the MPD and BM&N projects


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Presentation transcript:

the MPD and BM&N projects Status of the MPD and BM&N projects V.Golovatyuk (VBLHEP) Session of the MAC for NICA May 22–23, 2017

Outline Motivation Progress in MPD project realization: Status of BM&N Solenoid and Magnetic Yoke Status of the 1 stage systems: TPC, TOF, FFD, FHCal Status of BM&N Conclusions

The general contractor STRABAG (MPD hall in 2018) NICA Complex Beams – p,d(h)..197Au79+ Collision energy √s= 4-11 GeV/n Beam energy (fixed target) - 1-6 GeV/n Luminosity: 1027 cm-2s-1(Au), 1032 (p) Experiments: 2 Interaction points – MPD and SPD Fixed target experiment BM@N MPD The general contractor STRABAG (MPD hall in 2018)

NICA-MPD heavy-ion program Main properties, EOS - particle yields & spectra, ratios, femtoscopy, flow In-Medium modification of hadron properties - onset of low-mass dilepton enhancement Deconfinement (chiral) phase transition at high rB - enhanced strangeness production QCD Critical Point - event-by-event fluctuations & correlations Y-N (hyperon-Nucleon) interactions in dense nuclear matter - hypernuclei RHIC-BES NICA BM&N QCD matter at NICA : Highest net baryon density Energy range covers onset of deconfinement Complementary to the RHIC/BES, FAIR and CERN experimental programs  To study properties of phase diagram it is important to have possibilities of fine scan on collision energy; to have variety of beam nucleus.

MultiPurpose Detecor for A+A collisions @ NICA Hermeticity, 2p acceptance in azimuth 3-D tracking (TPC, ECT) High resolution vertexing (IT) Powerful PID (TPC, TOF, ECAL) - p/K up to 1.5 GeV/c, - K/p up to 3 GeV/c, - g, e : 0.1<p<3 GeV/c Precise event characterization (FHCAL) Fast timing and triggering (FFD) Low material budget High event rate (up to ~ 6 kHz)

MPD 1st stage The Physics tasks Bulk properties, EOS - particle yields & spectra, ratios, femtoscopy, flow In-Medium modification of hadron properties QCD Critical Point - event-by-event fluctuations & correlations

Schedule of Solenoid activities MPD superconducting solenoid B0=0.5 T weight ~ 900 t Control Dewar, pipe lines TPC region SC coil high level (~ 3x10-4) of magnetic field homogeneity Trim Coil ASG superconductors (Genova, Italy): Cold Mass + Cryostat Vacuum System Trim Coils Control System General responsibility Cryostat Schedule of Solenoid activities Manufacture - 04.01.2016-06.08.2018 Finishing Solenoid tests in AGS - 06.06.2018 Packaging and Transport - 04.04.2018-22.10.2018 Assembly in JINR - 23.10.2018-17.04.2019

Estimation of influence of maximum technological deviations accepted by ASG on radial part of magnetic field and integral 6.0 3,0 0,0 -3,0 6.0 3,0 0,0 -3,0 Technological deviations shift of SC coil in axial direction by 20 mm (towards the magnet pole opposite to the chimney side), symmetric increase of the distance between poles by 2x5=10 mm change of the current density along each of the three SC coil modules by 1% (current density increase by 0.5% at the coil end, which approaches the pole and decrease by 0.5% at the opposite coil end). SC Coil 20mm 5mm 5mm 2D Design model geometry

Transport system of MPD MPD Yoke (L=8970 mm, Ø6625 mm) 28 plates 16 t each 2 support rings 42.5 t each 2 poles 44 t each Total: 621 t Material: Steel 10 (AISI 1010) forging Transport system of MPD Lodgement (Yoke support) – 70 tons, ordinary steel St.3 (Fe 360) Control Assembling in VHМ Vitkovice (Czech Republic) starts in June-October 2017 MPD building has to be ready in May-June 2018

MPD magnet yoke production status A conception and detailed plan of actions for MPD magnet yoke manufacturing & test assembling is ready MPD conception design (Neva-magnet ,St. Peterburg) – finished Strength calculation (Progresstech,Dubna) – finished Yoke production (VHM, Vitkovice, Czech Republic) – in progress Forging (support rings, poles, plates) (SPETSMASH, Kazan) – finished Main tool for assembly, manipulator (gift from CERN) – in Dubna Control assembly technology (VBLHEP) – in progress Forging production Plates Support ring

Place to control assembling of MPD barrel (September 4 – October 27th 2017)

MPD Time Projection Chamber TDR status: The version is ready for the last evaluation Assembling tooling: In progress RoC & Padplanes: Successful production and testing FEE: Tests of SAMPA chips ongoing Service systems (gas, cooling): In production TPC Integration: Progressing Clean Room Close to be ready Time Projection chamber (TPC) is the main detector of MPD. It provides the precise measurements of charged particles track

RoC chambers preparation TPC : production of ROC chambers ROC test procedures: connectivity tests of pad planes control of wire positions counting plateau dark current energy resolution (Fe-55) uniformity of gas gain setup for ROC tests Works are going in accordance with the schedule control of the wire positions RoC chambers preparation

TPC tooling & service Tooling for TPC assembly is manufacturing (Briansk, Russia) clean room input gate Rack 1 Rack 2 climate control Purification system test with TPC imitator – DONE TPC gas system delivery to JINR – spring of 2017

MPD TOF Full-scale mRPC stack for MPD TOF TDR status: all recommendation after recent evaluation implemented, ready for further proceeding Preparation for mass-production : material ordering (mylar, conductive paint, screws, monofilament line, wires and connectors purchased), equipment installation, personnel training TOF readout electronics: in production TOF assembling area & cosmic tests zone : in preparation

The TOF mass production preparation status Materials are already bought for assembling of 50 MRPC (5 mod): 280 μm float glass – 1000 400 μm float glass – 500 Honeycomb panel – 100 PCB with strips – 100 Purchased and planned for 2017 : 280 μm float glass – 4000 (133%) 400 μm float glass – 2000 (133%) Honeycomb panels – 500 (250 MRPCs) PCB with strips – 500 (250 MRPCs) Mylar, conductive paint, screws, monofilament line, wires, connectors are already purchased for the whole TOF system. Workshop for the TOF detectors mass-production Workshop staff: 3 physicists, 5 technicians, 2 electronics engineers Productivity: 1 detectors per day (1 module/2 weeks). ~ 1 year and 2 months to assembling whole TOF system. Photo of the RPC mounting Painting MRPC assembling process Painting of the conductive layer TOF module assembling Control of MRPC quality and uniformity of gaps Soldering of the signal cables

and 80-channel granularity MPD FFD construction HV connector SMA connector (common pulse from MCP output) HDMI connector & cable HV div. MCP-PMT XP85012/A1-Q 4 quartz bars Pb 10-mm plate FEE board Al housing FFD module size: 64 × 64 mm2 (28 × 28 × 15 mm) Black rubber Optical fiber input FFD array with 20 modules and 80-channel granularity

Electromagnetic Calorimeter (ECAL) for Multi Purpose Detector (MPD) Estimated cost of assembling and test of 43000 modules of Ecal (Ttsinghua University, Beijing part) is about 9M$. Barrel ECAL ~ 43000 ECAL modules Prototype of one module

FHCAL calorimeter for centrality & event plane determination. MPD FHCAL : progress in 2016 Ein Eout FHCAL calorimeter for centrality & event plane determination. TDR status : after detailed evaluation ready to get green light from DAC. Results of realistic MC performance study are read, MEPhI group is very active Preparation to mass-production ongoing

Status of FHCAL module production 15x15x110 cm2 According to plans, at the end of this year other 30 (out of 90) FHCAL modules will be assembled and tested.

ITS: progress in 2016 CERN & JINR have signed MoU for manufacturing the STS carbon fiber space frames for NICA (BM@N & MPD) and FAIR Site for module assembly A first stand for in-beam tests of silicon sensors was put into operation Automat for DSSD strip-by-strip QA-tests was put into operation

Integration of TPC service MPD Integration : service, cabling Integration of TPC service systems - progressing ТРС EСAL Final design of internal support structures Finalizing TPC, TOF & ECAL assembling plans Integration of service systems, cabling, etc.. Drawing of tooling for (dis)assembling MPD elements and MPD integration

area prepared for detector installation BM@N (Baryonic Matter at Nuclotron): the 1st stage Expression of interest from scientists: IN, SINP MSU, IHEP + S-Ptr Univ. (RF); GSI, Frankfurt U., Gissen U. (Germany): + CBM-MPD IT-Consortium, magnet Physics: multi strange hyperon and hypernuclei production hadron femtoscopy in-medium effects for strange & vector mesons in dense barionic matter electromagnetic probes (with Ecal) The 1 stage will be accomplished at the end of this year after October November run. The most of the detectors will be installed on the beam line. I mean GEM trackers and TOF detectors. Part of electromagnetic calorimeter ( which was optional) will be ready. On the second stage after Buster starts operation will be run with ions of gold. area prepared for detector installation DCH-1,2 ToF-700 Scint-700 ZDC

BM&N Setup

Thank you for your attention! Conclusions Significant progress achieved in MPD project realization MPD TDR preparation is going further Successful preparation for mass-production of MPD elements (TPC, TOF, FFD, FHCAL) Integration plan for MPD is ongoing, the plan is to be ready for work at 2020 BM&N setup is ready to start physics program in the Nov-Dec 2017 run MPD Collaboration is continuing to grow: new groups are very active MPD simulation and analysis Thank you for your attention!

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