Lots of Bones!
What are the major bones? Why are they important?
Cranium (Skull) It protects your brain
Clavicle Is your collar bone. Can you feel it by your shoulders? Keeps your shoulders and upper body together.
Scapula Your shoulder blades Supports your chest Protects internal organs
Supports your upper body Rib Cage Protects your organs Supports your upper body
Sternum Center of your chest Protects your heart and other organs
Humerus Bone in the upper arm Gives your arm structure
Look at your hand Radius- Is on the thumb side (supports lower arm) Ulna – Is on the pinky side (moves wrist & elbow)
Vertebrae Located in the center back Protects spinal cord Keeps you from falling over
Pelvis Hip Bones Supports your legs
FEMUR Strongest, longest, heaviest bone in the body In the upper leg – your “thigh”
Patella Your knee cap
TIBIA FIBULA Smallest bone in the lower leg Largest bone in the lower leg “Shin bone” FIBULA Smallest bone in the lower leg Little toe side of your foot
Joints Where 2 bones meet together You have hinge joints – elbows and knees “Bend & Straighten” You have Ball & Socket joints- shoulders and legs move in all directions.
TEEN YEARS What is bone density? Bone density is the strength of your bones. The majority of your bone density is developed by the end of your TEEN YEARS
Osteoporosis “os tee o poor oh sis” A disease in which bone loss increases, causing bones to deteriorate and break easily
To keep strong bones, you should Have a high level of activity Eat foods with Calcium Be active and eat healthy
Why do you want strong bones? Gives you structure so you don’t fall over into a blob Protects internal organs like your heart and lungs Reduces the risk of broken bones Let’s you do activities that you enjoy