Lampreys are good!
Lampreys are...facesucking vampires?
lampreys hagfish Chondrichthyes Osteichthyes Cyclostomata Gnathostomata Cyclostomata Vertebrata
lampreys hagfish Chondrichthyes Osteichthyes Cyclostomata Gnathostomata Cyclostomata Vertebrata Cranium 3-part brain Vestibular apparatus Neural crest cells Paired sensory organs Segmented vertebral column
lampreys hagfish Chondrichthyes Osteichthyes Cyclostomata Gnathostomata myelinated neurons paired appendages jaws bone Vertebrata
lampreys hagfish Chondrichthyes Osteichthyes "Placoderms" Cyclostomata Gnathostomata "Ostracoderms" jaws bone
Myomeres and evolution of musculature
Evolution of axial skeleton: Development of vertebrae
Paired pelvic and pectoral fins
Vestibular apparatus
Myelination of nerves
Tripartite brain structure, cerebellum
Evolution of jaws from branchial arches 1. Early vertebrate: unjointed branchial basket (support structure) 2. Early pre-gnathostome: jointed branchial arches, stronger branchial muscles (stronger inspiration and expiration) 3. Late pre-gnathostome: extensive development of anterior (mouth) arches 4. Anteriormost arches as functional jaws (grasping prey and other items), second arches (hyoid) as jaw supports
Paleozoic shark: Cladoselache
Mesozoic shark: Hybodus
Galea: great white shark
Galea: basking shark
Squalea: frill shark
Squalea: cookie-cutter shark
Squalea: sawshark
Galea: hammerhead shark
Squalea: angel shark
Batoidea: Alaskan skate Batoidea: longnose skate
Batoidea (Rhinobatidae): guitarfish
Batoidea (Torpediniformes): electric ray
Batoidea (Myliobatiformes): stingray
Batoidea (Myliobatidae): manta ray
Holocephali claspers
Holocephali: ratfish