Cinnamon: A possible drug against diabetes Sivapriya T Department of Home Science, Women’s Christian College, Chennai Introduction Results 2. Sustained effect of cinnamon capsule Though the postprandial blood glucose levels have risen during the withdrawal test they were less than the pretest blood glucose levels. The India, experiencing rapid socioeconomic progress and urbanization, carries a considerable share of the global diabetes burden. [1] Spices and herbs are excellent antioxidants, which work to neutralize the attacks made by free radicals against the body. Among spices, Cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum) has promising antihyperglycemic and antihyperlipidimic properties. [2] 1a. Mean postprandial blood glucose values of before, after and withdrawal test Methylhydroxy chalcone polymer (MHCP), cinnamon’s most active compound acts by enhancing insulin signaling. It stimulates insulin receptors, increases cells ability to use glucose thus normalizing their blood sugar levels.[3] Conclusion In this light of research, 1 gm of cinnamon powder consumed daily in addition to usual care reduced serum glucose and lipids in people with type 2 diabetes. In addition cinnamon powder may be beneficial for remainder of the population to prevent and control elevated glucose and blood lipid levels. C The decrease in blood glucose levels after supplementation were significant at 5 % level. Polyphenols in cinnamon act as insulin sensitizers as well as antioxidants. Bibliography 1b. Mean serum cholesterol values of before, after and withdrawal test 1. Ramachandran A, and Snehalatha C. (2009) Current scenario of diabetes in India. Journal of Diabetes 1, 18-28. 2. Zak V. (2006).The magic teaspoon, Penguin group, USA. 3. Anderson R, Broadhurst L, Polansky et al. (2004) Isolation and characterization of polyphenol type-A polymers from cinnamon with insulin-like biological activity. J of agric food chem.2004:52 65-170.. Methods The experimental design used in the study is before and after design with control group. Selection criteria included male diabetic subjects (40-60 yrs) who were only on hypoglycemic drugs and not on insulin therapy. The study was conducted in four phases. Cinnamon powder capsule (0.5 gram of powder) was developed using Cinnamon Zeylanicum bark. Twenty s was analysed to ascertain the sustained effect of cinnamon capsule. The mean cholesterol values were significant at 1% level. In normal physiological processes, antioxidants effect signal transduction and regulation of proliferation and the immune response. Reactive oxygen species have been linked to cancer and CVD, and Cinnamon have been considered promising therapy for prevention and treatment of these diseases.