Documentation and Final Report Template


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Presentation transcript:

Documentation and Final Report Template Project Information Arts Board Contacts Template Instructions Planning Mid-Project: Reflections Project End: Reflections Project End: Financial Report Project End: Statistics Project End: Feedback Artists in Schools Projects Residencies Documentation and Final Report Template

Project Information Lead Partner Name: Contact Name: Phone: E-mail: Arts Board Contacts Template Instructions Planning Mid-Project: Reflections Project End: Reflections Project End: Financial Report Project End: Statistics Project End: Feedback Lead Partner Name: Contact Name: Phone: E-mail: Arts Board File ID No.: Deadline Application Submitted: Grant Amount Received: Project Term: Project Location: Artist’s Name: Attach a sample of the data collection tool you used (surveys, test, checklists etc.) Achievement Data Report Card Classroom assessments Large-Scale assessment Course work Diagnostic Tests Attitude Data Surveys Journals Interviews Other Attendance Behavior (observation) Anecdotal Notes How will you collect this information? Would it be worthwhile collecting this information more than once to compare and contrast? How often will you collect this information? When will you collect this information? Are you collecting not enough or more information than you need?

Arts Board Contacts Project Information Arts Board Contacts Template Instructions Planning Mid-Project: Reflections Project End: Reflections Project End: Financial Report Project End: Statistics Project End: Feedback If you have any questions about completing this template and your final report: Contact: Jay Kimball Program Consultant Community Engagement (306) 787-4659 (Regina) or 1-800-667-7526 For projects serving Aboriginal communities and/or related to Aboriginal art, skills or knowledge, contact: Lindsay Knight Aboriginal Arts and Community Engagement Saskatchewan Arts Board (306) 964-1165 (Saskatoon) or 1-800-667-7526 Attach a sample of the data collection tool you used (surveys, test, checklists etc.) Achievement Data Report Card Classroom assessments Large-Scale assessment Course work Diagnostic Tests Attitude Data Surveys Journals Interviews Other Attendance Behavior (observation) Anecdotal Notes How will you collect this information? Would it be worthwhile collecting this information more than once to compare and contrast? How often will you collect this information? When will you collect this information? Are you collecting not enough or more information than you need?

Template Instructions Project Information Arts Board Contacts Template Instructions Planning Mid-Project: Reflections Project End: Reflections Project End: Financial Report Project End: Statistics Project End: Feedback This template is designed for you to fill in as your project progresses. Questions 1 to 6 should be completed before the project begins or after the participants’ first encounter with the artist(s). Questions 7 and 8 comprise a mid-project reflection. Questions 9 to 13 should be completed at the end of the project. The final report includes: The completed template on a USB drive, Ten photographs (maximum), and Instructions for selection of the ten photos are included in different sections of the template. Other documentary material (such as programs, news articles, etc.). Final reports are due no later than 30 days after the approved project end date. Send the final report to: Artists in Schools Saskatchewan Arts Board 1355 Broad Street Regina, SK S4R 7V1 Attach a sample of the data collection tool you used (surveys, test, checklists etc.) Achievement Data Report Card Classroom assessments Large-Scale assessment Course work Diagnostic Tests Attitude Data Surveys Journals Interviews Other Attendance Behavior (observation) Anecdotal Notes How will you collect this information? Would it be worthwhile collecting this information more than once to compare and contrast? How often will you collect this information? When will you collect this information? Are you collecting not enough or more information than you need?

Project Planning Project Information Arts Board Contacts Template Instructions Planning Mid-Project: Reflections Project End: Reflections Project End: Financial Report Project End: Statistics Project End: Feedback Complete the questions in this section as part of your project pre- planning and after students’ initial meeting with the artist. Some of the information should come from your planning meeting (e.g., work plan). Teachers and artist(s) should discuss and complete this together. Students also could be involved. 1. Reflection Why have you chosen to participate in an Artists in Schools project? What did you do during your planning time? Also include a reflection based on these questions: What is unique about your class? Why did you decide to participate in ArtsSmarts? Why/How did you choose your generalquestion?

Project Planning 2. Teacher Research Question Information Arts Board Contacts Template Instructions Planning Mid-Project: Reflections Project End: Reflections Project End: Financial Report Project End: Statistics Project End: Feedback 2. Teacher Research Question Original Research question: Did you revise or refine that question as a result of additional planning? If “yes”, what is the new question? Also include a reflection based on these questions: What is unique about your class? Why did you decide to participate in ArtsSmarts? Why/How did you choose your generalquestion?

Project Planning 3. Student Inquiry Question(s) Information Arts Board Contacts Template Instructions Planning Mid-Project: Reflections Project End: Reflections Project End: Financial Report Project End: Statistics Project End: Feedback 3. Student Inquiry Question(s) Original inquiry question(s): Did you revise or refine that question as a result of additional planning? If “yes”, what is the new question? Also include a reflection based on these questions: What is unique about your class? Why did you decide to participate in ArtsSmarts? Why/How did you choose your generalquestion?

Project Planning 4. Curriculum Connections Information Arts Board Contacts Template Instructions Planning Mid-Project: Reflections Project End: Reflections Project End: Financial Report Project End: Statistics Project End: Feedback 4. Curriculum Connections What are the three or four key curriculum outcomes that your project addresses? Briefly describe how these outcomes will be achieved. Also include a reflection based on these questions: What is unique about your class? Why did you decide to participate in ArtsSmarts? Why/How did you choose your generalquestion?

Project Planning Project Work Plan Information Arts Board Contacts Template Instructions Planning Mid-Project: Reflections Project End: Reflections Project End: Financial Report Project End: Statistics Project End: Feedback Project Work Plan Briefly describe the timeline and work plan of your project. It may be useful to think of this in three sections. Describe the artist’s involvement in each section. Planning/introductory lessons. B. Mid-project lessons/engagement in the creative process. C. Culmination/synthesis/celebration. Also include a reflection based on these questions: What is unique about your class? Why did you decide to participate in ArtsSmarts? Why/How did you choose your generalquestion?

Project Planning 6. Photograph Selection Information Arts Board Contacts Template Instructions Planning Mid-Project: Reflections Project End: Reflections Project End: Financial Report Project End: Statistics Project End: Feedback 6. Photograph Selection Early in your project, choose two photographs that show students and teachers engaged in early inquiry and initial interaction with your project artist(s). Create captions for the two photographs. Create new slides for the photos if you wish to include them here. Also include a reflection based on these questions: What is unique about your class? Why did you decide to participate in ArtsSmarts? Why/How did you choose your generalquestion?

Mid-Project: Reflections Information Arts Board Contacts Template Instructions Planning Mid-Project: Reflections Project End: Reflections Project End: Financial Report Project End: Statistics Project End: Feedback 7. Reflections So far, what is the documentation telling you about the research question? As a teacher, what insights have you have gained? What do you see the students learning? Also include a reflection based on these questions: What is unique about your class? Why did you decide to participate in ArtsSmarts? Why/How did you choose your generalquestion?

Mid-Project: Reflections Information Arts Board Contacts Template Instructions Planning Mid-Project: Reflections Project End: Reflections Project End: Financial Report Project End: Statistics Project End: Feedback 7. Reflections (continued) How is student learning connecting to the stated curriculum connections? So, far, do you have enough resources and classroom support for the project? Any notable successes or challenges so far? Also include a reflection based on these questions: What is unique about your class? Why did you decide to participate in ArtsSmarts? Why/How did you choose your generalquestion?

Mid-Project Reflections Information Arts Board Contacts Template Instructions Planning Mid-Project: Reflections Project End: Reflections Project End: Financial Report Project End: Statistics Project End: Feedback 8. Photograph Selection Choose three photographs that best represent student engagement with the artist and in their own learning, mid-project. Create captions for the three photographs. Create new slides for the photos if you wish to include them here. Also include a reflection based on these questions: What is unique about your class? Why did you decide to participate in ArtsSmarts? Why/How did you choose your generalquestion?

Project End: Reflections Information Arts Board Contacts Template Instructions Planning Mid-Project: Reflections Project End: Reflections Project End: Financial Report Project End: Statistics Project End: Feedback 9. Tell Your Story Tell the story of the project as it unfolded. Include any significant events or “peak experiences” that occurred. What does the documentary material tell you about the impact of the project on student learning? Was there a turning point where you began to see the true impact of the project? Was there a project-end celebration of any kind? If so, tell us about it. Describe the response to the project. Create new slides here to tell your story. Also include a reflection based on these questions: What is unique about your class? Why did you decide to participate in ArtsSmarts? Why/How did you choose your generalquestion?

Project End: Reflections Information Arts Board Contacts Template Instructions Planning Mid-Project: Reflections Project End: Reflections Project End: Financial Report Project End: Statistics Project End: Feedback 10. Photograph Selection Choose five photographs that best represent the impact of the project on student learning. Create captions for the five photographs. Create new slides for the photos if you wish to include them here. Also include a reflection based on these questions: What is unique about your class? Why did you decide to participate in ArtsSmarts? Why/How did you choose your generalquestion?

Project End: Financial Report Information Arts Board Contacts Template Instructions Planning Mid-Project: Reflections Project End: Reflections Project End: Financial Report Project End: Statistics Project End: Feedback 11. Financial Report USE THE EXCEL BUDGET TEMPLATE FROM YOUR ORIGINAL APPLICATION TO REPORT THE “ACTUALS”. The school’s expense ledger may be included but it is not a replacement for the final budget in the template. Explain the 25% Lead Partner/Community Partners contribution. Revenue: Include the grant received from the Saskatchewan Arts Board and any community or school contributions. In-kind donations should be included under revenue and expenses, and marked with an asterisk(*). Expenses: Include all expenses related to the project. In-kind donations should be included under expenses [in relation to those listed in your revenue reporting, and marked with an asterisk(*)]. Revenue and Expenses MUST balance and be the same amount. Any grant money not accounted for must be returned to the Arts Board or utilized for a further exploration of arts and culture in relation to your initial project (e.g., a community celebration, additional time with artist, additional materials for artistic production, etc.) Attach a sample of the data collection tool you used (surveys, test, checklists etc.) Achievement Data Report Card Classroom assessments Large-Scale assessment Course work Diagnostic Tests Attitude Data Surveys Journals Interviews Other Attendance Behavior (observation) Anecdotal Notes How will you collect this information? Would it be worthwhile collecting this information more than once to compare and contrast? How often will you collect this information? When will you collect this information? Are you collecting not enough or more information than you need?

Project End: Statistics Information Arts Board Contacts Template Instructions Planning Mid-Project: Reflections Project End: Reflections Project End: Financial Report Project End: Statistics Project End: Feedback 12. Final Project Statistics Questions Core1 Secondary2 How many artists were involved in the project? How many schools were included? How many teachers were involved? How many students participated? How many of those students self-identify as First Nations or Métis? How many of those students are newcomers to Canada? How many volunteers assisted? How many community organizations participated? How many businesses contributed in some way? Attach a sample of the data collection tool you used (surveys, test, checklists etc.) Achievement Data Report Card Classroom assessments Large-Scale assessment Course work Diagnostic Tests Attitude Data Surveys Journals Interviews Other Attendance Behavior (observation) Anecdotal Notes 1 Core is defined as relationships with deep impact (e.g., main class of 20 students). 2 Secondary is defined as relationships with auxiliary impact (e.g., 200 students who watched the performance at the end of the project). How will you collect this information? Would it be worthwhile collecting this information more than once to compare and contrast? How often will you collect this information? When will you collect this information? Are you collecting not enough or more information than you need?

Project End: Feedback 13. Feedback Information Arts Board Contacts Template Instructions Planning Mid-Project: Reflections Project End: Reflections Project End: Financial Report Project End: Statistics Project End: Feedback 13. Feedback Was this template useful for documentation and reporting? If not, how could it be improved? Implementation – What did you do and how did you go about doing it? E.g. field trips, class working with the artist, development of final project product If you were to participate in ArtsSmarts again, is there anything you would change the next time? What surprises (good/bad) did you encounter in your project? How did you handle the surprises?