Interdisciplinary Doctoral Programme in ENVIROMNMENTAL PROTECTION 01/24/08
Faculties Biotechnical Faculty Faculty of Economics March 2016 Biotechnical Faculty Faculty of Economics Faculty of Social Sciences Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geodesy Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Faculty of Arts Faculty of Medicine Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering Faculty of Law Veterinary Faculty
The basic programme goals March 2016 The goal of the programme is to qualify doctoral candidates in scientific thinking and in solving the demanding scientific problems in the area of the environmental protection with an interdisciplinary approach. Doctoral graduates will be qualified for creative and independent research work and for solving scientific problems. They will be able to critically assess research results and capable of transfering new knowledge into practice.
Access requirements Graduates of: second cycle study programmes. March 2016 Graduates of: second cycle study programmes. study programmes evaluated with at least 300 credits. study programmes leading to specialisation provided that candidates have previously completed a higher education professional study programme. The Programme Council will specify additional entry requirements for candidates in individual areas amounting from 30 to 60 credits. study programmes leading to a master of science or to specialisation after completing an academic study programme. 60 credits of study obligations will be recognised to such candidates. Academic study programmes. Candidates with foreign qualifications are obliged to acquire a decision on the recognition of the foreign education. The recognition procedure is a part of the enrolment procedure.
Academic year 2016/2017 15 places are available March 2016 15 places are available Deadline for application - 25 Avgust 2016 Choose the mentor and co-mentor before enrolment The tuition fee - 3.500 € per year 01/24/08
Curriculum Year 1 Credits Year 2 Year 3 March 2016 Year 1 Credits Year 2 Year 3 Obligatory methodological Course 10 Elective Course IRW 55 Core Courses 20 Doctoral seminar with presentation of the doctoral dissertation topic 5 Doctoral seminar with presentation of the doctoral dissertation prior to the public defence and the public defence 45 01/24/08
Career procpects March 2016 at universities and other educational and research institutions in public administration and government offices dealing with research of environment in health establishments and in other institutions and companies employing experts and researchers with the highest educational level
Additional information March 2016 http://www.uni- ja/varstvo_okolja/ Student offices at the faculties. 7 01/24/08