VOCAB Communism- economic theory favoring a classless society and the abolition of private property Socialism- characterized by social ownership and the democratic control of the means of production Capitalism- economic and political system where a country’s trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit
CREATION OF PLANS Marshall Plan- June 5, 1947, Marshall gave a speech to graduating Harvard class suing a call for a program to rebuild Europe It included the resurgence of European industrialization and brought extensive investment into the region. It also stimulated the US economy by making markets for American goods. Truman Doctrine- US would provide political, military, and economic assistance to all democratic nations under threat Containment- Cold War policy of US and allies to prevent the spread of communism. Key State Department personal became suspicious of the Soviets January 1947, George F. Kennan, US Embassy in Moscow, drafted an essay called “The Sources of Soviet Conduct.” The use of the word “containment” originates from this and declares that any US policy towards the Soviet Union must be long term.
Relationship between Bolshevik Revolution, Red Scare, McCarthyism, and the Cold War Bolshevik Revolution- November 7, 1917-November 8,1917: Russian used their influence to get the Petrograd Soviets to organize the armed forces. Soviets began to takeover government buildings. The struggles of the Russian, and Civil War caused the creation of the Soviet Union in 1922 Red Scare-Communist were often referred to as “reds” for their allegiance to the red soviet flag. Linked to a range of actions performed by these citizens US government began to analyze people to test how loyal they were to the US government. McCarthyism- Senator McCarthy claimed to have hundreds of names of people within the US government and Hollywood that were communists. Even without proof he created such a hysteria and fear throughout all of the United States. Cold War- After WW2 the United States and the Soviet Union became engaged in a series of largely political and economic clashes. The rivalry caused an immense amount of concern that Soviet spies may be entering the United States and posing a threat to US security. House Un-American Activities Committees (HUAC) formed in 1938 to investigate communist activities
What role did Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin, Josef Stalin, Mao Zedong, Fidel Castro, and Ho Chi Minh play in the development and/or spread of Communism? Karl Marx- He published many things that showed his concepts of capitalism and communism and his radical nature. Published “The Communist Manifesto”, which introduced his concept of socialism as a natural result of the conflicts inherent in the capital system. Vladimir Lenin- Dictator of Soviet Union: Lenin turned the Russian government into a government that is controlled by the military. Josef Stalin- He rose to power as General Secretary of the Communist Party, becoming a Soviet dictator upon Vladimir Lenin's death. When he went into power, he forced rapid industrialization and collectivization of agricultural land which resulted in millions of deaths from famine. He turned Russia into a world superpower. Mao Zedong- Dictator of China; Founded the Communist Chinese Party Fidel Castro- Established first communist state in the Western Hemisphere Ho Chi Minh- helped founded the Indochinese Communist party
What countries are still communist? COUNTRIES: DATE THEY BECAME COMMUNIST: China October 1, 1949 Cuba January 8, 1959 North Korea August 1945 Vietnam 1954
Communism in Russia? By the time Mikhail Gorbackev (last leader of the USSR) came in, Russia became corrupt. Crime rates rose, corruption in the government increased, alcoholism and drug addiction were the norm of oppressed people
How has communism in China changed? The economics of China has helped benefit the Chinese Communist government by providing financial resources to buy new weapons and technology In the words of Lenin, “Those at the top are no longer able to rule the old way, and those at the bottom do not accept being ruled the old way.” Even if the government was to change it would not be happy, content, or peaceful overnight. China is a nation standing in the crossroads of history.