Animal Farm: The entire novel symbolizes the political situation and pitfalls of Russian government in the early 1900s.


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Presentation transcript:

Animal Farm: The entire novel symbolizes the political situation and pitfalls of Russian government in the early 1900s.

Let's look at the government of Russia in 1905. Who are you?

TSAR You are the king You make the rules and laws of the country You don’t get paid because you don’t have to pay for things You use money to improve the country and its citizens

If you are the Tsar… You live here… Your neighborhood is…

NOBILITY Your job is to collect money from the workers You give your opinion to help make rules and laws. You own fancy things

If you are Nobility… This is also your neighborhood… You live here…

MIDDLE CLASS You are doctors, lawyers, teachers, nurses, professors, etc. You have nice homes Some of you live in the same neighborhood as the nobility

PROLETARIAT You work in the fields You make $20 a month

If you are proletariat… There is no running water. Your children work, too.

If you are Proletariat… There are 16 people to an apartment 6 people share a room You are the workers of the country If it was not for you, no one would eat

TSARISM: Monarchy - Government ruled by king or queen and passed down through family

KARL MARX – He had other ideas! Argued for a “classless” society Argued for a UTOPIA: Perfect society with no inequality. “Father of Communism”

System of government where work is shared for the benefit of all. COMMUNISM System of government where work is shared for the benefit of all. Show clip… The Russian Revolution: Karl Marx

The Spread of Communism

Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto Let’s recap: who was he? 1848 publication written by the German political theorists Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. One of the world's most influential political manuscripts. Analyzes the class struggle and the problems of capitalism. The book contains Marx and Engels' theories that history of societies is caused by class struggles

In 1917, the workers did uprise The communist Bolshevik party eventually took power. The Bolsheviks were led by Vladimir Lenin. Russia became the USSR. This new government, led by Lenin, owns everything, but provide education, healthcare, food, etc. to the people. Show Clip: Last of Czars Revolution: Lenin and The Bolshevic Party

If you are the Tsar… Sorry!!! You and your family were shot and killed in your basement Sorry!!! The entire family was told they were going to take a family picture The girls did not die so they were stabbed They still did not die so then they were shot in the head Show clips… Last of the Czars Revolution: The Romanovs are killed; 1979 Discovery of the Remains

If you are Nobility… You had to get a job… You neighborhood has been set on fire You work 14 hours a day Your wife had to sell all her jewelry for $2 You now make $30 a month but you get free healthcare and education

If you are Middle Class… You work the same job… Your life doesn’t change much You have the same job but you only work 6 hours a day You now make $30 a month but you get free healthcare and education

If you are the Proletariat… You have the same job but with some changes… You now work only 14 hours a day You have no choices over rules and laws still but you love your new ruler You now make $30 a month but you get free healthcare and education

Lenin was so loved by the people that he was embalmed and put on display after his death in 1924.

His brain was removed and saved… In 1924, people could go see him and say goodbye They can still do that now, too. Yep, he’s still there!

Stalin vs. Trotsky After Lenin’s death, Joseph Stalin and Leon Trotsky struggled over who should be in power. Even though it was no longer a Monarchy, Russian citizens still did not get to choose their leader.

Can you guess which is Stalin and which is Trostsky Can you guess which is Stalin and which is Trostsky? Who won and who lost?

Trotsky lost. He was exiled to Mexico and eventually assassinated by a Soviet agent. Young Stalin Militant Stalin

Is this the Utopia they dreamed of? Stalin ruled the Soviet Union from 1929 until his death in 1953. He was responsible for the USSR becoming a major industrial power. He also killed or imprisoned millions of people in the great “purges.” Millions of people who were suspected of being a threat to the party were executed or exiled to labor camps Show clips… Life under Stalin: Totalitarianism; The Personality; and The Purges

The End? The Utopian dream was not achieved. Many people were worse off under Soviet rule than they had been under Tsarist rule.

The USSR became a communist society where people were all equal but had no choices and made no decisions. The government made all the decisions. Whether you worked 3 hours or worked 12 hours you still made the same amount. You do not choose how much you work. What are the benefits to this type of government? What are the down sides to this government? Is it fair?