Girder-Magnets Installation Maher Al Shehab , Thaer Abu Hanieh Installation Team Mohammad Khalileh Ismael Alzou’bi Tamer Alzou’bi
Girder Base Plate Installation Base Plates Position Tracing inside Tunnel . (Laser Tracker ) Laying out Cutting Circumference for the base Plate Position on the Slab . Cutting and Removing the 8cm Layer of the Slab. Using Hilti DCH 300 Diamond Cutter Anchor Installation. Baseplate Level Adjustment Base Plate Plan-metric Adjustment
Baseplates Installation- Bottom Nuts Leveling Alignment Results Base Plate Level Accuracy ?????
Baseplates Installation- Checks Before Grouting Anchors to support the base plates single base plate base plates pre-aligned in the main ring of top layer of the floor Cracked Zones Treatment Cracks on the Top layer of the floor Due o the Alignment Frame Fixation
Baseplates Installation- Grouting -Grouting Material: Sikadur®-42 MP Slow 3-part, Multi-purpose Epoxy Grouting System . High early strength Ready-to-mix, pre-batched units Non-shrink Stress and impact resistant High compressive strength High vibration resistance Low coefficient of thermal expansion
Baseplates Installation- Check Of position and Level After Grouting (Girder 14 Before Epoxy - Girder 14 After Epoxy) Point Name dX dY dZ 79 -0.19 0.33 0.14 80 -0.16 0.34 0.36 81 0.25 82 -0.21 0.29 0.16 83 0.3 0.19 84 (Girder 14 After Epoxy - Girder 14 After Removing Nuts) -0.01 0.02 0.01 -0.03 0.03 -0.02 0.04
Girder Installation On Tunnel - The Girder was moved using the Crane As Backup Solution an Air Cushion system were procured and tested in case of any surprise coming from the Crane
Magnets Installation – Dipole Supports Hole Size Modification For All Dipole Magnets the Support Fixation Hole Expanded to 18mm. Except Dipoles No. 7,11, and 14 Expanded to 20mm Using Magnetic base Drill
Magnets Installation – Girder Deformation Due to Dipole Displacement During Arc Chamber Installation Deformation Y Direction, Dipole Final Position Girder Deformation Y Direction ,Dipole Displaced Position
Magnets Installation Before Installation All Multipole Magnets were inspected Visually For any movement During Shipping And Handling Specially the Base to magnet Body using a painted marks placed after measurements at CERN . All Shock Indicators were Visually Check upon receiving the magnets at SESAME site and were found ok
Dipole Chamber Installation on Girder M. Magnets Installation Removal Of Upper Halves of M. Magnets Dipole Installation. Dipole Transverse Movement Chamber Installation Dipole Movement to the Final Position
Girder – Girder Alignment Strategy Struts and Vertical Wedges /Girder –Girder Alignment 3 Pint Contact During Alignment of Girder Top Plate After the placement of the magnets on the girder top plate the only required alignment is the girder to girder alignment . Which will be accomplished through the vertical, transverse and longitudinal alignment wedges and struts placed between the girder top plate and the girder pedestals. Possible Future modification on Girder to Girder Adjustment is to install Wedges system for plane metric alignment for better access
Tl2-Installation Part Available Quads Hydraulic Tested All Hoses Replaced Quad Girders New Girder Has Two Quads and One Corrector Horizontal Bending Magnets rotated 90o Vertical Bending Magnets New Thick Septum new girder design, New Fiducials Installed , Bottom Modified For Adjustment Injection Septum