature and Voltage Prorating Faster performance at more optimal operating conditions Automatic Clock Skew Handling Accounts for clock skew in performance driven designs Dramatic Improvements to PAR
Where’s the Value in 1.5? Performance - PAR Improvements Average 2-3x runtime improvement, 10x on some designs Faster timing analysis with K-path algorithm Achieves higher clock rates more easily hits timespecs more often Low Utilization designs will route much more quickly Better performance on high fanout nets new high fanout router All this means…. More Turns Per Day Faster Design Cycles
Competitive Benchmarks Runtime in Minutes Performance in MHz Default 42% 4% 44% 3% 9% 20 HDL designs ranging from 5K to 100K gates XC4000XL-08 vs. 10KA-1, Alliance Series 1.5 vs. Max+PLUS II v9.01 Runtimes are place and route only on 400MHz Pentium II
Where’s the Value in 1.5? User Control Floorplanner Area or detailed layout New Constraints Global IO timing TNM_NET for synthesis designs Push Button Performance Simple control over tradeoff between runtime and performance
Graphical Floorplanner Add knowledge of the designs structure to increase performance up to 40% Area constraints for modules provide faster runtimes higher performance design changes made easier
Foundation & Alliance Series Unparalleled Productivity Key Features in Version 1.5 4 New FPGA/CPLD Families 50% Runtime Reduction Graphical Constraints Editor Floorplanner Automatic Pin Locking 6x Faster Timing Analysis (Kpaths algorithm) Automatic Clock Skew Handling New Reporting of Minimum Delays Voltage and Temperature Speed Pro-rating Instant Software Access The goal of this slide is to provide additional details about Xilinx’ upcoming software release which combined with the 1.4 compile time improvements provides over an order of magnitude faster compile times over 1.3. In additional Xilinx is releasing features in the 1.5 release which won’t be available from the competition for at least another year.
Release Roadmap Service Packs Incorporate the accumulation of all bug fixes from one major release to the next.
Contents of Performance Pack 1.5i Get new (faster) speeds into software XC4000XLA & XV -08, Virtex -6 Tune PAR with updated speeds files Auto timespecing Roll all bug fixes into a fully SQA tested environment Enhance Virtex and Constraints Editor quality Support for IOB TBUF Reg in XLA/XV/SpartanXL Improves output speed
Future Direction Responding to the Changing Landscape Evolution of FPGA Design Cores, Synthesis, Design reuse, Behavioral compiler Larger design teams Schematic Single designer Synthesis Single designer Synthesis and Cores Small team TIMELINE Timing Driven PAR HDL Back Annotation Tighter ties with synthesis vendors Module Compile Module Guide Team Based Design Evolution of FPGA Tools
Modular Design Xilinx is Leading the Way Facilitates Group Design & Reuse Seamless Integration Between Modules Extension to leading cores solution Modular Time Specs With industry’s best timing constraint language Modular Incremental Compile Extensive R&D investment Designer1 Module Designer2 Module Designer3 Module Design Reuse As designs get larger and people move toward system on a chip device, their designs will not consist of just random gates. They will consist of Cores, modules from old designs, and new modules created by different designers. Integration between these modules is extremely important. The ability to generate timing requirements for each module must be added to the software. By separating the task into modules, each one can be compiles separately which will produce shorter compile times and high performance. The foil above is a good example of how a large design is created. Multiple cores and multiple designers to design portions of the device. Xilinx deliver software solutions that help design, manage, and integrate these modules. Reduces Compile Time & Increases Performance
Compile Time Leadership 50 40 Up to 3X faster than 1.4 30 Minutes* 20 10 2002 Although in some situations a sales person may hesitate to show this slide based on customer perception, the goal of this slide is to take a step toward changing this perception. Xilinx clearly leads, when it comes to high performance design and timing driven compiles, and we are consistently beating our competition at various benchmarks. We may not always win, but we are definitely competitive and are in a good position to lead in many situations. Notes: Average compile time for a 100,000 gate design in 1.3 was only about 400 gates per minute. In 1.4, that improved to 2000 gates per minute and has improved to over 4000 gates per minute in the 1.5 release. It is reasonable to assume that continued compile time improvements will achieve around 6000 gates per minute next year. Assume that CPUs increase at about 2X per year means that 100,000 gates would take slightly over 8 minutes. Plus the fact that module based compile means a linear increase in compile time as gate count increases. Therefore, 1,000,000 = 10 modules of 100,000 gates @ 8 min = 80 minutes. With further advancements, we expect to keep the compile time of 10,000,000 gate designs to under 1 hour by the year 2002. 1998 1999 2000 2001 * 100k System gate designs (400MHz Pentium) And with ... Faster CPUs Faster Compile Times Modular Compile 1999 Goal: 1 Million Gates in under 1.5 hours!
Overcoming Objection #1 “I’m buying $$$ of your components; I’m not paying for software!” How to answer the buyer who raises that objection: Xilinx makes a major investment in software every year, if we didn’t subsidise that with software sales we’d have to increase the cost of the components. As a big component buyer, would you want that? How to answer the engineer who raises that objection: Xilinx and our partners offer the best Hotline and FAE support in the world and software revenue subsidises their effort. Xilinx invests your software dollars not only in incremental improvements to the software but also in developing capabilities beyond push button implementation.
Overcoming Objection #2 “Altera gave me their software for free, why won’t Xilinx?” [Remember - Altera gets more $ per seat than we do!] What the customer probably means is: They gave me free evaluation s/w (PLS-WEB) or They gave me one free seat for every two that I bought or They gave me the entry software for free but I had to buy maintenance after 3 months and upgrades to get my design done.
Overcoming Objection #3 “How can you justify such a high price for your software?” Xilinx offers software starting at $95 for Foundation and Alliance Base and a full VHDL and Verilog solution in Foundation Base X for only $495. Royalties for ‘best in class’ partner software. 1st year’s maintenance included with Standard Packages. Subsidise world-class distributor FAE support . Buying the same tools on the open market would cost much more (e.g.. Foundation Express would cost $16,000 with Xilinx libraries).
Overcoming Objection #4 “Altera’s software is easy to use, why should I invest the time to learn Xilinx software?” Yes, pushing a button is easy but, what if it doesn't do what you want? What if you want a cheaper (I.e. smaller or slower) component? Then you’ll need more powerful software. If you want to learn an HDL design methodology you'll find Foundation Express gives you a very short learning curve. A couple of hours spent learning our tools will save you many times that number of hours in timing driven compilation time!
Key Value Messages For Alliance? Standards Based Design Interfaces Allows customers to work in their chosen EDA environment. A.K.A.speedtm TECHNOLOGY Faster compile times and increased clock speed lets customers meet their specifications and get their product to market more quickly. Integrated Core Generator Software And LogiBLOX Customers can achieve higher performance and get their designs done faster. World Class Technical Support Instant support over the Web and via the phone to assist customers in completing designs.
Key Value Messages For Foundation? Complete Front-To-Back Design Environment The tightly integrated tool set makes it easy for customer to learn and use the tools. Powerful VHDL And Verilog Synthesis - Synopsys FPGA Express Robust language support and optimization technology allows customers to get the most speed out of their design. Graphical HDL Editor And Integrated Language Wizard Simple graphical tools help to reduce the time it takes for customers to complete their design. World Class Technical Support Instant support over the Web and via the phone to assist customers in completing designs.
So, What Should You Do With This Information? Sell the value - it’s worth the time! Software Win the designer not just the design! Maintenance Make sure your customer is plugged into the future! Cores Lock the customer into Xilinx for the long term!
Appendix - Sales Tips Get the customer hooked first - Sell them Base or Base X. Understand the customer’s budget and fit the quote to it (e.g. project, maintenance or capital budget). Sell to the department manager, not the project manager. Always sell maintenance to the department manager or systems administrator. When the customer wants to deal on prices, get something in return (e.g. design win, reference quote, multiple seats). Sell Cores to lock out the competition for this and future designs.