Lesson 5.


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Presentation transcript:

Lesson 5

What do you think this phrase means? Lenin’s legacy What do you think this phrase means?

LO: To assess the impact that Lenin had on Russia between 1905 and 1917 In pairs brainstorm ideas that you have about the influence that Lenin had. You might consider the different roles: Leader of the Communist Party and Government How he controlled society / people His ideology (Marxist-Leninism) You might consider the different time periods: Before 1917 and during 1917 Between 1918 and 1921 (Civil War) From 1921 til his death in 1924

Biography: Vladimir Lenin Voice of Revolution https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MWPmEygFQaI 44:22 (Note 18:15 is when events of 1905 begin) Can skip from 3 min – 12:30 if short on time You will take notes on different aspects of Lenin’s legacy / contributions to Russia. Consider both positive and negative aspects!

Final Russia Tasks: Due on Thursday, December 17th Complete Russia Quiz 4 on VLE

Lesson 6

Final Russia Tasks: Due this lesson Complete Russia Quiz 4 on VLE

Lenin’s legacy

Use relevant and detailed Own Knowledge How far had Lenin left a positive legacy for Russia? (12 marks) and 3 for SPAG…20 minutes! You need to develop a 2 sided answer ie argue that his legacy was positive first but then show a different side or argument that his legacy was negative Use relevant and detailed Own Knowledge Conclusion or judgement eg overall….. Essay writing rules of structure and paragraphs etc

Exam Guidance handout - Page 101-102 Russia in Transition This handout provides guidance on how to answer the evaluative essay question. The question carries 12 marks and up to an additional 3 marks will be awarded for spelling, punctuation, and grammar (SPAG). Tips on how to answer on guidance sheet along with a Low-Level 4 response on the back!

Use relevant and detailed Own Knowledge How far had Lenin left a positive legacy for Russia? (12 marks) and 3 for SPAG…20 minutes! You need to develop a 2 sided answer ie argue that his legacy was positive first but then show a different side or argument that his legacy was negative Use relevant and detailed Own Knowledge Conclusion or judgement eg overall….. Essay writing rules of structure and paragraphs etc

Task (15-20 minutes) Make an OUTLINE OF A PLAN to write 2 obituaries for Lenin The first should be a more positive one from a supporter of Lenin Could be the Communist newspaper (Pravda) The second should be from one of his opponents and therefore more negative. Could be a foreign newspaper Resources: Use pages 110-112 of Russia in Transition (Lenin’s legacy to Russia) Use pages 96-97 of the WJEC text

Lesson 7

Lenin’s legacy

Use relevant and detailed Own Knowledge How far had Lenin left a positive legacy for Russia? (12 marks) and 3 for SPAG…20 minutes! You need to develop a 2 sided answer ie argue that his legacy was positive first but then show a different side or argument that his legacy was negative Use relevant and detailed Own Knowledge Conclusion or judgement eg overall….. Essay writing rules of structure and paragraphs etc

Final Russia Task: Due first lesson back after term break Do a colourful timeline for the Russia course. Use your purple content sheets to clarify what you need to include. The Content Sheets are posted on VLE under Mr. Walker’s Folder