BBI 2422 READING FOR ACADEMIC PURPOSES Semester 1, 2017/2018 Instructor: Miss Taw Ly Wen Mobile Phone No. : 010 220 2689 Email address:
Semester 1 – Final Semester Undergraduate Programme English Language Experience (ELEx) Package
ELEx Package English Language Experience ELEx Structure & Components: BBI courses (3 credit English Course) CEL courses (Certificate Non-Credit English LanguageCourse) LAX (English Language Learning activities in relaxing situation)
Package Scheme
Learning Outcome Students are able to: 1. demonstrate comprehension of academic reading texts 2. apply effective strategies in reading academic texts 3. respond appropriately to academic viewpoints 4. demonstrate grammatical competence in discussing reading texts
Course Synopsis This course develops students’ comprehension and grammatical competence through reading and discussing a variety of academic texts. It covers reading skills and strategies, and critical thinking in response to content and opinions in texts.
Textbook RM48 New textbook comes with a code for SCL (MyEnglishLab)
Read and Respond Assessment 10% SCL 10% Final Examination 30% Test 1 10% Test 2 20% Reading Portfolio 20% Read and Respond Assessment 10% SCL 10% Final Examination 30%
TYPES OF TEXTS LINEAR: reading text in books, magazines, newspapers, and articles. The content is displayed in a straight line of paragraphs and pages from beginning to end NON LINEAR: text that has images alongside it such as graphs, charts or tables. The visual images allow for open interpretation to readers
Assignment: READING PORTFOLIO (20%) Task A: Students will be given THREE themes on reading from Week 7 to 9. Students are to complete Worksheets on each theme. Task B: Students choose ONE theme and find an article based on the chosen theme in Week 9 Each student prepares about 5-7 minutes presentation
Assessment: READ & RESPOND (10%) Read articles a week before the assessment Discuss issues related to articles in a group
Student Centred Learning (SCL) (10%) Week 3 - 12 MyEnglishLab – Unit 1 – 10 Edmodo SCL - 1 – 5
BBI 2422 MyEnglishLab REGISTRATION Step 1: To register your access code 1. Go to 2. Click on Change Language to select your preferred language. 3. Enter your Access Code and then click on Next. 4. Confirm you are registering for the correct product and then click on Next. 5… (for more, please refer Student Registration Handout) Recommendation: Username should be matric no with short name. For example, 123456Mariam / 133566Ali Password should be your matric no with your short name
BBI 2422 MyEnglishLab REGISTRATION 2 Steps: Step 1: To register your access code Step 2: To join a teacher course
BBI 2422 MyEnglishLab REGISTRATION Step 2: To join a teacher course 1. Go to Note: We recommend you bookmark this website. 2. Enter your Username and Password. 3. Click on the Settings tab. 4. Click on Join a Course. 5. Enter your teacher’s Course ID 6. Click on Close.
MyEnglishLab: Teacher’s Course ID I86T-Y599-RLDI-QMNB (begins with capital i-IKAN)
BBI 2422 EDMODO REGISTRATION Go to Click “I’m a Student”. Type in First Name and Last Name. Get the GROUPCODE from your BBI 2422 Instructor and key in the code. Type in your USERNAME. Your username SHOULD be Matric number with your name. For example: 123456Ali Type in your Email address Create an EASY password. Suggestion: use your matric number.
Week 1-2 Reading skills 1. Skimming 2. Previewing a text using visuals 3. Predicting Main Ideas by questioning 4. Vocabulary building 5. Synthesising Discussion skills 1. Expressing opinions 2. Justifying opinions using examples 3. Responding to opinions
Main idea & Supporting details important information that tells more about the overall idea of a paragraph Supporting details clarify, explain, describe and expand the main idea that guide us to a full understanding of the main idea. facts, opinions and examples
Skimming Skimming is a method of finding the general overview or main ideas of a passage.
Synthesising It requires readers to process and interact with information rather than simply copying and pasting information. Synthesis is about organising the different pieces to create a meanings, thoughts, opinions and conclusions.
Synthesising: Your opinions about BBI 2422 Difficult? Boring? Useless? At first, I was thinking Useful? Compulsory! When I was listening to the briefing Important. Should learn to like it. At the end of briefing, I am thinking
Discussion skills 1. Expressing opinions 2. Justifying opinions using examples 3. Responding to opinions
1. Expressing opinions When expressing opinions, the phrases like “I think….”, “In my opinion” and “For me…” are very commonly used. Other phrases to express opinions: I believe that… I suppose that… I would say that… Personally, I think… I personally think… It seems to me that... In my view,… From my point of view...
2. Justifying opinions using examples Justify your opinion with examples by explaining why you have that opinion when expressing an opinion. …because The reason is... Due to the fact that… The reason I believe that is… The first reason I believe this is.. The main reason I feel this way is... There are several reasons I believe this. The first is...
3. Responding to opinions Agree Partially Agree Disagree
Language Expressions for Agreeing I totally agree… I absolutely agree with… I’m of the same opinion. I couldn't agree more on this issue. You've got a point there. I believe that…
Language Expressions for Partially agreeing You could be right, but... I agree up to a point, but… That's an interesting idea, but..
Language Expressions for Disagreeing I'm afraid I don't agree... I am of a different opinion. I see your point, but that's not how I see it. I'm afraid we just don't see eye to eye on this. Indirect disagreeing expressions: Don't you think it would be better if… Shouldn't we consider…?
Week 3-4 1. Skimming and identifying main ideas 2. Scanning for specific information 3. Context clues 4. Facts & Opinions 5. Analysing Non-Linear text Discussion skills 1. Expressing opinions 2. Responding to opinions
Scanning Scanning means looking for a specific information over part of a text.
Main idea Specific detail Skimming & Scanning Skim milk / skimmed milk milk from which the cream has been removed. (Less than 0.3%; less fat than low fat milk.) –main fat is removed Scanner an electronic device which can capture images from physical items – scan documents for specific detail Main idea Specific detail
Context clue hint that an author gives to help define a difficult or unusual word. It may appear within the same sentence as the word to which it refers, or it may appear before and after the sentence. Example: My sister loathes broccoli, but she loves spinach A. eats eagerly B. dislikes intensely C. cooks frequently
Facts & Opinions A fact can be checked and backed up with evidence. An opinion is based on a belief or view.
Bold: fact or opinion Underline: [Adapted from What are facts and opinions? (2011). Retrieved September 21, 2017, from fact-and-opinion]
Analysing Non-Linear text Sample Question: What are the common cancers for both men and women?
Week 5-6 Reading skills Predicting content through title & the first paragraph. Identifying/Skimming for main ideas. Vocabulary building Cause and effect Synthesising Discussion Skills Reflection on and evaluation of content. Giving and asking for clarification using appropriate language.
Vocabulary building Word forms: NOUN ADJECTIVE VERB Test yourself: Succeed, success, successful
success successful succeed successful NOUN ADJECTIVE VERB Determination is a crucial key for entrepreneurs to be ________________ (success). successful succeed successful
Week 7-8 Reading Skills Use paraphrasing to explain the main ideas Understand the details that support the main ideas Using contextual clues to guess meaning of words Paraphrasing and summary
Using contextual clues to guess meaning of words native: Unlike most of the students, who came to UPM from many different parts of the states to attend the university, Ahmad was a native of the town, born and raised.
Paraphrasing Paraphrasing means rewriting a phrase or sentence using different words with the same meaning. These are the two common methods for paraphrasing: Use synonyms Paraphrasing can be a difficult task. Paraphrasing can be a challenging task Change word forms Students should work hard to achieve success. Students should work hard to be successful.
Summary / Summarising It requires students to apply the skill of determining the importance in text and then express the main ideas in their own words (paraphrasing skill).
Importance: how technology improves communication Summarise the text on how technology improves communication in the workplace. The use of technology in a workplace simplifies the way workmates communicate. Today employees and business managers use advanced communication tools and means to exchange information. The use of virtual communication tools such as electronic mail and video conferencing is on the rise amongst employees and business managers. Good communication at the workplace builds strong relationships among employees and it also facilitates the flow of information through multiple channels which might be needed in the decision making process. Some of this communication technology used in most workplaces includes; mobile texting apps like ”whatsapp messenger” which is a cross-platform mobile messaging app for all smart phones. Importance: how technology improves communication
Answer: Main ideas: simplifies the way workmates communicate employees and business managers use advanced communication tools and means to exchange information builds strong relationships among employees facilitates the flow of information through multiple channels which might be needed in the decision making process Sample answer: The use of technology in the workplace helps employees communicate easily using cutting-edge communication devices. Technology also enables employees connect better and assist in channelling information using a variety of mediums.
Week 9-10 Reading Skills Skimming by reading topic sentences Contextual clues Note: topic sentence means a sentence that expresses the main idea of the paragraph
Week 11-12 Reading Skills Understand pronoun references Identify the main ideas of a text Understand the details that support the main ideas
Understand pronoun references Pronouns: it, they, this, those, these etc Example: Another benefit of culture shock is that it can intellectually challenge a person mentally and intellectually. Answer: culture shock
Week 13-14 Reading Skills Understand author’s viewpoint & purpose Connecting Personal Experiences to a Reading
What to do after briefing Buy BBI 2422 Textbook (Flat Ikan) Register on EDMODO: gren5m After buying the textbook, register on MyEnglishLab with the code on the textbook
Test Formats Test 1 Linear text & Short answer questions Test 2 Non linear text & Short answer questions Final Exam Information transfer from linear to non-linear Grammar: Word forms
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