Snapchat In-house Compulse & Station Guidelines Good morning, my name is Bryan Paride, and I am the social and search marketing manager for Compulse. Today we’re going to quickly review Snapchat advertising. Snapchat In-house Compulse & Station Guidelines
Your Social Media Teams Handles all social media related to clients including: Handles station social media content including: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Snapchat & YouTube client advertising Facebook and Twitter “Sponsored Posts” Client social accounts – Including Content Management, Starter Kits and more Station, Talent, Property (Circa, ASN, Tennis Channel, etc.) Social Contesting – UPickEm Bryan Paride Social & Search Marketing Manager John Colucci Social Media Director Jillian Greer Social Media Marketing Coordinator Dave Trausneck Social Media Manager As always, here’s a reminder of our social media team breakout. Today, since SnapChat is both new to Compulse and Sinclair Digital – I’m joined with Dave Trausneck who will be briefly covering what’s available on the station end with his team. Confidential. August 2016
So we’re going to jump in with Compulse. Snapchat Compulse Guidelines
Snapchat Why SnapChat? Snapchat has more users than Twitter, Pinterest or LinkedIn. 10 billion stories per day 60% of Snapchat’s monthly U.S. users are aged 13-24 Nearly 70% of Snapchat users are female 65% of Snapchat users upload daily Snapchat ads are seen between 500,000 to 1 million times per day So what SnapChat? Read slide. Confidential. August 2016
Not Offered for Local Advertising Snapchat Discover Starts at $50,000 per day Reserved for major international publishers and big brands Sponsored Lenses Starts around $450,000 Sunday-Thursday, $500,000 for Fridays-Saturdays Reserved for publishers and big brands Nationwide Sponsored Geofilters Starts around $50,000 to $100,000 per day Typically reserved to big brands Live Stories Starts around $250,000 to $500,000 per story 10-second segment estimated at $50,000-$100,000 Typically reserved to large publishers To start- there’s many, many different avenues for Snapchat advertising, however, a lot is reserved for large, national businesses. Snapchat Discover starts at $50,000 per day. Sponsored lenses, which is the taco bell ad here, starts between four hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Nationwide sponsored geofilters start at $50,000 per day. And Live stories – are at $250,00 per story. Goes without saying, but – these options are only for companies with deep pockets. If you have a client this big, please contact the agency directly and we will help get you in touch with our national team. Confidential. August 2016
Sponsored Local Geofilter Agency must quote before selling. Absolutely no exceptions. Minimum of 20,000 sq. ft., maximum of 5 million Minimum 5 business day turn-around Snapchat requires at least 2 business days for review Filters must be created by client or additional fee If Compulse does creative, add additional 2 days Next, and this is probably what most advertisers are interested in on a local level is geofilters. Geofilters must be quoted before selling. There are absolutely no exceptions. Since geofilters costs are associated with the fence area and the time and dates you wish to run, the cost is completely variable. You can select up to 5 million square feet to run an ad and IO’s require at least 5 business days to run around. Once again, SnapChat has their own internal check we must pass, which takes up 2 of the 5 days. Filters must be made by the client or there will be an additional fee. If compulse does the creative for your client, there is an additional 2 business days added to the timeline. Confidential. August 2016
Sponsored Local Geofilter Filters sold upon geographical area and flight dates. Filters not sold upon CPM, CPC or any other metric. Due to the nature of SnapChat, quotes can only be generated 30 days from launch. We cannot provide an estimation of how many people will use the filters (CPC) or how many people will see the filters (CPM). You will need to frame the conversation differently with your client. Once again, filters are sold upon geographical area and flight dates only. This means, that filters are not sold upon CPM, CPC or any other metric. The purpose of these ads are strictly brand awareness, but Snapchat’s business model does not allow us to bid on anything else but placement of these filters. We cannot provide an estimated of how many people will use the filters or how many people will see the filters. However, final reporting will show these results. Due to the nature of SnapChat, bquotes can only be generated 30 days from launch and IO’s can only be placed out 30 days., so please plan accordingly. This is not our decision, it’s that Snapchat blocks anything out for more than 30 days. Since Snapchat is different than any other advertising platform – we recommend that you contact the agency for selling tips. Confidential. August 2016
Sponsored Local Geofilter Quotes & IO’s Must provide flight dates and TIMES in ED(S)T Due to the nature of SnapChat, quotes can only be generated 30 days from launch. Provide us with an address. Provide a “fence” size. Give us cross-streets. Radii, Zip, City, DMA, etc are not available. We would recommend using Google Maps to help identify what area you want to target Reminder: 5,000,000 square feet is a small area to target. Tickets are now in place on the cloud. Diving a bit deeper into quotes and io’s.... You must provide us flight dates and times that you wish to run the ads. Once again, the cost for the ads are dependent on this date. You must provide us with a single address to start with. Then, provide fence size details. You can give us cross streets, say 5 blocks each direction, something that will help us make the fence. We will send a screenshot of our fence to you to confirmation. Radii, Zip codes, city, DMA’s are not available. We literally have to draw the fence, so more detail the better. We recommend using Google Maps to help guide us when making the fence. As a reminder, 5 million square feet sounds like a lot, but in reality, is actually pretty small. In bigger cities, this would be from one major intersection to another. The quote ticket is in the cloud as well as the IO ticket. Please make sure you give us as much information as possible. Confidential. August 2016
Sponsored Local Geofilter Quotes & IO’s Quote is only valid from 30 days from submitted. Final cost may vary. All prices determined upon size of fence and the dates you want to run the filter. Client Investment A quote is valid only 30 days from when submitted, but please be aware, that final costs may vary. We will let you know if the cost changes. Since the cost is determined by Snapchat, we do not have negotiating or bidding abilities. The cost is, what it is when the final IO is placed. The minimum to run Snapchat will be $500 for the buy itself. IF, SnapChat comes back with something less than $500 we will take each campaign on a case-by-case basis. The Compulse management fee is $250 or 24-26% of the ad buy, whichever is greater. For geofilters, the 1st fence is included. However, each additional fence is treated as a new campaign and there will be a $50 fee per additional fence. The sales commission is $75 or 13-14% of the ad buy, whichever is greater. If you have questions about your own commission please refer to finance’s document on commission or please talk to your RSM or Agency Management. And finally, if your client does not provide a filter, we will create one in house. The cost to do is $150 per filter and you get two revisions. Name Fee/Rate Snapchat Ad Buy Minimum $500 + Compulse Management Fee Minimum $250 or 24-26% of total ad buy – whichever is greater + Compulse Per Fence Fee 1st Fence: Included Additional Fences: $50 per fence + Sales Commission* Estimate Only. $75 or 13-14% of Ad Buy – whichever is greater + Creative Fee $150 per filter, up to 2 revisions Confidential. August 2016
Local Street Festival A Local Street Festival B Examples of Campaigns (Estimates) Name Request Issue Impact Fee/Rate High Schools Geofilter 10 different high schools. Geofilters extremely small and Snapchat will charge only $50 per fence. Team will have to set up 10 unique filters, 1 per week for 10 weeks. $500 – Snapchat $250 – Compulse $450 – Fence Fee $75 – AE Comm. Total: $1,275 Sporting Event A Geofilter around stadium for local college Geofilter extremely expensive and competitive. Snapchat will charge over $5,000 for fence. $5,000 – Snapchat $1,250 – Compulse $750 – AE Comm. Total: $7,000 Sporting Event B Geofilter cannot be set around stadium. Must target bars/restaurants around the DMA. Team must identify where to fence, how big to fence and 20 different fences. Snapchat will charge $100 per fence. $2,000 – Snapchat $500 – Compulse $950 – Fence Fee $300 – AE Comm. Total: $3,750 Local Street Festival A Geofilter around local street festival. No creative staff. Creative team must get involved. Snapchat will charge $500 for fence. $150 – Creative Total: $975 Local Street Festival B N/A Creative provided by client, simple geographical area. Snapchat will charge $500 for fence. $500 Snapchat $150 – AE Comm. Total: $900 Here’s a breakdown on some scenarios. This deck will be shared with all of you, so you can review this on your own time. Confidential. August 2016
Snapchat Station Guidelines And finally, I’m going to pass this off to Dave Trausneck who will be briefly covering station guidelines for snapchat. Snapchat Station Guidelines
Station Promotion On-Demand GeoFilter Strictly promotes station, and no sponsors or third- parties permitted except if local event & station is a sponsor. Station must already be an active Snapchat user Filters must be created by station (instructions for Creative Services will be provided). Geofence is custom-drawn by station (Snapchat does not let you pick an address & a radius for a geofence). Filter design must be approved by Corporate Social team prior to submission to Snapchat for quality assurance. Send designs 4 days prior to planned flight date. Once approved, Station sets up filter on their account Station pays for this filter out of their own budget Name Fee/Rate Station Promotion On-Demand GeoFilter Variable (Cost is 100% custom. Based on date, location, and size of geofence.) Confidential. August 2016
Your Social Media Team Bryan Paride Social & Search Marketing Manager Jillian Greer Social Media Marketing Coordinator And finally, here’s our contact information if you have any questions. Feel free to reach out to any of us for campaign assistance. Thanks! John Colucci Social Media Director Dave Trausneck Social Media Manager Confidential. August 2016