Social Economy to Meet the Needs of First Nations Communities Conference on Clients with Decreasing Independence Montréal, May 10, 2017 Karine Awashish Social Economy Advisor 418-842-1540, ext. 2406
THE SOCIAL ECONOMY is… An enterprise model with an economic component and a social component An economic model that is… Different from and complementary to traditional models (private, public or parapublic) Supported by various social missions For Aboriginal people, it is a tool that facilitates… The take-over The development in all aspects of the communities and in many fields of activity The promotion of First Nations culture, cultural heritage and creativity
THE SOCIAL ECONOMY is… An enterprise (entrepreneurial nature of the SE) Most often a NPO or a cooperative (collective ++) Independent Democratic (involving the community/users) Born from a community initiative in which it remains “rooted” (person, group, organization, community...) Whose mission has a social purpose (before capital) With a significant portion of the income coming from the sale of goods/services Based on the principles of individual and collective responsibility, participation and empowerment
THE SOCIAL ECONOMY is… A local response to needs in different areas… Economic, social, health, environmental, cultural, etc. Health and social services (perinatality, home care, prevention, etc.). Employment integration of people with social and occupational integration difficulties, significant limitations, etc. Worker cooperative, youth, grocery cooperative, purchasing cooperative, local production/supply of food, professional services, furniture, food and clothing banks, etc. Construction/management of affordable housing, housing cooperative (social housing) and tourist accommodation. Financial, natural resources and transport Culture, tourism, media and many others…
THE SOCIAL ECONOMY, why? Enterprises whose results are measured in social, cultural, economic and community terms Common good – social returns Creation of jobs, sales and benefits Maintenance and improvement of community services and support for people Improvement of quality of life and the environment Socio-cultural development and dynamism of a community Promotion and affirmation of identity Etc.
THE SOCIAL ECONOMY, why? Immense needs to be filled For many reasons including… Immense needs to be filled Tool to fight poverty and social exclusion Sustainable development tool Self-determination tool A model that reflects our values and aspirations Enterprises that are in line with our needs A place where you can take your place
THE CHALLENGES A return to "traditional" culture and values of acting and working together (in a circle) Awareness and information Participation and commitment The mobilization of socioeconomic and political players Managing and sharing development efforts THE SUCCESSION ++++
SOCIAL AND COLLECTIVE ENTREPRENEURSHIP… Having the desire to be an agent of change Align one’s personal and professional goals Pooling our strengths and expertise Contributing significantly to ones’ environment Forging connections, affirming one’s identity and enhancing the cultural wealth of one’s community/nation A few tips...
Mikwetc – Meegwetch – Tshinashkumitin – Welaliog – Jawenh – Wli Wni! For communication: 418 842-1540, ext. 2406 Mikwetc – Meegwetch – Tshinashkumitin – Welaliog – Jawenh – Wli Wni!