Tareas de ingles Primaria Del 10-14 de octubre del 2016 COLEGIO ZAZU
Mr. Eulises Farfan 1st. B grade Monday 10 Tuesday 11 Wendnesday 12 Thursday 13 Friday 14 Draw an animal family. Example: lion, rabbit, monkey, etc. Make a name tag Count the names in your family Write 5 words with letter p and 5 words with letter b Practice the sentences: Pablo and peter are brothers Betty and pam are beautiful Bob has a blue pen The boy has a pencil case
Teacher.Miguel Ramirez. 1st. B grade Teacher.Miguel Ramirez. Monday 10 Tuesday 11 Wendnesday 12 Thursday 13 Friday 14 What does your family mean to you? ¿Que significa tu familia (emocionalmente) Para ti? Do you have grandparents ? Draw them ¿Tienes abuelitos? Dibujalos Tell me your favorite place to eat when you go out with your family Dime tu lugar favorito para comer cuando sales con tu familia What does your family do on weekends? ¿Que hace tu familia los fines de semana? Make your family’s photo album Haz un pequeño Álbum de tu familia
Draw a game you can play in the playground Mr. Eulises Farfan 2. grade Monday 10 Tuesday 11 Wendnesday 12 Thursday 13 Friday 14 Match the names with numbers Circle the numbers in the following sentences: In our hands are ______bones 23 B) 29 C) 27 In our foot are _____ bones 26 B) 30 C) 20 It takes ______muscles to jump 35 b) 70 c)15 Draw a game you can play in the playground Write five words with letter m and five words with letter n. Underline the rules for playing safely: Respect others Hit your partner Don’t hit your partner Be careful Use a helmet
MR. ORTIZ 3rd GRADE HOMEWORK Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday The students will investigate about unusual jobs, near their homes. The students will try to donate to someone a book to a library, after they read it. The students will write some sentences using the compound subject and verb. Example: My mother is a teacher. My father is a teacher. My mother and my father are teachers. The students will create a book about good manners. Respecting others. -listen to your teacher. Respect police officer. Respect old people. Clean your room. Help your mom. The students will review the whole vocabulary and memorize them.
Mr. ortiz 4th grade homework Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday The students will write about someone who have a unusual habits. Example: order the book in ABC’s order. Wear a cap every time. Etc. The students will write the short sequence about what they do in a day, using: First Next Then After that Finally. The students will practice good habits. Example: Make their bed every day. Eat vegetables once a week. Help wash the dishes. The students will review the whole vocabulary and bring a half of a card board. The students will practice the whole vocabulary and memorize them.
Mr . Vargas 5 to Lunes Martes Miércoles Jueves viernes Big ENGLISH Song Spelling bee, ABC, Numbers Please do 20 – 25 CD’S Please trun al the home work from the week
Mr . Vargas 6 to Lunes Martes Miércoles Jueves viernes