Westward Expansion & the American Indians Chapter 6/Section 2
Cultures Under Pressure
Indian vs. White Views of Nature
Government Promotes Assimilation As buffalo vanished, American policy makes hoped Indians would become farmers & assimilate Reformers criticized the government for the treatment of Indians Helen Hunt Jackson’s A Century of Dishonor 1887= Congressed passed the Dawes General Allotment Act Replaced reservation system with allotment system Each Indian family given 160-acre farmstead
Indians Threatened 1850s challenged American policy towards Indians Due to discovery of gold/silver Americans wanted a trans-continental railroad Indians were forced onto reservations No longer free to roam, faced poverty & suppression Increased presence of white settlers led to: Diseases & decimation of buffalo
New Settlers & Indians Clash Began in 1862; group of Sioux Indians attacked Minnesota settlements Led to full-scale war; Sioux pushed west into Dakotas Led to series of attacks by other Plains Indians 1864= Colorado militia massacred Cheyenne & Arapaho Indians at Sand Creek Sand Creek Massacre; Led to more warfare
Peace Plans Fail Plans to build a road through Sioux hunting grounds intensified conflicts Road was intended to connect gold-mining towns in Montana 1866= Red Cloud & followers massacred US troops Fort Laramie Treaty (1868)= Road not built; Sioux agreed to move to reservation Some Indians couldn’t live with in restricted areas Indian agents of federal Bureau of Indian Affairs stole money/resources from tribe
The End of the Indian Wars The Red River War= Ended the southern Plains Indians (Kiowas/Comanches) Began with Indian attack on group of Texans in June of 1874 Battle of Little Big Horn Black Hills Gold Rush of 1875 led settlers onto Sioux hunting grounds in Dakotas & Montana Sioux led by Crazy Horse & Sitting Bull June 1876= Colonel George Custer & 250 men massacred by 2,000 Indians; Crazy Horse led the attack at the Little Bighorn River, Montana
Battle of the Little Big Horn
The End of the Indian WArs Chief Joseph & the Nez Perces= Idaho, 1877 The Nez Perces, dominantly Christian & successful horse/cattle breeders Being forced off of their lands; Tried to move 1,300 miles to Canada Wounded Knee & the Ghost Dance Attempt to banish white settlers & restore the buffalo; became popular movement Wounded Knee, South Dakota (1890)= Over 100 Indians massacred