Agenda Summary of performance Q2 & Q3 Detailed Q2 & Q3 Performance Report Finance Report Q2 & Q3
Summary of performance
Summary of performance: Q2 Description Value Total achieved and exceeded 13 Targets within 80% of achievement 4 Targets outside 80% of achievement 8 To be measured in Quarter 4
Summary of performance: Q3 Description Value Total achieved and exceeded 18 Targets within 80% of achievement 3 Targets outside 80% of achievement 4 To be measured in Quarter 4
Detailed Q3 performance report
To enhance the participation of young people in the economy PROGRAMME AREA 1: ECONOMIC PARTICIPATION STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR 2016/2017 TARGET YEAR TO DATE PERFORMANCE REASON FOR VARIANCE Target Actual To enhance the participation of young people in the economy Number of new youth owned enterprises and youth receiving NYDA grant funding 629 new youth owned enterprises and youth receiving NYDA grant funding 471 new youth owned enterprise and youth 474 new youth owned enterprise and youth Year to date target met and exceeded Number of young aspiring and established entrepreneurs supported through NYDA Business Development Support Services 62 916 young aspiring and established entrepreneurs 42 247 young aspiring and established entrepreneurs 48 013 young aspiring and established entrepreneurs Number of communities development projects supported through the NYDA Grant funding programme 9 communities 6 communities 10 communities Jobs created and sustained through grant funding, cooperatives and business development services 3 176 jobs created and sustained 2282 jobs created and sustained 2317 jobs created and sustained
This indicator is active in quarter 4 PROGRAMME AREA 2: EDUCATION AND SKILLS DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR 2017/2017 TARGET YEAR TO DATE PERFORMANCE REASON FOR VARIANCE Target Actual To facilitate and implement education opportunities in order to improve the quality education attainment for the youth Number of young people enrolled in the NYDA Matric (Grade 12) re-write programme 4043 young people 0 young people This indicator is active in quarter 4 Preparing for hand over to Department of Basic Education Number of youth supported through the scholarship programme (Solomon Mahlangu Scholarship Programme) 440 youth supported through the scholarship programme Number of young people supported through individual and group career guidance interventions 889 350 young people supported with individual and group career guidance activities 622 544 young people supported 702 832 young people supported Year to date target has been met and exceeded To facilitate and implement skills programmes Number of youth participating in technical skills programmes 500 young people participating in technical skills programmes 0 young people participating in technical skills programmes 226 young people participating in technical skills programmes Target set for quarter 4 Number of young people supported through NYDA Jobs programme 61 205 young people supported through NYDA Jobs programme 42 844 young people supported through NYDA Jobs programme 42 794 young people supported through NYDA Jobs programme 99% of the YTD target achieved. Life skills and job preparedness are lacking behind due to insufficient staff complement. However measures have been put in place to meet the target
KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR 2016/2017 TARGET YEAR TO DATE PERFORMANCE PROGRAMME AREA 3: HEALTH AND WELLBEING STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR 2016/2017 TARGET YEAR TO DATE PERFORMANCE REASON FOR VARIANCE Target Actual To facilitate access to health and wellbeing programmes Number of young people accessing programmes and interventions designed to improve health and wellbeing 210 000 young people 150 750 young people 129 002 young people Year to date target has not been met as focus was directed to youth with disability interventions. However measures have been put in place to meet the target through the start here campaign that will be implemented by end February 2017.
PROGRAMME AREA 4: KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR 2016/2017 TARGET YEAR TO DATE PERFORMANCE REASON FOR VARIANCE Target Actual To create and produce information and knowledge management for better youth development planning and decision making Number of youth development programme evaluations produced by the NYDA 13 evaluations 9 evaluations 4 evaluations YTD target not met. This was due to delayed response from service providers. The following 9 programme evaluations are underway and will be concluded by 15th March 2017: Mentorship Market Linkages Primestars Second chance – Matric re-write Turnaround Strategy Life Skills Jobs Preparedness Jobs Placements Solomon Mahlangu Scholarship Programme Develop research articles related to youth development matters for public and private sector consumption 16 research articles 12 research articles 5 research articles YTD target not met. This was because there was an initial agreement with Youth Development Institute and due to lack of capacity they could not produce research articles as anticipated. Measures have been put in place as follows: -8 desktop studies are underway and will be completed by end of February 2017. -2 customer satisfaction surveys will be completed by end of February
PROGRAMME AREA 4: KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR 2016/2017 TARGET YEAR TO DATE PERFORMANCE REASON FOR VARIANCE Target Actual To create and produce information and knowledge management for better youth development planning and decision making Number of youth development knowledge management publications produced by the NYDA 50 knowledge publications 38 knowledge publications 33 knowledge publications Year to date target has not been met. This is an annual target that accumulates over four quarters. However an implementation plan has been developed to produce 17 knowledge briefs by February 2017, as follows: 5 from Audit 4 from Tshwane branch 8 from Corporate Strategy and Planning Develop National Youth Employment Plan (YEP) 2030 Final Youth Employment Plan (YEP) 2030 endorsed by the Presidency of South Africa Deliberations with the DPME on the endorsement of YEP are in progress
PROGRAMME AREA 4: KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR 2016/2017 TARGET YEAR TO DATE PERFORMANCE REASON FOR VARIANCE Target Actual To lobby key stakeholders to support and implement youth development programmes Number organs of state partnering with the NYDA to implement youth development programmes 15 organs of state 11 18 YTD target met and exceeded Number of private sector companies lobbied by NYDA to implement youth development programmes 15 private sector companies lobbied 35 To create a platform for youth to participate and benefit from democratic process Number of youth participating in youth development related dialogue sessions 11 340 young people 8088 15 205
PROGRAMME AREA 4: KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR 2016/2017 TARGET YEAR TO DATE PERFORMANCE REASON FOR VARIANCE Target Actual To create a platform for youth to participate and benefit from democratic process Number of registered projects to implement structured NYS programmes 50 registered projects 30 36 Year to date target met and exceeded Number of young people participating in expanded volunteer programmes 40 000 young people 30 000 31 399 Number of young people enrolled in NYS category 1 10 000 young people 5000 5106 Number of government Departments, Civil Society organizations coordinated by the NYDA to implement NYS 100 institutions 66 108
PROGRAMME AREA 4: KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR 2016/2017 TARGET YEAR TO DATE PERFORMANCE REASON FOR VARIANCE Target Actual Number of youth in conflict with the law supported through the NYDA training interventions 1000 youth in conflict with the law 750 340 Year to date target not met because of difficulties in accessing inmates. However collaborative interventions have been planned with correctional centres to facilitate training by end of February in: Gauteng – Leeukop, Northern Cape – Kimberly and Upington, Eastern Cape – Umtata. Number of youth with disability supported through the NYDA Business Support Services and training interventions 500 youth with disability 375 797 Year to date target met and exceeded To mobilise and leverage financial resources from key stakeholders Value of funds committed to support youth development programmes R99 million R74 250 000 R81 458 448 Year to date target has been met and exceeded
PROGRAMME AREA 5: GOVERNANCE STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR 2016/2017 TARGET YEAR TO DATE PERFORMANCE REASON FOR VARIANCE Target Actual To establish a credible, efficient and effective organisation Efficient and effective IT systems to support youth development -Implementation plan of phase 2: Implement 70% of ICT architecture -Evaluation of the roadmap implementation Implementation plan of phase 2: Implement 70% of ICT architecture Phase 2 of the roadmap has been implemented 70% of the ICT architecture implemented Year to date target has been achieved Review of identified policies, guidelines and processes for increased efficiency Evaluation of the roadmap No target The Evaluation tool is being implemented accordingly. A final report is will developed and submitted in the 4th quarter Number of staff who received training and capacity building to enhance staff performance 380 employees trained 253 469 Year to date target met and exceeded Number of young people receiving information on youth development through NYDA access points 1 320 000 young people 990 000 1 098 171 Number of information dissemination access points operationalised 33 information dissemination access points operationalised 24 31
Financial performance quarter 2 & QUARTER 3
Current performance against budget Quarter 2 Financial Performance Key Programmatic Area Budget allocation Quarter 2 budget Quarter 2 expenditure % Final projected expenditure Economic Participation R59 253 300 R25 213 100 R15 819 265 63% Education and skills development R74 099 686 R22 045 300 R11 372 442 52% National Youth Service R56 802 100 R25 400 000 R23 567 391 93% Service Delivery Channel R24 611 821 R12 300 400 R12 002 805 98% Research and Policy R10 173 573 R5 000 200 R3 005 810 60% Administration R81 283 719 R36 100 400 R36 360 964 101% Employee costs R145 529 300 R65 400 000 R57 582 426 88% Total R451 753 500 R191 459 400 R159 711 103 83% Current performance against budget
Current performance against budget Quarter 3 Financial Performance Key Programmatic Area Budget allocation Quarter 3 budget Quarter 3 expenditure % Final projected expenditure Economic Participation R59 253 300 R39 995 978 R33 774 618 84% Education and skills development R74 099 686 R25 317 600 R16 098 816 64% National Youth Service R46 802 100 R31 591 418 R29 567 391 94% R56 802 100 Service Delivery Channel R24 611 821 R16 612 979 R16 402 805 99% Research and Policy R10 173 573 R6 867 162 R3 723 531 54% Administration R81 283 719 R54 866 510 R52 003 403 95% Employee costs R145 529 300 R105 508 743 R104 900 650 Total R441 753 500 R280 760 389 R256 468 214 91% Current performance against budget
Financial Performance Summary The NYDA is on track to spend its annual allocation for the financial year under review. At the end of the third quarter, 91% of its year to date budget has been expended. The areas of underspending relate to the Education and Skills development area whereby some of the University costs relating to the Solomon Mahlangu Scholarship Fund is yet to come through but has already been committed in Q3. The other area is the area of research and policy whereby independent service providers were appointed to do evaluations in Q3 and these funds have been committed and expenditure will be incurred in Q4.