Programme Management Board Reporting Period: July 2014 19 August 2014 Programme Management Board
Programme Management Board 2014/15 Programme Status Overall the Trust achieved £2,073k in 2014/15. The planned savings were £2,163k. This is £90k under performance and is due to an overspend on staffing (failure against the vacancy factor target) Service Review Update Service Reviews are progressing well and the teams are mobilising to develop and deliver the implementation of the recommendations. Actual savings of £68k have been achieved through Service Reviews / Re-design work already initiated to date The Project teams are developing detailed implementation plans to support the delivery. These will need appropriate resources from both corporate and front line to deliver the change. The Implementation model/process was signed off at the Programme Management Board. This will be communicated through the September team brief Services and Corporate are developing regular sessions to share, learn and work together to deliver the implementation plans Individual Service Reviews are running according to the agreed scheduled (please see attached Plan on a Page – private session In July/August, the following services have presented to Senior Management Team Findings Reports – Family Nurse Partnership, Watch it, Sickle Cell , Long Term conditions Option Appraisal – Healthy Living, Podiatry, Primary Care Mental Health, Adult Integration, Wound Management, Continence, Urology & Colorectal Service, Adult Domiciliary Physio and Falls team The opportunity figures and delivery status identified within these reports are noted for each review on the attached Plan on a Page (private session) EPR Update The project rollout plans are being reviewed in line with the business case plan. A recovery plan is being developed. As part of the recovery plan – aligning the output of Service Reviews and reviewing Phase 1 and 2 listing Preparing a launch event to explain EPR to the Phase 1 services to enable success Aligning the Clinical documentation and EPR has been initiated, further work required to embed this process within the EPR review process Estates Update Estates Team are developing clear structure to manage the strategic LCH Estates Project and the Service Review projects. Recovery Plan being developed for 2015/16 to enable financial targets to be delivered. Programme Management Board
Variance Year to Date Actual £k 2014/15 Programme Status Projects Recurrent Plan £k In Year Annual Plan £k Forecast Outturn £k Forecast Variance £K Year to Date Plan £k Year to Date Actual £k Variance Year to Date Actual £k Estates Utilisation 256 85 Medicines Use 28 9 Non-Pay Efficiency Procurement 153 51 -23 Health and Wellbeing 202 -202 67 Travel 204 68 Productivity (Gains) Skills Mix 109 36 CNS Remodel Service Reviews 2,910 2,711 -199 EPR 253 Contribution of New Business 100 33 Increase in Vacancy Factor 1,000 -1,000 667 531 -135 177 Release of Reserves 1,777 816 Total for 2014/15 8,032 6,631 -1,401 2,163 2,073 -90 19 August 2014 Programme Management Board
Opportunity Plan Status Confidence of Delivery Status 2014/15 & 2015/16 Programme Status Opportunity Plan Status Clear rationale and underlying analysis which has been reviewed by Finance Clear rationale, further work required to test the analysis and assumptions Provisional rationale Confidence of Delivery Status Successful delivery of the project to time, cost and quality is achievable. There are no outstanding issues that will impact the project delivery Successful delivery appears feasible. There are issues that exist and require management attention. These issues appear resolvable at this stage and if addressed promptly, should not impact project delivery Successful delivery of the project/programme appears to be at risk. There are significant issues on project/programme scope, timeline, budget, quality and /or benefits delivery. The project/programme may need re-baselining and/or overall viability re-assessed Programme Management Board 19 August 2014